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Autonomic Dysreflexia or Hyperreflexia

Common Related Conditions

Commonly seen in individuals with spinal cord injury at T6 or above

Signs include pounding head-aches, goose bumps, sweating or vomiting.
Other infections and irritations such as pressure sores and kidney stones may also
cause this.
Teaching Tips

1. Remind participant to empty waste collection bags or pouches before swimming.

2. Be sensitive about privacy and personal space due to waste collection equipment.
3. Occasionally assist the participant in checking catheter tubing for kinks.
Safety Issues
1. Summon appropriate medical personnel immediately when you see signs listed in
common related condition, and indicate a medical emergency.
2. Provide first aid by moving the head and upper body to a sitting position, and
activating the EMS
Goals to Target
1. Help the participant become more aware of healthy habits, improve fitness and
increase or maintain physical activity for improved bladder drainage.

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