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TMS SCHOOL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Unifying and empowering educational communities through an integrated school management system to enhance teaching and learning while improving school management processes = | Overview ‘The rapid growth and convergence of technologies in the Information era have created unprecedented challenges as well as opportunities for educational institutions. These technologies are no longer merely supporting educational organizations - they are revolutionizing processes, organizational structures, and. the education industry as a whole ‘As such, educational institutions who find ‘themselves pioneering and embracing solutions to complement their educational offerings and unify the various educational communities, wil gain that competitive edge critical to the survival and fortitude in the education industry, while contributing to the betterment of the family, society and nation. esohet Management yam os © 4 TMS School Management System In tandem with the general objectives of the Malaysian Smart School programme, which are to achieve the goals of the national education philosophy and develop a workforce for the Information Age, TMS School Management ‘System strives to: + integrate knowledge, s Is and values for the Information age; + unity the communities of students, parents and educators; relevant assessment tools and online educational resources; and + revolutionize the education industry >I TMS School Management System is a complete web-based system for administrators, teachers, parents and students - to help schools improve the quality of education, increase student performance and better communicate with parents, Its imeutive navigation and multilingual suppor. 's simple to use and can be easily personalized to individual user's preference, Besides that, TMS School Management System |s able to support multiple users and schools, ‘enabling them to record, access repor's, as well as manage their student and employee data, and performance records in real-time. TMS School Management System Ministry Level Implementation Collaboration Knowledge Management Pere) Teac 2+ TW Senet Management Sytem Ms) Beyond unifying the educational communities fof students, parents and educators, TMS ‘School Management System also integrates the individual school adm ristration level to the ‘government ministry level to enable better Iransparency, macro-management, reporting ‘analysis and data-driven decision-making, ‘The ministry level, which is integrated to the schoo! level via a centralized collaboration and knowledge management porta, consists of the following modules: + National Education Dashboard + School Governance Management + TT Support Management + Security Management ‘TMS School Management System, at the ‘school level, comprises of: + Registration Management + Class Management + ECA (Extra-Curriculum Activities) Club Management + Marks Management ‘+ Financial Management + Human Resources + Disciplinary Management + Administration Management + Facility and Asset Management + Learning Management + Access Control and Security Management Each of the above module is seamlessly integrated with the reporting management ‘system - providing detailed and configurable reporting, while maintaining data integrity ang transparency. BENEFITS OF TMS SCHOOL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM + Significantly reduce staff time spent on administrative tasks + Focus on cultivating and managing core relationships Improve data consistency and effi ney Encourage transparency and real-time access of mission critical information Effectively streamline organizational and administrative processes + Better utilize critical data for decision- making, analysis and reporting Provide self-service curriculum, ‘scheduling, student grading and attendance, as well as instructor visibility for parents, students and admi TMS School Management System MINISTRY LEVEL => | A) NATIONAL EDUCATION DASHBOARD ‘his is @ contralized dashboard to monitor and ‘rack schools activities in real-time, and contains reporting and statistical information across all schools or selected schools. The dashboard, which can be tallored and personalized to each individual user level, fenables the Ministry of Education to access and retrieve updated information immediately and without hassle, a mandated curiculum as well as new procedures and educational governance. ©) IT SUPPORT MANAGEMENT The ministry's centralized helpdesk is linked to all schools using the School Management System to enable promot and hassle-fee support while facilitating the tracking and recording of incidences for future preventive D) SECURITY MANAGEMENT Because the School Management System is 2 comprehensive solution linking the ministry and allthe schools in the system, security issues are paramount. The ministry and schools both heed to know that their information, data sources, and mission ortical applications are safe from unauthorized access. ‘The system's security features include