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Alex Julian

Colton Schaffter
Formed about 80 million years ago about 600 miles inland of the nearest tectonic
boundary the Rocky Mountains are one of this planet's greatest treasures. Scientists are
still unsure how the rockies formed, but have definitely found that the northern and
southern parts of the mountain chain formed independently. Being a mountain range,
there is no set terrain or climate. Going from the lowest elevation to the highest the
terrains are desert, deciduous forest, grassland, steppe, taiga, and alpine respectively.
With an average rainfall of 13 inches over the range, the daily temperatures are about
70 degrees fahrenheit in summer and 20 degrees fahrenheit during the winter. At night
that temperature drops to 40 degrees fahrenheit during summer and -20 in winter. The
many different habitats allows 60 species of mammals, 280 species of birds, 900
species of plants, and uncountable numbers of fish and insects to call these rocky
peaks home.
The Rocky Mountains do not have a single monolithic ecosystem for the entire
mountain range. The land is separated by the number of trees within the given area and
that determines the type of ecosystem that is going on at that specific area. The land
that is above all the trees would be the tundra ecosystem. Another type of ecosystem
that goes on here would be the treeline vegetation that is where the elevation above
which trees can grow. It is controlled by a complex of environmental conditions, primary
the soil temperatures and length of the growing season become shorter when the
elevations become higher. In addition, there is also the pine oak woodland. In the
southern rocky mountains, the slopes are lower and covered with all different kinds of
pine communities that are also accompanied by different oak species. In the absence of
fire, the oak stands will be invaded by all sort of pines trees. Another type of ecosystem
that is in the Rocky Mountains would be the Cascadian Forest, it consists of several tree
species commonly associated with the Cascade Mountains that grown on the western
slopes of the northern rocky mountains. This type of forest is subjected to infrequent,
high-intensity fires. The Rocky Mountains is also home to several endangered species
that seek shelter within the mountains and the national park. A couple of endangered
species that the Rocky Mountains protects would be the Boral Toad, Yellow Billed
Cuckoo, Greenback Cut Throat Trout, and the Canada Lynx.
The rockies are a one of a kind place. They hold over 3 thousand different
species, some of which are in their four hundred and seventy five miles of creeks,
streams, and other waterways. This chain of mountains holds more habitats and
different ecosystems than the entire state of Illinois.
The History of the Rocky Mountains goes way back to last great ice age, when
Indigenous people like Blackfoot, Apache, Sioux, and Cheyenne groups first discovered
and make the mountain there homes and hunting grounds. All of these native groups
stayed alive by hunting the ancient mammoths and bison to feed their tribes. These

tribes would migrate to the plains in the fall and the winter for the bison and then would
move to the mountains in the spring and summer for fish, deer, and berries. The Rocky
Mountains provided these tribes with essential hunting grounds that they needed to
survive and thats why it is important for us to preserve it. Sir Alexander Mackenzie was
the first european to cross the Rocky mountains in 1793 and 10 years later the Lewis
and Clark Expedition was the actual first reconnaissance of the mountains. This was
important because this journey also paved the path to find out what species were living
there. It wasnt until 1802 when fur traders began to set up shop in the rockies and also
settled down there.
This area is under the protection of the Unites States of America, but most
specifically, the Rocky Mountains are under the direct protection of the National Parks
systems. The National Parks system employes over one hundred individuals to educate
children and adults alike about the mountain range, as well as to protect it. It is thanks
to those men and women that the poachers, and natural vandalists have been shooed
away from the area.
The Rocky Mountains seem peaceful and safe, but the truth is a little more
disturbing. Man made forest fires burn the trees down, and force the wildlife to vacate
the area. Global warming is causing the higher altitudes of the mountains to lose their
cool, and the snow is melting at an alarming rate. There are easy ways to eliminate
these threats. First of all we should listen to Smokey the Bear, and do nothing that
would cause a forest fire, because while fires are a natural and healthy aspect of a
forests life, they must be taken in moderation. Also people can carpool, and use less
electricity when at home or abroad.

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