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One section of Competency 001 states that, as a leader to ensure that parents and
other members of the community are an integral part of the campus culture. On our
campus, I saw the need for men to be visible in our building. I co-founded the
Lamkins Leading Men Volunteer program. This program gives dads and other male
figures the opportunity to collaborate with all stakeholders and share our campus
vision. This program started off small with 15 men who are willing to volunteer. Out
of those 15, we have 4 that have committed to coming every week. I know in order to
keep this program sustainable, it is necessary to come up with ideas to implement to
keep dads interested in volunteering. My hope is that this program will continue to
grow and we will have100% of all the males in our building, volunteering.

One part of competency 002 states, implementing effective strategies for systematically
communicating with and gathering input from all campus stakeholders. I was given the
opportunity to facilitate a staff development on time management for my campus. I was
required to read the book, The One Minute Manager. I then collaborated with my principal
and the other participants to come up with a plan to effectively present the information to the
staff. I also researched other techniques and compiled the data I received to create a handout.
As I reflect on this opportunity; as a future leader, I need to not only talk the talk, but walk it.
I did not just present the information, I took the information and applied it to my own life. I
now have the tools needed to prioritize my life making time management a significant part of
my life.

One part of competency 002 states to promote awareness of learning differences, multicultural
awareness, gender sensitivity, and ethnic appreciation. I saw the need for our K/1 students to
be exposed to different cultures within our building. Students in grades 2-5 are given this
opportunity through projects during the year. I collaborated with the fourth grade GT
students/teachers to implement this program. The museum provided students the chance to
see all the various cultures represented on our campus. I am excited to continue this program
next year; but, I need to work on the time factor. I had no complaints from the students,
however, teachers voiced their concern that there was not enough time for the students to visit
all the countries. Next year, I will make certain this is not an issue.

One portion of Competency 004 states to promote the use of creative thinking, and problem solving
by staff and other campus stakeholders involved in curriculum design and delivery. This is relevant to
my classroom, daily. I have SPED inclusion students in my classroom. I collaborate with speech,
diagnosticians, OT/PT, and other stakeholders regularly. This provides my students with the
necessary support for success. I do see a need for teachers to be properly trained on teaching SPED
students. As a future leader, I know the importance of meeting the needs of my staff and giving them
the necessary tools to be successful. I will seek out trainings for my staff members, on how to
effectively work with students with disabilities, and other trainings to meet the needs of our diverse

One section of Competency 005 states to use formative and summative data to develop support, and improve
campus instructional strategies and goals. On our campus we collaborate within our teams to compile data on
our students during data digs. This provides teachers the opportunity to analyze their data and collaborate with
team members to come up with a plan to support the students who are struggling. We are also required to reflect
on what we as educators do in the classroom and decide whether we need to implement other strategies for
student success. This year was the first time that my grade level participated in the data digs, as our campus
administrative staff decided that all grade levels needed to be involved to affect a change. Looking at data is
vital to drive instruction. As a future leader, I would implement this procedure on my campus. This method is
imperative for a campus to ensure student success. Reflection is essential to remain a campus that grows. I will
provide ample opportunities for my staff members to reflect and collaborate to ensure students are growing.

A part of Competency 006 states to engage in professional development activities to enhance ones own
knowledge and skills and to model lifelong learning. This year, I was chosen to be a mentor to the new
kindergarten teacher on our team. As a person who enjoys learning, this opportunity was much more than that.
Not only did I collaborated regularly, I had the ability to instill my values and beliefs to help mold a new teacher.
I realized throughout this process, I have grown a lot in teaching. I have learned to be more patient, vocal, and
even more of an advocate for my students. I know I presented her with the tools needed for success. I am proud
of the teacher she has become in the short time I have mentored her. My hope is that she will continue to grow in
the years to come. As a leader I need to be aware of professional development activities that will enhance my
staff. If I know that culture is a need that is lacking, I need to provide my staff with opportunities for trainings on
culture. It is vital that I never stop learning as a leader, I need to continuously engaged in activities for the
betterment of my staff, students, and community.

One section of Competency 007 states to use strategies for promoting collaborative decision making and
problem solving, facilitating team building, and developing a consensus. During our Lamkins Leading Men relaunch we had our dads participate in a team building exercise in order to develop awareness of the importance of
being a part of our program. The teams worked together collectively, building a structure out of Legos. The
purpose of this activity was to work collaboratively together building, one Lego at a time. After the allotted time,
the teams had to share what they built together. This gave the dads insight on how important it is for us to build
this program up a piece at a time, and how important it is to have their support. We reiterated that they were the
founders and the ones who can make or break this program. As I reflect, the opportunity to develop this program
from the ground up has shown me the importance of meeting the needs of a campus. As a leader, I will continue to
see what needs my campus is lacking and vow to make the change. In addition, I have learned that taking risks is

A section in Competency 008 states to apply procedures for effective budget planning
and management. As the co-founder of the Lamkins Leading Men program, I created a
budget for the execution of our re-launch night. I estimated the amount of pizza, drinks,
water, and door prizes, that would be needed for that night. I wrote up a request and had
to present it to the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) at their scheduled meeting.
Surprisingly, the PTO board was unanimous in voting to contribute the money to our
program. As a future leader, I will be responsible for considerable amounts of budgets.
It is vital that I know how to plan and manage a budget effectively.

One part of Competency 009 states to apply strategies for ensuring the safety of
students and personnel and for addressing emergencies and security concerns. For my
program the Lamkins Leading Men, I created lanyards and ordered shirts to identify
the volunteers while they are in the building. I informed the staff that the volunteers
would be wearing the required identifiers when they enter the building. As a future
leader, I know safety is the number one priority for my campus. I will collaborate with
my staff and keep them informed of any emergencies and security concerns that may

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