inaividual user access via password and Username, built-in encryption, and suppor for standard authentication models, amongst others. The security management module also includes a centralized access level control Configuration, which can be set up as a template to be used in schools. E) COLLABORATION & KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT ‘TMS School Management System fulfils the communication needs of the ministry with schools through extensive collaboration features and enables the sharing of information, ‘Through this collaboration and knowledge management portal, the Ministry of Education is able to collaborate ang communicate with all schools in real-time via emails, memos, and online forms, a8 well as to facilitate Information flow and manage knowledge assets via content management systems and forums. By being able to capture and manage existing knowledge bases and best practices, ¢ ministry is able to create a framework for knowledge shating and formulate future ‘educational policies to ennance system efficiency, encourage bette learning and teaching processes as well as retain good teachers. 4+ Ts cent Managemen yom (8) TMS School Management System | <—scHooL LeveL A) REGISTRATION MANAGEMENT Maintaining a comprehensive and updated database on students, parents, and staff is an arduous task. TMS School Management System facilitates the management and update of all school elated registrations such as student registration and enrollment as well as profiles of parents and staff, The system allous registration related information such as student transfer, graduation, and suspension to be tracked and integrated, minimizing data inconsistency and fencouraging information transparency. ‘The registration management module also seamlessly integrates with the reporting tools, tenabling key data and trends such as breakdowns of student population and ratio of ‘teachers to students in each school, to be analyzed for better decision-making and future improvement measures. ‘The registration management module also includes: + Student Registration/Enrollment Management = Student Profile Data = Personal Information ~ Medical Information = Previous Education History ~ Family Profile Data + Reporting Management + Back Office Management ~ Student Registration/Enrollment Directory = Parents Profile Registration Directory ~ Statf Profile Registration Directory ~ Letter of Acceptance Directory = Disciplinary Management Directory 8B) CLASS MANAGEMENT ‘The management of classes and scheduling can ‘often be grueling and convoluted. TMS School Management System is an easy approach to a ‘complex problem - it faciitates the set-up and ‘management of classes, subject lessons as well as class schedules, allocation of classes to teachers and students, and the management of student attendance and grades, ‘With the class management module, teachers are empowered to manage their own classes, ‘subject lessons and class student enrollment ~ ‘rom easily creating, esting, or deleting classes, to assigning diferent subject lessons to each class. Teachers can also run ‘paperless’ attendance by tracking class and daily attendance with the system, while generating overall summary ports and various breakdowns. Key features include: + Schoo! Information Management + Class and Level Management + Subject Management + Student Attendance Management + Studont Progression Management + Student Leaving Management + Student Disciplinary Management + Reporting Management ©) ECA CLUB MANAGEMENT TMS Schoo! Management System offers flexible and sealable golutions to meet schools’ curriculum management requirements. Critical functionalities such as ECA enrollment, payment, timetable, teacher lst, and classroom list, allows administrators and educators to define courses and classes through a streamlined, intuitive interface. Instructors are able to set-up club and society activities as well as activity schedules, define the parameters for grading, faciitate student enrollment, obtain enrollment status, record class attendance and student activities, view Clase schedules, and generate various analysis reports -allin real-time. ‘Access to courses and classes is permissions- based, therefore enabling administrators to assign classes to instructors, and instructors to students, + ECA Club Management + ECA Enrollment + ECA Payment + ECA Grading + ECA Activities Management + Reporting Management D) MARKS MANAGEMENT “TMS School Management System keeps a comprehensive grade reporting data - from historical grades and current examination ‘grades to teacher's comments and grading Scale - go that schoole can efficiently manas and wack the grades and performance of students, ‘The system also has a bull-in progress report and report card generator to view and monitor students" performances at any point in time. Koy features of the marks management module include: + Student Marks Management ~ Marks Data Input = Marks Data Processing ~ Marks Data Output ~ Marking System Guideline = Promotion Analysis (optional) = Report Analysis + Reporting Management