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Michael Smigielski

Elementary/Middle School Physical Education

Classroom Management Plan

Learning Environment
Within a safe learning environment students will participate more, show enthusiasm, and not be
afraid to relax and have fun. The education theory that I will closely align myself with is the
behavior modification created by B.F. Skinner. I like this theory because it mentions how
punishment can have a more negative effect on a student. Instead, you can mold a students
behavior based on positive reinforcement. You will be more successful in manipulating a
students behavior through rewarding positive behavior immediately after the act.

Respect equipment, peers, and the teacher

Always show sportsmanship
Listen when the teacher is talking
Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself
Have fun!

Behavior Rules
Posting your rules somewhere for the students to see will serve as a reminder for them of how
they should be acting and what is expected of them. Rules I would have in my classroom would
revolve around respecting others, having a positive attitude, and showing sportsmanship. I think
it is important to have few rules as well as involving the students in the rule making process.
Misbehavior Process:

1 - Nonverbal warning (eye contact, walk over next to them)

2 - Verbal warning (remind student of consequences, explain what proper
behavior is)
3 Remove student from situation and have them stand next to you for a
couple minutes allowing them to think about their behavior and how to
4 Take away privileges (recess time, free-time)
5 Phone call home

Consequences should be made clear to the students and should always be followed through.
Having incentives for positive behavior can help in eliminating bad behavior without having to
take anything away from the student. I like the idea of allowing the students to have a free day to
play a certain game that they enjoy if they earn the time through good behavior.

Michael Smigielski
Elementary/Middle School Physical Education

Group Activity Expectation

Putting Students into groups should be a quick and easy part of class. This should never take
more than 30 seconds to do.
Grouping Ideas:

Finding someone with the same color shirt or shoes

Finding someone the same height as you
Find someone with a similar ability level as you
Have set partners before you get into class

Team Grouping Ideas:

Have students partner up, send one partner to one team and the other
partner on the other team
Have set teams before you get into class
Have students draw numbers out of a bag, then find the partner with the
same number

Group Activity Expectations:

Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself

Everyone participates
Treat everyone with respect and fairness
Follow the rules of the activity and share responsibilities

Non-Instructional Methods
Taking Attendance:

Will be done at the beginning of class

Teacher will take attendance once all students line up in their assigned
spot in alphabetical order

Entering the Classroom:

Students will use the Germ-X on the wall as soon as they walk into the
They will then line up in their assigned spots and wait for further
instruction with limited talking amongst themselves
Touching equipment before instructed to do so will not be tolerated

Michael Smigielski
Elementary/Middle School Physical Education

Exiting the Classroom:

Students will help with cleaning up the equipment

They will then line up in their assigned sport and wait for instruction
They will be escorted to the water fountain when they are all quiet and
They will then be led to their next classroom

Starting/Stopping Cues:

Using music to start/stop activities (start music when they can begin,
stopping music when they are supposed to stop)
Counting down from 5 to either start and stop an activity
Having a whistle to signal to start or stop

Bathroom Breaks/Drinks:

Students will have enough time after class to take a bathroom break or get
a drink
Students may ask me during class if it is an emergency, as long as they
arent abusing the privilege they will be allowed
Students should be actively engaged in the activity and should not leave in
the middle of class if it isnt needed

Equipment Use:

All equipment should be respected

Should not be touched or moved unless teacher says so
Once activity is over, they will all walk the equipment over with care to the
designated spot
Accidents happen and sometimes equipment breaks, if this happens the
student should stop what they are doing and tell the teacher what
If student purposely breaks equipment they will get a phone call home and
sent to the office

Safety/Accident Rules and Procedures

Severe Weather Precaution/Plan:

Students will line up in their assigned spots and be led to a location

previously discussed
Teacher should be the last one out of the gym to ensure that everyone is
out of the gym
Posters should be placed around the gym to explain where they should go
if an emergency happens

Michael Smigielski
Elementary/Middle School Physical Education

Practicing this procedure should be done frequently so when an

emergency happens everyone knows what to do

Injury to Student:

Injured student should be attended to immediately

Class should stop their activity and exit the gym if the injury is severe
Each class will have an assigned leader to lead the class outside and
notify the office of the situation

Intruder in the Building:

Students should all remain in the gym and gather close to the teacher
Students should all be silent and waiting for further instruction

Communication with Parents

Sending home a monthly newsletter letting the parents know what is going on in class is
important in keeping them involved and informed. The newsletter can be sent through email as
well as sent home with students. The newsletter should include what we are doing in class and
skills we are working on along with ways they can stay active outside of the classroom.
Personally mentioning their child in an email on something positive they did in the classroom is
important and keeping them updating on how their child is doing in school.

Modifications for a Student with a Hearing Impairment

Flashing fire alarm

Use of visual supplements (Whiteboard, Visual Schedules, etc.)
Captioning for announcements, television, videos, or movies
Simple, Step-by-step directions
Have an interpreter in the class at all times

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