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Andrew Cardozo

Mr. Moberly
Annotation Bibliography

Quote 1) adult and embryonic stem cells and umbilical-cord blood. New Jersey is the latest state
to make a bid to become a major force in this area. Gov. Deval L. Patrick of Massachusetts has
called for his state to commit $1-billion over the next decade to life-sciences research.

Prcis: In his article, Voters Decide on Stem Cells, Kevin Fisher informs the public of New
Jerseys 1 billion dollar investment into stem cell research. Mr. Fisher develops this theory by
listing facts about the 1 billion dollar investment and where the money will go. Mr. Fishers
purpose is to inform the general population mainly in the New Jersey area about the investment
in order to persuade other states to follow in the footsteps. Mr. Fisher uses an informative tone
with the general population reading this article.

Analysis: This quote explains that New Jersey is one of the few states that is committed to the
life science research. In this article New Jersey, has set aside a 1 billion dollar fund for the
advancement of stem cell research. The main problem is that there are not enough states that are
following in the footsteps of this revolutionary new discovery. Most of the mid-west and the
south are not on board for stem cell research. This bad reputation/ lack of results is causing a lot
of states to question whether they should fund stem cells. I did not realize that the majority of the
states in the Midwest through the south did not believe in funding for the advancement of stem
cells. This actually supports the rest of my argument, that not enough states are moving forward
with the stem cell research. This only strengthens the argument that I am making, and does not
contradict any of the other points I am making. This sources was presented in the EBSCO
database, and the database uses a formula that will exclude all the junk and non-trustworthy
cites. This site is also very trustworthy because it is an article clipping from a magazine that is

Quote 2)
And isolating the adult stem cells from tissues of a patient or a healthy donor does not require
harming or destroying the donor, giving adult stemcells a decided ethical advantage over
embryonic stem cells. Adult stem cells also have a proven track record for success at saving lives
and improving health on a daily basis.

In his article, Adult Stem Cells Are More Beneficial than Embryonic Stem Cells, Author David
Prentice explains the possible solution of using adult stem cells instead of the embryonic stem
cells. Mr. Prentice supports this argument by providing a feasible option to the problem. Mr.
Prentices purpose is to persuade the audience in order to receive more attention to advancement
of stem cells. Mr. Prentice uses a persuasive tone with the readers of this article.

This is a great quote because it is a counter argument to the ethics behind using stem cells. This
is stating that we should use the adult cells because it is more ethical, and that we will not be
killing new embryos. This article will make the paper flow together because in the counter
argument section this quote will go with another quote for the reasons why we this unethical.
This is a trusted article because it comes from the database that filters out all the articles that are
not relevant.

Quote 3)
Would compel American taxpayers, for the first time in our history, to support the deliberate
destruction of human embryos. Cardinal Justin Rigali of Philadelphia, chairman of the U.S.
bishops Committee on Pro-Life Activities, praised the veto. This bill would not actually
enhance stem-cell research, but divert federal funds from legitimate research toward avenues
requiring the destruction of innocent human life, he said. The cause of science is not enhanced
but diminished when it loses its moral compass.

In his/her article, The Cardinal Praises Bush for Stem Cell Veto, the author summarizes the
Cardinals approval for the veto. The author developed this summary by informing the public of
who is supporting the Presidents veto and why he agrees on the veto. The authors purpose is to
inform the audience in order to reach out to the public about why the Cardinal supported this
decision. The author uses an informational tone with the readers of the article.

This quote is a very strong counter argument for my paper, because this is the main reason why
there is a poor representation of stem cells. In the Catholic Church it is believed that stem cells
are actually killing humans, and since stem cells are born and destroyed from the human
embryos. Looking at the statistics of south it is shown that they are a conservative, and the
primary religion is Catholicism. So these states are completely against the ideals of stem cells,
and believe this is the devils work. The last sentence in the quote is very important because the
cardinal adds a strong point in that we should not forget about morals when researching about
stem cells. This has taught me a lot about why an opposition exists, and why they feel so strongly
about funding stem cells. This quote is the complete opposite of what I am trying to prove
because it is essentially giving a reason why it should not be funded. I find this article to be
completely trust worthy because it is coming from a filtered academic database.

