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Cropping and Chemical Composition of Black Currant (Ribes nigrum L,) Cultivars in Norway ANe and. Essen ADB. Wold and SF. Remberg Norwegian Agricul Norwegian University of Life Sciences Environmental Research ste NAGE As NOB) Rapp Norway Norway Keywords: chemical composition, L-ascotic ai, yield Abstract ‘There has been increasing focus on the health benefits of fruits and bere last years and several chemical components in both fresh and processed berries are believed to have significant effects in reducing chronic diseases. It is commonly ‘known that blackeurrant and other berry species contain the very high content of health related components. The frult yield and some chemical analyses of black. ‘currant fruit (soluble solids, titratable aids and L-atcorbic acid ~ vMamin C) a8 well ‘a antioxidant activity (FRAP) are presented in this paper. An experiment with 15 fe lack currant caltvars and advanced selection from diferent inerstinal breeding programs was carried out for six seasons (2005-2010) at Bioforsk in the South-East of Norway (60°40" N; 10°11" E). Yield and soluble solids of fruits were recorded at harvest all years. The last five seasons bervies of selected cultivars were analyzed for several chemical components. The berries were harvested. at full Iaturity, which wat ‘about the middle of August. Hoth yield and. chemical composition varied significantly both between cultivars and years. Compared to most other species, the average content of vitamin Cand antiosidant activity of black currant fruit showed very high values. inrkopucrion lc cus ate wl grown in European ave become mare poplar in st year ahs bs bet uae Wc on ti igh nto Eel sled chal Sonate iain € aad ert anonians nits ut bers porant fat in ecing several Gone Ges Spcn fiflenss been elas and species wer peated rp eae 19 lvoe eas 202) Te Hak conto ‘Rian scr cid Wk corans'b el kona eae vento Hive showed high evel of anndat ce emporio fs euler ed (be te 195) rat las of pte tempts ine sy Hen Aphis ben eons Reber a, 301) it elaien poe ike dea ehod of feriion sd ination ia aie eee Conponton oak uran fut siicanly an rie venation (Ne Cy 208 lts of yield and: vera ‘Ths pps resets es of yd and some cena nays fs of se black cura blivars conducted in Norwegian conditions during six yes (2005-2010). MATERIAL AND METHODS ‘A eal with to year old plants of 15 cultivars of black currant was established in a randomised block dedign with tre replicas and plots of two plan a the Biofork Division Kise (0°40" Ns 10°11 E) inthe South Eastern Norway in ety spring 2003 The plans were in single rows 4.0 m apart 00 m rows) snd at a planing distance of 1.3 m (1666 plans) between them. The Soil ofthe experimental Hed wns 8 moraine Sea wih 6% hums a nwa of ¢ The an aula a wee 2 and 230 mag respectively. Before planting the fed was applied with 300 kg per ht 15- STIZ NPR compler ferlizerImgntion was applied with Overhead sprinklers whenever Soil moisture deficit exceeded 10 mm. Grass was regulary cut inthe alleyways, combined re. Il Rab Ries Sp, n9 4: B Tani ‘Acta Hort 946, ISHS 2012 with a herbicide strip 1.0 m wide inthe rows. Fertilization was applied socording to leat’ ‘analyzes in early spring and at harvest time, The fruits of all cultivars were all years harvested at full stage of ripeness about the middle of August. Yield and soluble solids ‘Were recorded at harvest and berry samples were stored at-20°C and analysed later. All chemical analyses were caried out according to Remberg etal. (2010) The antioxidant activity of fruits were done by the FRAP (the Feric Reducing Ability of Plasma) method Analysis of variance was applied to tet diferences between the factors. Fisher's test of Comparison was applied to test significant differences at the level: ns = 7005, oN pe0.05, = ped.Ol and ** = pel. 001 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ‘The yield records ofthe cukivars and advanced selections presented in Table 1 show a similar significant variation between cultivars and years in sccordance with Heiberg etl (1998). The highest cropping caltvars showed le diferences in average yield in the period but the variation between years was highly significant forall cuivas bt the interaction of the two factors showed no significance. In average the Polish cultivar “Tiber yielded mos, closely followed by the Norwegian culvar‘Narve Viking tnd the Scowish cultivar "Ben Tron. “Tibe’ is a new caltvar in Norway while both ‘Narve Viking and ‘Ben Tron’ are esablished cultivars. The latter obtaned