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George McQuinn, Perrin Kileen, Alec Enriquez

Humanities 10
Sellers 1-2

Business Proposal
Executive Summary:
The mission of Euphoria Water is to provide the people of sub-Saharan Africa with
clean water enabling them to access this resource at a reasonable price while also
providing an opportunity for financial growth. Clean water is a resource that is not
easily accessible in Africa and lack of it is commonly associated with poverty. This is
because the water often ends up in ponds or dirty areas that are full of harmful
bacteria presented by waste, animals, and air. By designing a system that filters
and stores clean water, we can provide jobs as well as decrease sickness within the
communities of sub-Saharan Africa.
Euphoria water was established on 4/20 of 2015 by George Michael Mcquinn, Perrin
Michael Kileen, and Alec Collin Enriquez. George is in charge of management and
model design. Perrin is in charge of business structuring and numbers, and Alec is in
charge of social media and marketing. Our first, experimental model will be placed
in Niger, Africa, but we plan to expand our model and implement it in various other
locations with lack of water sanitation.
Euphoria water will start by targeting Niger, Africa and later move into other areas
with similar geography and water issues. As our solution grows, it will be moldable
to suit other environments. We will go in and install a well (if needed), a filter, and a
small storage facility. The filter we use will be a biosand filter which utilizes
resources that are widely available. These include sand, gravel, and cloth. The issue
is water storage, for there is plenty groundwater within Sub-Saharan Africa. The
model will provide clean water at a low cost for the poor. It will allow them to reduce
sickness and therefore save money. To maintain the system we will train local
employees to manage and maintain the facility. Once the system is up and
running, a price per liter will be implemented. Charging money for the water is
necessary and enables us to make a profit. All of the profit money goes to either
paying employees or implementing facilities in other areas.
To start Euphoria Water, we will require investors for funding. After the first model
has recovered the original costs we will start to build more models in places that
need it. Our current bank account is $0 and will will need at least $2,000 start up. To
obtain this we will rely on investors.

George McQuinn, Perrin Kileen, Alec Enriquez

The future of Euphoria Water is to expand to multiple countries within Sub-Saharan
Africa. After the expansion within Africa we plan to expand into other countries and
areas that would benefit from our services.

Market Analysis:
The problem were addressing is clean water and poverty. Sub-Saharan Africa has
some of the dirtiest water, with 37% of all the worlds unsanitary water residing
there. (Give Water - thewaterproject.org) The root of this problem is that most
people living there cannot afford the price of clean water and storage is often in
unsanitary places. Many people collect water from puddles and dirty ponds. Disease
from water is not only a discomfort to the individual but an economic burden to the
family. 46% of Sub-Saharan Africa works on $1.25 or less a day. (Poverty data.worldbank.com) With incomes this low, households cannot afford clean water,
food, or proper housing. The accumulation of these things can very easily lead to
major health problems and even death. The Water Project states that Nearly 1 out
of every 5 deaths of children under the age of 5 worldwide is due to a water-related
disease. (http://thewaterproject.org/water_stats) For these reasons we chose to
look into water sanitization, storage, and with this, poverty. Our industry includes
many non-profit organizations, but minimal social entrepreneurships. We will target
those in need of clean water that make low wages.
Our primary target market is the people of Niger, Africa, who make under $1.25 and
lack sanitized water. These people are in the most need of our service. After our
business gains a solid foundation here, we will target other areas in need of
sanitized water a cheap price.
The main needs of our customers is clean water. Our goal is to provide them with
this resource while giving them a chance to grow financially. By doing this we
directly address their needs and provide extra help. Our target group lives in SubSaharan Africa, specifically Niger. Due to the area and approach we are taking to
address the problem we will not have any competition. After we are established,
there may be other models like ours looking to target similar issues.
Our original target market consists of the poor people of Niger, Africa. We decided
to target this area because it lacks sufficient water sanitation and suffers from many
health issues. Niger is one of the fastest growing countries in the world, with a
growth rate of 3.4%. This creates issues when it comes to availability of resources.
Without clean water, many families end up with sickness and infections. In fact, one
in six children in Niger die before the age of thirteen due to water-borne illness. As
the country grows so will the issue and ways to solve it will become more and more
necessary. Within the communities, we focus on the people who are in the greatest
need of clean water. This addresses the main issue which is water storage and

George McQuinn, Perrin Kileen, Alec Enriquez

With each facility we build we expect to start by servicing twenty families. To
provide 40 families of 5 with 2 liters a person we need to filter at least 120 gallons a
day. We will charge 0.03 cents a liter. At this rate a family of 5 will pay 0.30 cents a
day and 9 dollars


a month to have access to clean, healthy water. We will take 0.02 cents out of every
liter to maintain the facility, and recover costs in order establish more facilities. Our
model will start with a storage tank that holds 200 gallons. If our demand exceeds
200 gallons we will expand our storage to meet demand.

