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Name: Danielle Newman

PART A: Describe how students could create and publish an original movie, audio file, podcast, or vodcast in order
to achieve required learning standards. Challenge: For an A provide an idea where the learning activity reaches
a LoTi level 4a or above. To do this MULTI-MEDIA
you will have to design
a project where students
engage in higher-order thinking
and publish their work to an audience that will use or care about the results. Broad feedback for their work is also a
great way to boost interest and performance.
Grade Level: 2nd Grade
Content Area: Science
Technology Used (check all that apply): X Movie Audio Podcast X Vodcast Other: (list)
Content Area/Grade/Standards/Topics Addressed:
S2L1. Students will investigate the life cycles of different living organisms.
a. Determine the sequence of the life cycle of common animals in your area: a
mammal such as a cat or dog or classroom pet, a bird such as a chicken, an
amphibian such as a frog, and an insect such as a butterfly.
Brief Description of Learning Experience: What learning standards will be addressed?
What will students and teachers do? How will the project be introduced? How long will it take
to complete? What audience will use/care about the multimedia projects students are
creating? How broad is this audience? How will student work be assessed and by whom?
Who will provide feedback to students about their work?
Students will be introduced to the topic by watching the teacher-created video on the life cycle of a butterfly.
After a few days of becoming familiar with the different life cycles, the students will get into their groups and
choose an animal or insect that they would like to do their life cycle video on. They will be asked to create a
movie on MovieMaker (like the teacher example) that is one minute long, includes at least 10 pictures, and 5
slides on their animal or insect life cycle of choice. Each group will choose one animal or insect; aka no group
will have the same ones. This project may take a couple of days to complete with the editing that must be done.
After, the students will be helped in posting their life cycle videos to SchoolTube for the whole world to view!
The teacher will assess the students work before posting to the website and provide feedback with a rubric.
Students will also provide feedback on each others videos by grading them with a student rubric created by
the teacher. This will also help students in furthering their understanding of the life cycles.
Student Engagement/Higher-Order Thinking: What LoTi level would this lesson be and
Why? Which indicators of Engaged Learning are strong and why?
This would be a LoTi level 5 because students are posting their work on a public site where the information is
interesting and meaningful to them and others outside their classroom/school. The indicators of Engaged
Learning that are strong in this activity are that it is standards-based, challenging, authentic, and studentdirected. In this situation, the teacher acts as the facilitator, and guide while the students are the explorers,
teachers, and producers. This activity involves collaborative learning with others in groups, the assessments
are performance-based, and generative.
Importance of technology: Why is using a multimedia authoring tools critical to the
project? Could the project be completed without this technology? What would be lost
without using it? What other types of technology, if any, are going to be used in the learning
Using the multimedia authoring tool MovieMaker allows the students to engage in creating their own movie as
opposed to using PowerPoint. This activity could be completed without this technology, but it would not be as
enlightening for the students because they are getting to learn a new type of software they can use in the
future. Other types of technology that are going to be used are the projector/SMART Board to introduce the
topic, and the Internet to post the videos on SchoolTube.
Inspiration (optional): If you used existing multimedia projects as a model for your project
(whether in part or whole), include the URL(s) so we can visit. Explain what concepts you
borrowed from others.
Internet Safety and Student Privacy: Briefly discuss some possible issues surrounding
internet safety and student privacy that could arise while implementing this learning
experience and explain how youd minimize risks to students/yourself, alleviate any fears by
parents/administrators, and follow school districts Internet Safety/Use Policy.

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