the highest, yield in single yea, but like showed earlier by Nes ei al 2008) "Ben Tron showed inge varity i yield between year. The reins for ese vanation ae ot easly Understood, but both some winer damage as well as unfavourable clinaie conditions during fowering may be most possible factors ‘The chemical composition of the fruits of selected cultivars tested in the experiment is presented in Table >. The analyses of fruits show consicerabe variation between the cultivars, Changes in fut quality and_chemiea! composition during ‘maturation have been demonstrated (Jeppsson and Johansson, 2000; Wang eta, 2009). Altiou tire was aay high focus on evading variation in mtirazon beeen the sy samples collected and analyzed during the season and in different years, this sill otld be reason fr some ofthe variation, “The content of soluble solids and vitamin C were the largest inthe Polish cultivar “Tse. This cultivar was, however, no among the most productive. The othe: Polish cultivar, “Tiben’, had the highest average yield and also high value of titaable acids but Tower in vitamin C. Fruits of most culvar had high antioxidant actviy (measured by FRAP). The highest values were found in "Ben Tron ll years and the evel was nearly She sae 25 found near ivenigaon i Norway (Htberg et aly 1992; Nese al, ). CONCLUSIONS ‘Yield showed significent variation both between cultivars and seasons during the six year period of cultivar evaluation. A similar variation was also fornd jn chemical composition of the blackeurant fruits, No cultivar was found to be the best in all Investigated factors Literature Cited Halvorsen, BLL, Holt, K., Mybrstad, M.C.W., Barikmo, 1. Hivattam, E- Romberg, SP, Wold,'A.-B., Hafner, K., Baugerod, H., Andersen, Li, Moskaug, 10, lacobs I DAR. and Biomboff, R 2002. A systemaic screening of total anioxdants in dietary plants, J. Nur 132-461-471. Heiberg, N., Mage, F- and Haffner, K, 1992, Chemical composition of ten black currant (Ribes nigrum L.) cultivars. Acia Agric, Scand, Sect. B, Soil and Plant Sei. 42:251- 258 Jeppsson, N. and Johansson, R. 2000. Changes in fruit quality in black chokebery ‘Cronia melanocarpa) during maturation. I. Hort Sci. & Biotech 75:390-345, Nes, A., Hageberg, B, Opsiad, N. and Mige, F- 2008. The eflect of ferilization on 120 antioxidant stivity and chemical composition of black currant (Ribes nigrum L. cultivar Ben Tron. Acta Hort. 777517520 Rembetg, SF, Mige, F., Haffner, K. and Blomboff, R. 2007. Highbush Blueberries ibosum 1 raspberies Rubus idaeus L. and black elsrants Ribes nigrum 1. influence of cutivar on antioxidant activity and other quality parameters. Vaccine” corymi ‘Reta Hort. 744:289-266. Remberg, SF, Sensteby, A, Anby, K, and Heid, OM, 2010. Influence of postlowering ‘temperature on fruit size and chemical co ‘daeus L.-J. Agric. Food Chem. $8:9120.91 «Chen, CT. and Wang, C.Y. 2009. The influence of lght and maturity on Wang, 8. ition of Glen Ample raspbery (Rubus nes ple raspberry uit quality and flavonoid contat of red raspberries. Food Chemisry 112:676-684, Tables Tab Calivars 2005 Tiber 681 Nane Viking 999 BeaTron 11.83, Nis 934 Ben Nave 857 PC~36 Tal Nie 681 21AI3 528 Pew 48 Keisin® - Polat 6.2 Ben Hope 398 sel 5.68 Intercontinental 2.21 Ben Gaim 228 P5005 ve "The plas were Dla ear ao and wee ot haves ie ye 399 320 322 2s 43. 5:10 274 503 319 1.86 42 325, a4 120 Yeas 20073008 T4é 942 786694 Bot 600 833 638 589 699 779 $08 738513 667 620 Tn 466 500 406 523 $69 617276 605317 928 205 3021.68 2008. cry 3.69 an 512 3.60 337 6a 291 33 501 5.65 467 237 132 ost 2010 467 432 314 264 3.90 254 216 264 42 3.80 206 238 328 1.00 137, ‘Yield (Uha) of 15 black currant cultivars and advanced selections evaluated, “Average S13 6.10 599 5.69 536 534 521 478 462 47 444 409 3.96 333 174 ray su sat doy woe, att eI usin ze out arn toa, oct wt wos, wg, stl tel Supe 2AN, ~ ore ‘SEAR cL at _pouoozauy : : : : oer zie Pu, £6 ea “a0 eM get Hz aon wo £01 oot e897 est zi ot ust t to 9x6 Sst zor 391 S00N Uo re ast 8867 oe orl £00 0. wo rt wal BEE ost eat oe Bara 2000N, : : = : EL oat eat, oa awe Sean as ‘cor sce sm 819) i sunuoaienyy 66 zz 8st viz ore 192 Pu. ce ost one set 106 zt dog uae, 06 39 68 £91 - - uns 69 vit ere 6st wee art amy mH Lor srt sere SL wu out won woe, rol sat oe est we vat Bury 2620N, Ie uc BLL 116, vu equ VAT RETO OS VETO TOT _XOV__ppeaigtesy _aygeeny, agsos XOV__pipeoygioasy 20 900 senng ‘0107-9007 UF eAms >eIa JO sEARMO WIE Jo GinNSe WePIKONUE pus PoE a!qODEE SPH AHERN SpHOFATaNIOS JO WANED cage, AL

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