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Technique: Narration


Remember to hook the reader with your

opening. Dont give away everything, your aim is
to intrigue the reader
Your story must have a beginning, middle and
end. Remember that some stories do start at the
You have a limited time, so make sure the
action/climax of your story happens fairly soon.
How annoying is it when a story ends with
questions unanswered? Remember that the
reader wants a sense of closure. You can leave
the story on a cliff hanger but remember that
loose ends need to be tied up!


Make the reader envisage your setting. Use

your senses! This will help to create the mood
you want for your story.

Characterisation Remember - limited time. You will only have

enough time to develop one or two characters.
The character will be revealed to the reader
through the information you provide in your
story, their thoughts and feelings, how they act
and what they do.
The reader must be intrigued by and relate to
the character on some level.

Technique: Description
Your aim is to create a clear picture for the reader. This can be done
by including the following elements:

5 senses

Include sights,
sounds, smells,
tastes and touch so
that the reader can
imagine clearly what
it is you are


Verbs can be used to Sarah pranced into the

create a certain
room, gazing at the man
with eager anticipation.

I could feel the warmth of

his body as he held me in
his arms. The same old
smell of dust and cough
drops almost brought a tear
to my eye. The churchbells
chimed loudlyserving as a
reminder that things would
never be the same. As I
walked towards the church I
could taste last night dinner
make a move from the depts
of my stomach up toy mouth.
The smell of incense sent
shivers down my spine.
Every part of me wanted to
run, or crawl into a ball, but
then I felt his wrinkly old
hand grab mine and I knew
my granda needed me now,
more than ever.

This is much more effective

than Sarah walked into the
room looking at the man

Used to describe

Sarah pranced gracefully

into the room.
In this sentence, pranced in
the verb being described
and gracefully is the adverb

Technique: Description
Your aim is to create a clear picture for the reader. This can be done
by including the following elements:


Comparison using
like or as


Comparison without Her hair was pure gold

like or as. you say
that something IS
something else


These words
describe nouns (a
person, place or

The frail woman fell.

Giving human
characteristics to
something that isn't

The brown grass screamed

for water



Love felt like a battlefield

The word woman is the noun

being described.

(Obviously grass cant


A symbol is
Candles can symbolise hope
something that has a
different meaning
other than the

Technique: Aesthetic Language

This is the artistic use of words.
You will be aware of this type of language from your study of
poetry, but it is used by many writers.

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