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Any discussion of the on-site sector, to those more familiar with traditional

restaurants, requires that one expand his or her preconceptions of what the food
ser-vice industry encompasses. Even the terminology used to describe this segment
tends to be different. For instance, there are several terms used to describe this
segmenton-site being one of the more current terms in use (although one still
hears the terms institutional and noncommercial , too). Also, the sector is so broad
and encompasses so many different types of operations that to attempt to group all
of these different businesses under one umbrella does the sector a bit of an
injustice. This will become clear as the different sub segments are discussed.
Another reason that discussions of this segment require looking beyond the
traditional restaurant model is because of the different types of companies that
operate within the segment. For instance, an important distinction within on-site
food service is between managed-services companies that manage a food service
facility for a thirdparty and organizations that operate their own food service
(hereafter, self-ops ).Finally, dividing the larger food service industry into
commercial and on-site segments is somewhat artificial and misleading, as some of
the same firms that profit from providing institutions with food service also operate
in other areas of the hospitality industry. ARAMARK, for instance, also operates
hotels in national parks and has a line of business that supplies uniforms. Sodexho
USA is a member of the Sodexho Alliance.
Sektor on site dikenal lebih familiar dengan restaurant tradisional . Sektor ini
sangat lias dan mencakup begitu banyak jenis operasi yang mencoba untuk
Hal penting yang membedakan antara
On Site food Service adalah pengerjaan dimana makanan disajikan di luar
area (masih dalam lingkup) tetapi makanan bukan merupakan business utama.
Contohnya seperti tempat yang banyak dilalui orang orang seperti di sekitar tempat
kerja , taman bermain , taman rekreasi , sekolah ,dll.
Contoh :
- Baskin Robbin di Trans Studio
- Dunkin Donuts di Rumah Sakit Harapan Kita

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