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GOAL 1 The New Nation (1789-1820)

Obj. 1.01 Identify the major domestic issues and conflicts experienced by the nation during the
Federalist Period

Major Concepts
• Establishment of federal power and supremacy over the states
• Development of the first two-party system
• Strict & Loose interpretation of the Constitution

Terms/People to know
Judiciary Act of 1789 Marbury v. Madison
Bill of Rights John Marshall
Hamilton’s Economic Plan Louisiana Purchase
Whiskey Rebellion Alien & Sedition Acts
Democratic-Republican Party Virginia & Kentucky Resolutions
Federalist Party Washington’s Farewell Address
Hartford Convention (1814) Jay’s Treaty
Election of 1800 Nullification
“Midnight judges” Laissez-faire

Obj. 1.02 Analyze the political freedoms available to the following groups prior to 1820: women,
wage earners, landless farmers, American Indians, African Americans, and other ethnic

• Conflicts with American Indians
• Status & disparities of slaves, women, and poor during the Federalist Era

Key Terms and People

Suffrage requirements “necessary evil”
Tecumseh emancipation
Cotton Gin Treaty of Greenville, 1796
Eli Whitney Abigail Adams

Obj. 1.03 Assess commercial and diplomatic relationships with Britain, France, and other nations

• Early foreign policy
• Failure of peaceful coercion
• Freedom of the high seas and shipping rights
• Impact of European events on United States foreign policy

Key Terms and People

XYZ Affair Convention of 1800
Impressment of seamen Embargo Act 1807
Washington’s Neutrality Proclamation War Hawks
Washington’s Farewell Address War of 1812
Battle of New Orleans Treaty of Ghent
Adams-Onis Treaty Jay’s Treaty
GOAL 1 The New Nation (1789-1820)

Pinckney’s Treaty

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