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to Be Wired - Pari

the ability to personalise their media content online

is most appealing to them.
But what's more, multi-tasking seems to be a
common activity: young people multi-task and
consume a wide variety of media at the same time.
In other words, teen life is about juggling numerous
instant messages, answering email and researching
school papers, while watching TV and listening to
the latest hit, ali at the same time.
What are Millennials looking for when they select
media? What content do they seek, and do different
media play different roles for them?
Millennials cannot be painted with a broad brush
"Internet and technology consurners".
They are wonderfully diverse, a combination of
distinct segments with distinct behaviours and
attitudes. The study has identified six segments of
individuals: the Hubs, the Chic Geeks, the Miss
Insulars, the now Crowd, the IQ Crew and the Alterego.com.

s a brave new media world for today' s youth

generation. ''The media permeates alithey do except
they are sleeping. Theirs is a multimedia life"' .

On a typical day, the average American young person

can be confronted with at least 200 TV channels,
more than 5,000 consumer magazines, thousands
of radio stations, more than a hundred thousand
newly published books, and millions of websites.
To many adults, this is a daunting, disjointed media
landscape, not so among today's youth
generation. A recent study from
Yahoo shows that young people
(aged 13-24) do not feel
overwhelmed by the
abundance of media
The Internet is the
primary media choice.
Being in control of how
they surf the Web and

Lee Raine, Director of Pew Internet & American lite Research

Media landscape
Reading books and
magazines on your own
(not for school)


Listen to the radio

Talkinq.on the phone

(including land lines
and celi phones)

On the internet or
World Wide Web
(not including mail)






wired connesso


Listen and note down these terms in your digital glossary.

Practise your technical English with the digital flashcards.



Rom to Re Wired - Part 2


The"Hubs" select the Internet when they

want to learn about breaking news or
find out about what the latest products
are. The Net seems to be a key source
of information for them - it keeps them
current. They hang in small packs' but
are the unquestionable leaders of the
pack. They most strongly influence what
the group does and shape the opinions of
others. This is a male-dominated group.
The "Chic Geeks" tend to choose the
Internet when they want to rebel or meet
someone new who is really different from
them. They will take social risks online
that they wouldn't dream of taking in
their offline life. They are early adopters
of technology and heayY users of every
type of gadgetry. They are recommenders
of products and people look to them for
advice. They are the heaviest media users,
with their mobile phones as constant
companions. They have wide social
networks that they actively culti vate.
They want to be informed about cutting
edge" technologies.

The "Miss Insulars" (a female-dominated

segment) are lookiug for information)
about celebrities or to verify that the
information they have is accurate. They
are light Internet users but heavy readers.
They also seem to use the Internet to
investigate purchases, although they are
apt to spend offline and not online. They
are tech laggards" and the least likely of
all segments to own digital gadgetry. They
don't find out about new innovations
quickly as they are not steeped in media
and don't hang out much socially. On the


and attitudes.



The "IQ Crew" tend to select the Internet

for practical activities: to research for
school, to verify information, to learn
details about products, or research
purchases. They are the most educated
but also the lightest media users.
They enjoy social situations but do
not actively seek them out. They are
known for their listening skills, but are
most comfortable being alone. They sit
back in groups and their opinions are
carefully considered.
The "Aiter-ego.com"
seek to find
acceptance. They want to be entertained
J otiliue,

but a1so like to show off things J

they have done, or discover new things

to do in their spare time. This segment
contains the largest proportion of heavy
Internet users, but also of the least selfconfident ones. They do not express their
opinions in groups. They like time to
themselves. They maintain an alter-ego
online - they are more cornfortable in a
world they can direct and control.

Qt thC\1 ~Q~\o.lllCtWQlkthe1 aIe
not likely to express opinions.

The "Now Crowd" prefer the Internet

when the objective is immediacy, when
they want something to do right now.
They are the heaviest media users and
usually maintain a large social network of
friends. They are cornfortable in groups
and feel uncomfortable when they are
alone. They tend to be big talkers and
poor listeners, and avoid conflict in
conversations when they can. They lead
groups but generally say what they think
the group wants to hear.


peck ~l\l'9 i 'ge'9\e

cutting edge: the most advanced
be tech laggard: be late to adopt new techno

(100-120 words) about how technology

ts affecting

your behaviour

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