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Level 3 Foundation Diploma in Art & Design

For my Final Major Project, my theme will be secluded around the subject of
Feminism. I had been lurking around the internet for what my theme for my
Final Major Project could be based on, shortly realising that if this is my final
major project, I must make it be about myself, include something Im passionate
about and be willing to take on with no hesitation. The subject has been a going
argument for many years amongst the sexes so would hope to include some
theoretical topics to support of my work such as ideologists and theorists as well
as artists who have used the idea of womanpower in there art work.
Feminism - Is a collection of movements and ideologies that share a common
goal: to define, establish, and achieve equal political, economic, cultural,
personal, and social rights for women. This includes seeking to establish equal
opportunities for women in education and employment. A feminist advocates or
supports the rights and equality of women.
Feminist movements have campaigned and continue to campaign for women's
rights, including the right to vote, to hold public office, to work, to fair wages or
equal pay, to own property, to education, to enter contracts, to have equal rights
within marriage, and to have maternity leave. Feminists have also worked to
promote bodily autonomy and integrity, and to protect women and girls from
rape, sexual harassment, and domestic violence.
As mentioned previously, researching one subject area is very narrow-minded
and I may lack in my creativity. To avoid that, my starting point will be a mind
map of ideas coming from Feminism to express the other subjects that come
from it, this will also help me to translate the subject into a physical action such
as developing texture, samples and design ideas.
Project Objectives
Present evidence of the variations of the subject matter in different forms
i.e. Samples, drawings, Primary and Secondary Research with
development stages.
Use the devices of delving into other subject areas to increase the
research and experimentation throughout the project.
Look for relevant artists to guide you through your ideas and assist in you
final development.
Use the resource of the timeline to inspire and guide the work you will be
composing, as there are many avenues you can look forward to using in
different decades.
As this is independent study, I have a choice of what kind of specialty I would like
to base my work on. I chose Fashion Design, as this is what I will be studying at
Degree Level. It is a risky choice as I have never practiced Fashion design as a
qualification, however, I am hoping that my previous studies such as: Art,
Textiles, Media and Photography will help me accumulate different perspectives
of Fashion design to make to my Final Major project stronger. I have been able to
research what a fashion design sketchbook should look like and the kind of things
they include and believe I will be able to execute this to high standard and
hopefully exceed my expectations.

ARTS MIC - http://mic.com/articles/17942/guerrilla-girls-not-ready-to-make-nicereview-feminists-inspire-future-generation-of-artists
GUERRILLA GIRLS - http://www.guerrillagirls.com/
WOMENS HISTORY http://womenshistory.about.com/od/feminism/a/feminist_art.htm
FLAVORWIRE - http://flavorwire.com/273653/10-famous-feminist-artworks

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