E) FINANCIAL & HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT TMS School Management System has a financial and human resource management module to track and manage finances of ‘schools in terms of school fees and payment collection. This module also enables the deployment of effective tools and services to manage budgeting, accounting, purchasing and ‘audit contol Besides that, the human resource management module provides ease of access to information such as staff profile, leave information, teacher's schedule, hiring, promotion, transfer, training, academic evaluation, resource management and other human resource related functionalities - all of whien, helps reduce ‘administrative tasks and paperwork, as retrieval of records and information can be done easily and quickly online. Koy features include. + Fees Management + Payment Management + Outstanding Fees Management + Fees Discount Management + Reporting Management F) ACCESS CONTROL & SECURITY MANAGEMENT TMS School Management System delivers secure permission-based authentication Controls to administrators and instructors, and provides account management tools for Students, parents and other key stakeholders. ‘The access control and security management module allows the schools to control system access level and permissions forall its users. This will ensure system integrity by allowing only authorized personnel to access the system and its administrative functionalties. 6G) DISCIPLINARY MANAGEMENT The disciplinary management module of TMS ‘Schoo! Management System facilitates the management of students’ disciplinary records in schools. It captures students’ misdemeanor, disciplinary measures taken, and integrates this, information into the reporting module ‘or ‘analysis and record-keeping purposes, Koy features of the disciplinary management module include + Misdemeanors Setup Management + Disciplinary Management + Students Skill Management + Reporting Management R H) ADMINISTRATION MANAGEMENT ‘TMS School Management System allows administrators to centraly define the facilites, holidays, school terms, grading metnods, class types, and other information unique to each school to streamline processes. Teachers are given access to permission-based class set-ups, class grading, attendance, and ‘other related modules, as well as permission- based access to student biographical, transcript and academic history. Enrolled students are provided with their own secure login and access to view their individual information such as transeript information, Upcoming class enrollments, grading and attendance records, biographical information, and financial history of payments. ‘The administration management module provides all the administrative features required {or the management of the system which includes: + Gradi 19 Setup + School Holiday Setup + School Torm Setup + Enrollment Level Setup + Student Enrollment Period Setup + Bank Information Setup + Misdemeanors Setup Management _ Ts sent Management sytem ous} ° 7 1) FACILITY & ASSET MANAGEMENT Lost or damaged assets cost schools thousands to millions of dollars in assets every year. Studies have found that investments in educational technology, primarily computer and AV equipment, are among the assets most a risk, Most schools typically have no single technique for managing assets - some uses different kinds of tracking system, others rely (on manual inventory systems, simple spreadsheets or databases to track at least some of their assets, TMS School Management System's facility and asset management module helps to manage, track and distribute assets and facilities such as maintenance tracking and management, resource management, and school assets management through one central paperless system, so as to eliminate duplicate entry of asset information, reduce asset entry time, minimize school inventory time, and analyze asset options and examine lite-cycle costs, J) LEARNING MANAGEMENT With the learning management module, subject syllabus and content can be easily uploaded for electronic as well as remote learning and management. The system can accommodate the demands fof mass and customized education, while addressing the higher demand for personal attention and self-directed learning. It extends the reach of education beyond the physical boundaries of classrooms and allows for sealabilty, supporting an unlimited number of assignments to be linked to an Unlimited number of courses, ‘Students can schedule their time flexibly, and learn at their own pace anytime and anywhere; while instructors are able to continually improve and revise course content efficiently and remotely to meet the changing needs of the students. Courseware and lesson plans deposited in a knowledge bank can also be easily accessed land shared by instructors - this knowledge reuse results in a reduction or complete elimination of rework by instructors who can ‘then spend less time preparing for classes and direct their focus on teaching instead. 