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Management Plan

By: Samira Abdelrahman

Maharishi University of Management

Classroom Management Plan


Introduction and Rationale

The goal of education is to create individuals who are contributors
to society through right action and speech. Through education we build up
t h e b o d y, m i n d , a n d c h a r a c t e r o f t h e n e x t g e n e r a t i o n . T h e e l e m e n t a r y
c l a s s r o o m I e n v i s i o n s h o u l d b e a s a f e z o n e o f e x p r e s s i o n , c r e a t i v i t y,
p r o b l e m s o l v i n g , a n d i n q u i r y. S t u d e n t s s h o u l d b e c h a l l e n g e d t o q u e s t i o n
their own work and come up with solutions by themselves.
The basis of my classroom management plan derives from the book
Setting Limits in the Classroom. In this book the main classroom
m a n a g e m e n t p r i n c i p l e s d i s c u s s e d a r e s t r u c t u r e a n d c o n s i s t e n c y. B y
providing a structured environment, the role of the student and that of the
teacher are clearly defined. There will be consistency amongst rules,
procedures, and discipline to better provide transparency when it comes to
classroom management. The goals of my classroom management plan are
to provide a framework for how the classroom will be structured on a
short and long term basis.

Classroom Management Plan


Ru l e s a n d P r o c e d u r e s
Good morning fourth grade stars and welcome to the set of our new
movie, the classroom! My name is Ms. Samira and I will be your teacher
this ye a r. Who in this classroo m came to learn? And who in here came to
have fun? Each of you is the star of the movie, so you create how the
movie will turn out. In this classroom we are going to be able to have fun
a n d l e a r n ! You a r e g o i n g t o h a v e t h e c h a n c e t o d o a l o t o f h a n d s o n
activities that require less of me talking and more of you working to
figure something out. Also we will have field trips, class projects and
presentations, lots of using the IPads, and much more. However in order
to do those things we have to first establish some classroom rules. Who
can raise their hand and tell me why we need class rules?
In this classroom I want everyone to feel they are safe to learn, be
creative, try new things, ask questions. Thats why there are just four
rules that we have in this class, and Im confident you all will be able to
follow them:
Could someone raise
Thank you. So from the minute you walk into the
their hand and give
classroom I expect each of you to follow these rules.
me an example of a
Where in the classroom should they go to help you
time you followed
better remember them? Ive seen a lot of you doing
directions? (I will
something today that is also really important to do
go through all the
everyday in the classroom, anyone have an idea of what
rules in this similar
that might be? Please remember to raise your hand
C o r r e c t . We w a n t t o g i v e e v e r y o n e a c h a n c e t o t h i n k
then respond in the class. So raising your hand and waiting to be called
on is one of the best ways you can help your fellow peers out. So lets get
started on our day keeping these rules in mind.

F i r st Te n D ay s

( N e e d e x p l a n a t i o n o f i d e a b e h i n d i t ) ( PA T-

Preferred activity time)

Classroom Management Plan

Day 1
- G r e e t s t u d e n t s a t d o o r / Wel c o me
-Introduce classroom rules
-Play name/rules beach ball game
-Raising hands procedure
-Go over bathroom procedure
-Time Capsule Activity

Day 2
-Greet students at door
-Review classroom rules through discussion
-Math pre-test
-Teach hallwa y procedure
-Tea m building games in g ym
-Assign weekly classroom jobs and go over responsibilities
- Where in the Classroo m Treasure Hunt Activ it y

Day 3
-Go over daily schedule
-Review classroom rules- Charades
-Teach and pract ice beginning the school da y procedure (co ming in to
c l a s s , g e t t i n g m a t e r i a l s r e a d y, d o i n g w a r m u p o n b o a r d )
-Paper formatting procedure
-My learning profile activity using paper-formatting procedure

Day 4
-Review Classroom rules and go over discipline
-Small group activities and center procedures
-Small group math activity
-End of day procedure

Day 5
-Greet Students
-Review the days schedule
-Review expectations when doing individual work
-What do I want to study this year? activity
-Movement sing-along
-Silent reading
-Reading level testing


Classroom Management Plan

-End of week sharing circle

-End of week dismissal procedure (Homework folders)

Day 6
-Review class rules
-Greet Students
-Review days schedule
-Ask students to try and recall class rules with out looking
-First Social Studies lesson
-First Language Arts lesson

Day 7
-Greet Students
-Review days schedule
-Math Lesson
-Science Lesson
-Review homework policy & assign homework
-Begin coming up with class chant

Day 8
-Greet Students
- War m u p w i l l b e o n t h e b o a r d
-Review days schedule
-Assign new jobs
-Collect homework
-Social Studies lesson 2
-Language Arts lesson 2
-Assign homework
-Continue working on class chant

Day 9
-Greet Students
- War m u p w i l l b e o n t h e b o a r d
-Review days schedule
-Collect Homework
-Math lesson 2
-Science lesson 2
-Using classroom technology procedures & activity

Day 10
-Greet Students
- War m u p w i l l b e o n t h e b o a r d


Classroom Management Plan


-Review days schedule

-Collect Homework
-Review center procedures
-Assign center work
- Wee k R e v i e w
-Sharing circle
-Homework folders

Proble ms in the classroom range from mild to chronic behavio r. It is
my goal to establish a warm and personal relationship with the student so
I am aware of their common behaviors and what disciplines work for them.
In general, my approach to discipline is having clear limits and set
consequences in place for when those limits are crossed. The limits are
my classroom and school rules.
Most importantly consistency will be key when it comes to
discipline. Parents, students, and administration will all be aware of my
d i s c i p l i n e p o l i c y. D u r i n g p a r e n t / t e a c h e r n i g h t I w o u l d t a l k t o p a r e n t s
about if there are any reoccurring behavioral conflicts that I should know
about in regards to their child. This will help me in developing a
relationship with each student.
Each situation will be different and may not be as smooth as we
would like, but a good personable relationship is key in getting students
to behave and listen. The goal of my discipline plan is to discourage
unwanted behavio r, not the child performing the behavio r.

Minor Infraction Consequences

1 ) N o n - Ver b a l c u e - A l o t o f t i m e s s t u d e n t s j u s t r e q u i r e a n o n - v e r b a l c u e
as a gentle reminder to get back on task. This shows them that the teacher
i s a w a r e o f t h e i r b e h a v i o r.
2 ) War n i n g f r o m t e a c h e r w / c h o i c e o f a c t i o n - T h i s i s t h e f i r s t a n d o n l y
v e r b a l w a r n i n g f r o m t h e t e a c h e r. D u r i n g t h i s t i m e t h e t e a c h e r w i l l m a k e

Classroom Management Plan


the student aware of his/her behavior then give two to three choices
(limited choices) of correcting the behavior or receive a consequence.
3) Follow through with chosen consequence or send student to designated
time out area in classroom for 10 minutes
4) Send student to first grade classroom for 20 minutes

Major Infraction Consequences

1 ) S e nd st ud e nt t o ha ll way i n f ro nt o f cl a ss ro o m fo r 10 mi nu t e s t o
c o o l d ow n a n d s ep a ra t e h i m o r h e r s e l f f r o m t h e c l a s s e nv i r o n m e n t ,
if non-violent.
2) Meeting with student and note home to parent
3 ) S e n d s t u d e n t t o c o u n s e l o r s o ffi c e
4 ) S e n d s t u d e n t t o p r i n c i p l e s o ffi c e

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