Quote 4)
The proposed "California Stem Cell Research and Cures Act" would create the California
Institute for Regenerative Medicine to administer grants and loans for stem cell research,
including nuclear transfer or research cloning. Reproductive cloning would be banned. The
money would be raised from the sale of state-backed bonds. About one-third would be spent on
separate facilities to keep federally funded research at arms' length.

In his article, Stem Cell Research Could Be a Ballot Issue, author Holden Constance explains
that there is a solution to the lack of stem cell funding. Mr. Constance develops this idea by
researching feasible ways to fund stem cells. Mr. Constances purpose is to persuade more people
into believing this feasible solution, in order to advance in the sciences. Mr. Constance uses an
informative tone with the readers of this article, who support this new funding.


This could in fact be a solution to the stem cell funding problem. The article does give a feasible
solution to this problem in that the money raised would not be used towards the destruction of
the embryonic cells. If they were destroyed it would violate the next quote regarding the DickeyWicker Amendment. There were amendments that were created in order to prevent the
destruction of the human embryonic cells. This is perfect because it will add a nice touch to my
paper and is a good lead into what the Dickey Wicker Amendment is. It relates really well to my
other points because it will be a lead in into the law that is restricting the funding. I find this
source to be trustworthy because it is coming from the academic database.

Quote 5)
But the Dickey-Wicker Amendment, which has been passed into law consistently since 1996 as
part of the annual budget legislation, forbids federal funding for (1) the creation of a human
embryo or embryos for research purposes; or (2) research in which a human embryo or embryos
are destroyed, discarded, or knowingly subjected to risk of injury or death.
Prcis: In his article, Federal Funds Should Not Be Used for Research that Destroys Embryos,
Adam Kieper explains the law that was created to protect government funding, so that companies
will not use it for the destruction of embryos. Mr. Kieper developed his ideas by researching the
legislature that was passed in order to prevent federal funding for such an unethical procedure.
Mr. Kiepers purpose is to persuade the audience into reviewing the new type of funding in order
to raise more money without the use of federal money. Mr. Kieper uses an informative tone with
his peers and readers.
This is the law that increased the restriction on what could be funded for stem cells. It was
created in 1996 due to the ethics of the use of and the destruction of human embryos. This quote
does match up and work with the other quotes especially the previous quote and will lead into a
solution to that problem. It has increased my knowledge of the topic, because it has informed me
of the legal reason why it cannot receive funding. This source is credible because it comes from
an academic database.

Quote 6)
Almost immediately, the Left attacked that policy, claiming that it was deceitful (not so), that it
caused American researchers to fall behind the rest of the world (demonstrably false), and that it

was part of a larger Republican "war on science" (ludicrous). To be sure, pro-life critics could
truthfully criticize the Bush administration for not going far enough to protect human embryos.
And scientists could correctly criticize the Bush policy for slowing somewhat the pace of their
researchmoral restraints will have that effect. But imperfect though it was, the Bush policy
was a reasonable compromise that promoted research without turning the destruction of human
embryos into a national project.
Prcis: In his article, Federal Funds Should Not Be Used for Research that Destroys Embryos,
author Adam Kieper explains the publics criticism towards this law. Mr. Kieper develops his
argument by interviewing the public about their opinion on the matter. Mr. Kiepers purpose is to
explain the legislature that was created and reaction from multiple people in order to show that
this law was not the perfect plan. Mr. Kieper uses a descriptive, informational, and persuasive
tone with his audience who consists of stem cell enthusiasts.
This law that Bush proposed would leave America far behind the rest of the other countries
because we did ban a key fundamental for stem cell research. This would be another perfect
counter argument for my paper, because it address the three different groups that are against this
law. I could do more research into why these groups have an argument regarding this law and
how to overturn or find a loop hole in this law. I learned a lot when reading through this article
because it allowed me to see a couple more viewpoints that agree with my viewpoint. This is a
credible source because it has come from an academic database that filters out all the noncredible sources.
Quote 7)
For opponents, federal funding of stem cell research condones the destruction of viable embryos
that could develop into healthy, productive human beings. To be pro-life means to protect life at
all stages, including embryos, they declare. Therefore, opponents urge the funding and
development of other forms of stem cell researchparticularly that on adult stem cells. They
believe that government funding of adult stem cell research avoids the ethical and moral
controversies surrounding the development of embryonic stem cell research while still providing
solid progress in scientific and medical research.

