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Gaining insights from research for classroom planning

[Ellen Zambon]

The following paper addresses key research-based literature that informs the planning, teaching and
learning of the understandings, concepts and ideas of algebra, as well as the skills, ways of thinking
and working that are appropriate to this concept. This paper will also explore suggested pedagogical
approaches to the teaching of algebra, as well as possible misconceptions and difficulties faced by
students. In review of this research, this paper will critique the appropriateness of the AusVELS
Curriculum content for teaching algebra in the primary classroom, and demonstrate an appropriate
unit of work for the teaching of algebraic concepts.

Literature review
Key understandings/concepts/ideas that students are required to learn about algebra
Algebra can be considered to be a generalisation of number patterns (Lowe, 2013, p. 10),
however Panasuk (2010) highlights that there are many researchers who have varying ideas about
the concept of algebra. These consider the importance of developing understanding of the concepts
of variables to abstractly represent quantities, operations upon an unknown quantity,
generalisations, multiple modes of representation and the process of abstraction, addressing
conjectures, as well as the construction, representation and generalisation of different types of
patterns in defining the term. Indeed, Panasuk (2011) enhances this idea by identifying that
understanding the concept of unknown quantities and operating on these in the primary classroom is
pivotal. Conversely, there is an identified need for students to have a foundational understanding of
the features and patterns of our number system to gain an understanding of the concepts and ideas
of algebra (Reys, Lindquist, Lambdin, Smith, Rogers, Falle, Frid & Bennett, 2012).
In the learning of algebra, conceptual understanding can be considered as the ability to recognise
functional relationships between known, and unknown, independent and dependent variables, and to
distinguish between and interpret different representations of the algebraic concepts (Panasuk,
2010, p. 237). In contrast, Warren, Mollinson and Oestrich (2009) identify that the ability to
differentiate between equivalence and non-equivalence, understanding equals as equivalence and
the concept of balance are key understandings needed by students to effectively learn algebra in the

Ellen Zambon


Key strategies, skills, ways of thinking and working mathematically that are appropriate to
When working algebraically, it is crucial for learners to develop the ability to engage in algebraic
thinking and reasoning, as this is fundamental to developing conceptual understanding of algebraic
content (Brown, 2008). Brown (2008) describes algebraic thinking as developing an understanding
of the concepts of reversibility, generalisation and flexibility for supporting the practice of making
inferences and deductions, and the exploration of conjectures. In contrast, Taylor-Cox (2003)
considers algebraic thinking to focus on recognising, describing and translating patterns, analysing
mathematical situations and structures, constructing models of quantitative relationships and
noticing and describing qualitative and quantitative change. Furthermore, Warren et al. (2009) see
algebraic thinking as the consideration of the concepts of equivalence, equals and balance. When
thinking algebraically, it is crucial to think about the commutative, associative, distributive and
identity properties of mathematics, and demonstrate operational sense as well as knowledge of the
order of operations as these provide structure (Bush & Karp, 2013; Reys, et al., 2012).
Rivera and Becker (2005) argue that students need to develop skills of inductive reasoning for
generalising a range of patterns in both numerical and figurative forms. Indeed these skills can
support the development of students problem solving skills and both making and providing proof
for conjectures. In focusing on figurative forms, Warren et al. (2009) emphasise the importance of
students thinking of the equals sign as a symbol of equivalence, rather than a symbol meaning to
perform an action.

Ellen Zambon


Key teaching strategies that a teacher is encouraged to enact when teaching algebra
In teaching algebra, it is crucial that the teacher facilitates experiences that support students in
forming generalisations, as this is key concept to understanding algebra. Lowe (2013) suggests that
it is important to provide opportunities for hands on activities that build physical models of function
relationships that support students in creating meaning of variables and expressions.
As there is an identified need to make connections between numerical and figural forms of
generalisation to develop understanding of algebraic concepts, it is important for teachers to provide
a variety of problem situations that promote development of ways of thinking using reversibility,
generalisation and flexibility (Brown, 2008; Rivera & Becker, 2005). Research also suggests that
these problem situations are highly appropriate for introducing students to the key concepts and
understandings of engaging with algebra (Xin, Zhang, Park, Tom, Whipple & Si, 2011).
Conversely, both Falkner, Levi and Carpenter (1999) and Mulligan, Cavanagh and Keanan-Brown
(2012) highlight the importance of teaching arithmetic and algebraic concepts simultaneously as
this supports building an understanding of both and reduces the level of misconceptions faced in
later learning. The modelling of appropriate language is of significance, particularly when giving
meaning to the equals sign, for supporting students understandings of algebraic concepts (Falkner
et al., 1999). This is reflected through the AusVELS Curriculum: Mathematics as it is thought this
knowledge is crucial for foundational understandings needed to extend into more formal algebraic
studies in later education (Mulligan, et al., 2012). Furthermore, the connection of number and
algebra in the curriculum supports building understanding of the number system structure and its
patterns that are needed for success in algebraic thinking (Mulligan, et al., 2012; Reys, et al., 2012).
Learners of algebra often face misconceptions or difficulties with understanding the meaning of the
equals sign and equality. When arithmetic is taught in isolation to algebraic concepts, learners can
often develop the belief that the equals sign (=) means only one number can exist on its right side,
or that it represents where to place an answer (Warren et al., 2009). Falkner et al.s (1999) research
supports this as they also identify that students commonly experience errors when using the equals
sign to express relationships. Additionally, many difficulties students experience in studying algebra
are the result of poor development of the ability to think and reason algebraically (Mulligan, et al.,

