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3 Plane Neck Movement

Finger Flexion/Extension
-Maximally open the hand, then make a fist
Wrist Circles
-Make a fist and "draw a circle" with your pointer finger knuckle
Elbow Circles
Large Arm Circles
Circular Shrugs
Torso Twists
-Keep the arms straight, palms facing upward
Side Bends
Forward/Back Bends
-Bend forward losely, allowing the spine to round
-Arch backward at the top of the movement
Pelvic Tilts
Hula-hoop Hip Circles
Leg Rotations
High Knee Raises
-Done in place
Kick Backs / Butt Kicks
-Done in place
Ankle Circles
-Point the toes and "draw a circle" with the big toe
Ankle Tilts
-Without twisting the foot, tilt the ankle to the left and right
Toe Flexion/Extension
-Lift toes up then curl them down

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