Analysis: This quote talks about the reasoning why stem cell research is so conservative, and
provides a solution to using an embryonic cell. The solution to this ethical and moral battle is to

use an adult stem cell so it is not like we are killing a young underdeveloped child. This is a great
quote because it helps enlighten me with different solutions, of solving this problem and increase
the funding. I could use this in my solution region of my paper. This source is very credible
because it comes from an academic journal and it also comes from the library database.
Quote 8) Yet we must also remember that embryonic stem cells come from human embryos that
are destroyed for their cells. Each of these human embryos is a unique human life with inherent
dignity and matchless value. We see that value in the children who are with us today. Each of
these children began his or her life as a frozen embryo that was created for in vitro fertilization,
but remained unused after the fertility treatments were complete. Each of these children was
adopted while still an embryo, and has been blessed with the chance to grow up in a loving
family. These boys and girls are not spare parts. They remind us of what is lost when embryos
are destroyed in the name of research. They remind us that we all begin our lives as a small
collection of cells. And they remind us that in our zeal for new treatments and cures, America
must never abandon our fundamental morals.
Precis: In her article, Introduction to Embryonic and Adult Stem Cells: At Issue, author Margaret
Haeren explains the destruction of stem cells and the possibility of another human being. Ms.
Haeren supports this opinion by explaining what could happen if we did not destroy the
embryonic cells. Ms. Haerens purpose is to persuade the public in order to gain supporters
against the advancement of stem cells. Ms. Haren uses a persuasive and informational tone to
address her audience which include students and people against stem cells.
Analysis: This is a great quote for a counter argument because this article is completely against
stem cells due to the ethical reasoning behind it. This and a quote from above would be a great
paragraph centering on the ideas about why stem cells have a poor reputation and lack of
funding. This quote does compliment the above quote because they are both counter arguments
and they flow together very nicely. This is a credible article because it came from the UC Merced
database, which sorts out all the non-credible articles.
The quotes that didnt make the cut

Quote 9)
The judge also said that Mr. Obama's policy violated a provision that has existed in federal law
since 1996, known as the Dickey-Wicker Amendment. It prohibits the use of federal money for
the creation or destruction of human embryos for research purposes. Embryos are destroyed
when embryonic stem cells are obtained from them.

This doesnt really work because I have already stated how that bill was created, and this is more
of a legal quote rather than something useful. This is basically an updated version of the previous
quote and I dont want it to be redundant. It is a great quote but I dont think I can use this in my
paper. This could be used in the abstract, and might work but the above quotes have more
information and are a lot stronger.
Quote 10)

Umbilical cord blood is collected from a placenta with the birth mother's consent. Cord blood
cells are then isolated, processed, and frozen and stored in a cord blood bank for future use. Cord
blood is regulated by FDA and cord blood banks must follow regulatory requirements.
This quote was not actually useful in my paper, because it doesnt have that much information
that can be used to either support the cause or prove a counter argument. This quote is basically
stating how the FDA regulates the use of embryonic stem cells. I could technically use this in the
background/ abstract section of the paper. This does not flow with the overall theme and
argument of the paper. The above quotes do provide a lot more foundation to the paper.
Quote 11)
Embryonic stem cells have the ability to grow into specialized adult tissues, and this may give
them the potential to replace damaged or defective cells or body parts and treat a variety of

This quote will unfortunately not work for my paper because when writing this paper, I have to
assume that audience has background information on the matter and does not need to be
informed about the benefits of stem cells. So unfortunately I will not be able to use this quote.