8 + Ts sensttanagomet sytem ts) K) COLLABORATION & KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT ‘TMS School Management System enables the various educational communities of students, parents, teachers and administrators to collaborate and communicate via turn-key communications tools using emails, memos, ‘and online forme The collaborative and communication module of the system also makes it easy for schools to ‘administer and support a broad range of ‘communication intatives, including newsletters, news articles, press releases and announcements. More sophisticated initiatives uch a8 subscription and personalization can also be supported, tracked and managed, ‘The knowledge management module 's a comprehensive suite of tools consisting of a content management system, industry and academic portal, forum, and form wizard ‘management system, among others, to help facilitate information flow and manage knowledge assets in the educational institutions, Organizational communication is further ‘enhanced as knowledge and problem-sharing Information are better disseminated. Dynamic features such as forums enable offine discussions, hence encouraging collaboration and exchange of fresh ideas. Key features include: + New Content Notification (via email) + Bookmarks + Community Collaboration + Em ‘and Memo Instant Messaging (Internal) + Threaded Discussion Forums + Form Wizard with Approval Cycle + Calendaring Scheduler + Task Manager (To-Do Tasks, Appointments, Events) + Resource Management + Subscription Management + Group Mailing List Management + Address Book (Personal, Business and Internal) L) HOSTEL MANAGEMENT MODULE ‘The hostel management system assists the administrative staff to systematically manage student residential allocation issues, hostel Inventories and room maintenance services, By specitying the allocation criteria, the system Is able to automatically generate room allocation. Alternatively, the administrator may also arbitrarily choose available rooms for transfer. Queries and reports ae also available ‘to help administrators make decisions based on Updated and relevant information, Besides that, school administrators have the flexibility to configure and define hostel buildings, blocks, floors and rooms. Should there be an ongoing renovation or repair work, the status of the bullding, block or room affected can be deactivated to exclude it from room allocation. Buildings can also be allocated by gender while guardians or wardens responsible forthe buildings can be stipulated with schedules generated ‘The system also has a check-in and check-out function built in, which can be used for room transfer and exchange, booking and reservation, key collection and such, This feature enables ‘the administrator to keep track of the tenant ‘moving in and out of the hostel, and extended stay during school and public holidays, TMS Scho: TMS" comprehensive School Management System is built upon the technologies of ‘msEKP™ (Enterprise Knowledge Porta), enabling the integration of fragmented information, business applications and services from heterogeneous systems and sources - so as to alow seamless access to organizational knowledge base information), enable effective information exchange as well as delivery of real~ time and relevant information for ertical decision-making ‘tmsEKP™ is bult upon TMS' robust e-business development framework, tms=RAMEWORK"™, capable of delivering ‘lexible, robust, feature Fich solutions to meet the demanding needs of today's educational institutions while enabling the platform to be tailored to suppor the specific requirements of admin strators, faculty, students and other key stakeholders. ‘tmsFRAMEWORK™ is the result of a two-year research and development project funded by Malaysia's Multimedia Development Corporation under the MGS Research and Development Grant Scheme, and is developed withthe aim to create a tramevork to solve the ditficuties of developing Internet-based e- business applications. Business Module Services ol Management System TECHNOLOGIES —> | tmsFRAMEWORK™ js a highly scalable anc ‘extensible multi-tier application development ‘and deployment framework that covers every level of software development - from user interface and business logic to the persistency ‘of data models - all of which provide basic modules and components to simplify and accelerate the development of applications. ‘tmsFRAMEWORK™ introduces a new programming paradigm whereoy a series of business processes '¢ encapsulated in a single module. Each business process is a workflow modeling the actual business activities, With pre-existing reusable modules and a non- cade centric framework, building business ‘applications, such as the School Management ‘System, on tmsEKP™ 's now faster, easier and more productive than ever OG [ Pc wed PORWes WAP Web Browser Browser ‘Browser + + + Application ‘Application Business Module Business Module Business Module Standard UI Library Gms THE MEDIA SHOPPE BERHAD pss. No. 6, Jalan 857/19, Kelana Jaya, {7301 Retain Jaya Seangor DLE Malaysia Tet (600 7085 2020 Fax (6007485 8035 “os cum me

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