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WRA 110 Cultural Analysis Proposal

Mai Dao
Michigan State University

The social issue addressed in this paper will be adolescents and depression from
self-esteem issues stemming from the way people accept each other. Many teens today
find it difficult to fit in and feel accepted. Instead many find themselves judged or
discriminated against. Many factors such as ethnicity, intelligence, gender, sexual
orientation, and many other things that one cannot control can cause feeling
disenfranchised. Feeling displaced among their peers can lead to self-esteem issues and
even depression. Self-esteem is how one views themselves and treats themselves,
whether it be mentally or physically, and when that is low, people can begin feeling like
that is how they should be treated: lowly. Which can lead to depression.
The artifact that is going to be analyzed in this paper is the new song Secrets by
Mary Lambert. The lyrics in this song are very powerful and eye opening. The artist
confesses her insecurities in the song and claims, I dont care if the world knows what
my secrets are. Her secrets include her mental issues such as bi-polar disorder or being
passive aggressive, or her dysfunctional family, or her problem with being overweight.
The message conveyed is that everybody has issues that they try to hide. They tell us
from the time were young, to hide the things that we dont like about ourselves inside
ourselves. That is unhealthy and can leaded to self-esteem issues and depression, like
she has experienced Sometimes I cry a whole day What she is trying to get out to her
audience (anyone who listens to hit pop music, a majority of the young population) is that
it is okay to have flaws because everyone does. When everybody stops trying to hide
their true selves everyone will be understanding and accepting.
Teen depression is a real issue that Mary Lambert was brave enough to address
through her music. Depression is an illness that extends beyond the point of sadness. It

interferes with the persons ability to function in some way whether physically or
emotionally. The facts are depression affects about 20% of adolescents by the time they
reach adulthood. It begins with low self-esteem which is a thinking disorder where
someone views themselves as inadequate or unworthy. If the issue is not nipped at the
bud, it can lead to many more problems such as depression- and depression can lead to
suicide and not contributing members of society.
The proposed solution to this contemporary issue of such high magnitude could
be approached in many different ways. Adults must make a change as well. People must
stop judging each other and making each other feel accepted. Some examples of solutions
would be implementations of classes or seminars that teach people the value of treating
each other with kindness. Parents judging others show their children how to behave in the
same way. There needs to be more activism about this prevalent and serious issue.
The anticipated results of spreading awareness and discouraging the behavior that
can contribute to youths depression rates will make a difference in many lives. Even if it
was just one life, that is one more happier teen that will not fall into depression or even
have suicidal thoughts.
In conclusion, the song Secrets by Mary Lambert brings to light a grave issue
facing society today. She dares proclaim her self-esteem issues and make them public so
that the world can see that they are not the only ones with these types of issues. Everyone
is unique and one should not judge another for that.

Work Cited
Teen Depression: Get the Facts on Symptoms and Warning Signs." MedicineNet. N.p.,
n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2015.
"11 Facts About Teens And Self-Esteem." Crisis Text Line. N.p., n.d. Web. 23
Feb. 2015.

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