Ellen Zambon


Critique of the Curriculum

The AusVELS Curriculum: Mathematics contains a strand named Number and Algebra that extends
into the sub-strand of Patterns and Algebra across all primary levels. Within this strand, the
curriculum guides the learning of algebra by first constructing awareness and knowledge of the
number system and beginning to explore patterns in figural form before progressing to exploring
patterns in numerical form. The idea of operational sense is first introduced in Level 2 and is
systematically built on by describing, continuing and creating patterns by progressively introducing
the operations. From Level 3, the thought process of flexibility is introduced through using a range
of strategies to support problem solving and built on through increasing levels of the curriculum.
The notion of equivalence is introduced in Level 4 and continued through exploring number
sentences with unknown quantities and a range of operations in the later years. The concept of
generalising a rule is not introduced until Level 6, at which time the role of brackets and order of
operations for acting upon number sentences is introduced.
The AusVELS Curriculum: Mathematics strongly develops students understanding of the structure
and features of the number system throughout all primary grades which is crucial for understanding
of algebra, however, the idea of algebraic reasoning is not expected by students until they reach the
later primary years (Mulligan, et al., 2012; Reys, et al., 2012). Additionally, there is limited
evidence of the exploration of functional relationships or of a range of representations of algebraic
concepts, which are thought to underpin conceptual understanding of algebra (Panasuk, 2010).
Thus is can be deduced that the AusVELS Curriculum: Mathematics is effective in building strong
connections between the structure of number and algebraic concepts through the simultaneous
integration of arithmetic and algebraic ideas throughout the curriculum (Falkner, et al., 1999;
Mulligan, et al., 2012). However, it is crucial to identify that this curriculum document is limited in
its building of students algebraic thinking and reasoning as whilst there are some expectations of
flexibility in strategy use, there are minimal expectations for students to demonstrate the skills of
generalisation and reversibility which are thought to be pivotal determinants of this skill (Brown,

Ellen Zambon


This paper has highlighted that there is a strong connection between understanding the structure of
the number system and thinking algebraically. It is crucial that teachers are well informed of how to
appropriately teach the key understandings, skills and thinking processes of algebra, and consider
the effectiveness of integrating the teaching number and algebra simultaneously. AusVELS
documentation is a significant document for informing teachers when teaching algebra, however
this paper demonstrates that some aspects of the curriculum require further consideration of
research-based literature, such as those outlined in this literature review.

Total Word Count (Introduction, Literature Review, Critique of the Curriculum and
Conclusion): 1451

Ellen Zambon


References (Literature Review and Critique of the Curriculum)

Brown, J. (2008). Structuring mathematical thinking in the primary years [Keynote Address]. In J.
Vincent, R. Pierce & J. Dowsey (Eds.), Connected maths: Proceedings of the 45th annual
conference of the Mathematical Association of Victoria (MAV), 40-53. Melbourne: MAV.
Available from http://www.mav.vic.edu.au
Bush, S. B., & Karp, K. S. (2013). Prerequisite algebra skills and associated misconceptions of
middle grade students: A review. The Journal of Mathematical Behaviour, 32 (3), 613-632.
Available from ScienceDirect database.
Lowe, I. (2013). Mathematical understanding. Vinculum, 50 (4), 8-11. Retrieved from A+ Education
Falkner, K. P., Levi, L., & Carpenter, T. P. (1999). Childrens understanding of equality: A
foundation for algebra. Teaching Children Mathematics, 6 (4), 232-236. Retrieved from
Academic OneFile database.
Mulligan, J., Cavanagh, M., & Keanan-Brown, D. (2012). The role of algebra and early algebraic
reasoning in the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics. In B. Atweh, M. Goos, R. Jorgensen
& D. Siemon (Eds.), Engaging the Australian Curriculum Mathematics: Perspectives from
the field (pp. 48-70). Retrieved from
Reys, R. E., Lindquist, M. M., Lambdin, D. V., Smith, N. L., Rogers, A., Falle, J., Frid, S., &
Bennett, S. (2012). Helping children learn mathematics (1st Australian ed.). Milton, Qld.: John
Wiley & Sons.
Rivera, F. D., & Becker, J. R. (2005). Teacher to teacher: Figural and numerical modes of
generalizing in algebra. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 11 (4), 198-203. Retrieved
from http://www.jstor.org.ezproxy2.acu.edu.au/stable/41182215?seq=2

Ellen Zambon


Panasuk, R. M. (2010). Three phase ranking framework for assessing conceptual understanding in
algebra using multiple representations. Education, 131 (2), 235-257. Retrieved from Academic
OneFile database.
Panasuk, R. M. (2011). Taxonomy for assessing conceptual understanding in algebra using multiple
representations. College Student Journal, 45 (2), 219-232. Retrieved from Academic OneFile
Taylor-Cox, J. (2003). Algebra in the early years? Yes! Young Children, 58 (1), 14-21. Retrieved
from http://www.earlychildhoodconnections.com/documents/Algebra.pdf
Warren, E., Mollinson, A., & Oestrich, K. (2009). Equivalence and equations in early years
classrooms. Australian Primary Mathematics Classroom, 14 (1), 10-15. Retrieved from
Humanities & Social Sciences Collection database.
Xin, Y. P., Zhang, D., Park, J. Y., Tom, K., Whipple, A., & Si, L. (2011). A comparison of two
mathematics problem-solving strategies: Facilitate algebra-readiness. The Journal of
Educational Research, 104 (6), 381-395. doi: 10.1080/00220671.2010.487080

Ellen Zambon


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