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Name: _____________________________


Hydrogen Peroxide Investigation

1) What do you think is causing the reaction: the hydrogen peroxide
or the liver? Why?
2) Based on the demonstration, I want you to design an experiment
to test which is causing the reaction.
a. What is the problem?
b. What is your hypothesis?
c. What materials would you need to test your hypothesis?

Name: _____________________________


d. What could be a control? What is our experimental group?
e. Write out your procedure. Draw pictures if necessary (We will
discuss as a class).

Name: _____________________________


3) What kind of results do we want to record? (We will discuss as a

4) Once we have completed the first three steps we will carry out
our experiments. Once you are done record your results on the
class excel table. Write a conclusion based on your results (Keep
in mind your problem & hypothesis for this!)

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