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Sistema Universitario Ana G.

Universidad del Este
Escuela de Estudios Profesionales
Programa Ahora

Workshop 1

Jannies Casiano Daz

Educ 413
Prof. Cinthia Garca Avils

The study of second language acquisition under socio-cultural theory

In this article we can observe the different theories of how students learn a
second language. This based through socio cultural theories, as Vygotsky, Chomsky
and Skinner. Vygotsky designate that learning a second language by sociocultural
theory the individual must interact in different social events and environments.
Furthermore Skinner explains that language is a verbal behavior that is produced and
understood by you can automatically express. While Chomsky emphasizes that
humans are born genetically with the ability to perceive language around. This proving
to be internalized construction of language.
The sociocultural theory is going through various stages. The mediation which is
the main building that unites all the features of the theory and notes that the cognitive
activities are worked through symbolic and physical objects. The regulation is where
controls are established process activity. The internalization where the relationship of
the individual and the environment is reorganized. The zone of proximal development is
developed on two levels. The first level works the potential of the child and can achieve
the objective doing it alone. While the other level is assistance offering him a more
capable student.
Another important aspect is the verbal thought, it is divided into language and
speech. The language is a symbol system to express one thought and ideas. This
belongs to the society and psychological and social phenomenon. However the speech
sis the spoken production of language and the process though which sound are

produce. Knowing their difference helps we understand a different language than we

are new to them.
In conclusion the process of learning a new language has experienced several
changes through the years. It is important than we as teachers use effective tools to
develop the potential of each student. This through theories that gives us the best
alternative for the progress of the child. Although it has been even observe that by the
socio cultural theory gives us the opportunity to have different ways of learning that the
child can do alone or in groups. Providing the opportunity to work at different

Aimin, L. (2013). The study of second language acquisition under socio-cultural
theory. American journal of educational research. Recovered on

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