Quote 12) Because in vitro fertilization (IVF) often involves the creation of multiple embryos,
some of which are discarded, such a ban probably would prohibit standard IVF techniques that
have resulted in the births of 5 million babies worldwide since 1979. Those babies include at
least three of Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney's grandchildren

This quote unfortunately did not work out for my paper because this is just a random statistic that
I thought was interesting. This statistic also goes against my entire paper, because it basically is
saying that stem cells are bad. The main point behind this quote is that stem cells that could have
been actual human beings in this world, and instead of actual humans they have been destroyed
by science.

Quote 13)
Not one person has been cured with embryonic stem cells. Not one. There is still a long way to
go before Yamanaka's cells can be used to treat patients. But the solution, when [it] comes, will
not require the destruction of embryos.

This would have been a great counter argument if it was not for the fact that I found some
articles that prove this incorrect meaning that this was not strong enough for my paper.

Quote 14)
Scientists assuming the role of prognosticators is but one example. This research domain and
the controversy surrounding it came into existence at the same moment. It would be remarkable
and concerning if the field had not been affected by democratic disagreement over whether
the research deserves public support.

I thought this would be a great quote but unfortunately it was too political, and it goes into the
biased side of the paper, which I am trying to avoid.

Quote 15)
Under the California law, SB 253, which will go into effect January 1, scientists in California
could use human embryonic stem cells, human embryonic germ cells, and human
adult stem cells from "any source." The legislation, however, requires the consent of parents of
involved embryos. It also specifically prohibits the purchase or sale of fetal tissue--whether or
not it came from a live fetus.
This is on the border line of one of the quote that I could possible use because it does have a
significant impact to the paper. This does provide concrete evidence towards the use of stem cells
because under this legislation is it shows that with consent we can test the embryonic cells. I
could not use this because I could not fit it into the 8 full quotes.


This annotated bibliography has helped me find different sources to strengthen my argument.
These sources helped streamline the general idea that I had in the beginning of class, and
transformed it into a thesis. The overall direction of the paper is why the legislation is not doing
anything to help fund the stem cells. I would also like to encompass the ideas that the involve
poor reputation stem cells have on the public, and why so many people find this advancement in
medicine to be morally wrong. Some concerns are that points that I have defined above cannot
stand strong against the points made in the other articles. Another concern that I have is that I am
trying to fight two battles, but the problem is that they overlap a lot. The two problems are
funding of stem cells and the poor reputation of stem cells. I think the approach that I am going
to try is why the poor reputation to stem cells is causing the lack of funding from the
government. Another concern that I have was that some of the source have points that counter
mine, making me question if the source is actually credible enough to use. Another problem I
think that I will run into is the biased towards the topic, I think I will biased the paper so that
everything will be for the stem cell funding. I have to remember that this is a persuasive article
not a research report that is biased towards the solution.

I think the first step in organizing the paper is to define the problem and make sure the
sources still accurately apply themselves to the thesis. I will follow the analogy we did in class
about the detective and the coroner, trying to put together the paper so that it will flow as one
cohesive argument is what I am aiming for. My overall problem with my work is that I tend to
get off track in the writing and I think that I am going to run into the same problem. I will start
off my paper with the background of the stem cells, and the difference between the embryonic
method and the adult method. Then move into the recent legislature that has been passed to
allocate funding towards stem cell research. Next I will format my counter argument so that it
can stand up against groups of individuals against stem cells. This counterargument will include
the legislature that was passed, and more information on why stem cells are not ethically
harmful. In my solution paragraph I will talk about some of the legislature that was passed in
various states to support and fund stem cell research. In this solution paragraph I will also
include the use of adult stem cells instead of embryonic cells for moral reasons. My goal is to
convince the reader to invest money into the advancement of medicine.

I think I will include some of the quotes that I found but could not use, they are very strong
but I just didnt have enough space to put them into the paper. Hopefully I can get some
assistance on how to steamline this topic so that I am not trying to fight two battles with one
argument. Mentioning that multiple states have already started allocating money will only
strengthen my argument because it will show that the states are like dominoes and after one
falls so shall the rest. I think this is a good starting point for my paper and I am looking forward
to feed back.z

Works Cited

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