George McQuinn, Perrin Kileen, Alec Enriquez

Our model allows the people of Niger, Africa to have access to clean water. This
model will reduce sickness and save money for the poor. It will be easy to
implement because it will be the first of its kind. We face no competition within our
area because we will be the first to implement this type of model. The only barrier
we face is a lack of initial funding, we will rely on investors to start the model.
Our model is restricted by the income of our target group, this is because they make
minimal money per day and cannot afford to pay too much for water. This restricts
the speed at which we can expand.
Product Description:
Our business aims to provide clean water to the people of sub-Saharan Africa. We
believe that through sanitary water, we can increase financial stability in target
areas. Around 500,000 children die every year from diarrhea caused by unsafe
water and poor sanitation - that's over 1,400 children a day. (Committing to Child
Survival: A Promise Renewed - Progress Report 2014, UNICEF, September 2014)
With easy and inexpensive access to clean water, people will be able to stay
healthier and therefore save money and time dealing with sickness. Also, locals who
assist in installing, maintaining, and managing facilities will be trained and
Students miss class to go fetch water, or to care for sick parents or siblings. In
many places HIV/AIDS has already caused a large percentage of children to become
orphans, requiring students to drop out and find work to provide food and care for
younger siblings. If teachers are sick, classes get cancelled for all students.
("Education in Africa and Water." The Water Project. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Apr. 2015.)
Our company will specifically target consumers in small villages of sub-Saharan
Africa. As the Saharan desert expands, the people of this region become less and
less supplied with water. The start up funds for our organization will come from
investors who believe in our solution.
What makes our solution at the top of the competitive market is the integration of
our products and services into the everyday lives of our consumers. Other water
systems have been implemented however, many of them have either broken or are
too expensive for people to afford. Our organization will train local people to be
experts on
these systems so that if they break, they can be quickly fixed. Our water will be
sold to the consumers at a very low price but with a lot of people buying, we will still
be able to create revenue.

George McQuinn, Perrin Kileen, Alec Enriquez

Marketing Strategy:
In order to make the biggest impact possible we will target the town/village in most
need of water first. By providing better water storage at a low cost we will address
the cause at its core. Once set up, we will be the first of our kind in this area to
provide clean water at a low price.
Our first step in starting our business is to go to Niger and test the quality and
quantity of groundwater. We will do that ourselves after consulting professionals and
learning how to do it. Once we have developed all of the necessary knowledge, we
will hire 7 local employees and train them on maintenance and sales of the water.
Since the facility will not make enough money to pay them a wage, we will provide
them with free water which they can drink, trade for food and other services, or sell.
As we expand, each model will grow and may provide greater amounts of water.
This will require more employees and growth of the business. Later on, we may
collaborate with the Grameen bank and offer an option where an individual can set
up their own water station and we would collect a certain percentage of all profits.
The grameen bank is a bank that disregards conventional banking and targets poor
women. This bank gives small loans to women so that they can use it to build. After
this initial loan of sometimes only a dollar, they can use it to make money and then
use that money to get a bigger loan. Using this system, women can provide for their

George McQuinn, Perrin Kileen, Alec Enriquez

families and climb themselves out of poverty. If our model proves successful
enough, we may expand to areas with greater incomes, but who still lack clean
We will distribute through a local retailer due to the nature of our product. To build
our model we will hire local workers and buy local construction material. This will
not only further help the local community, but it will also help spread the word, and
reduce building costs.
To reach our customers we will go into the communities and let the locals know
what we are going to do. We will also reach out to the community leaders and have
them spread knowledge. There will be a rewards system to anyone who refers a
Organization and Management:
Perrin Kileen.
Perrin is a founding partner who owns 30% of the company and whose
primary duties are the creation of business structure and model planning. He
studied for 2 years at Animas High School.
George McQuinn.
George is a founding partner who owns 30% of the company and whose
primary duties are scientific calculations and facility creation and
management. His education is through 10th grade at Animas High School.
Alec Enriquez.
Alec is a founding partner who owns 30% of the company and whose primary
duties are advertising through social media and website management.
Stephen Sellers. 10% ownership. Common stock
Our facilities will be managed by local people who we train to be experts on our
solution. Depending on the size of the town and the amount of water needed, 7 or
more employees will be trained to construct, maintain, and regulate the facility. All
of them will help in the construction and once the facility is done, they will take on
regular shifts. These people will be payed in clean water. Our employees will be
trained not to do one specific task but to become experts on our facility and how it
works. With a complete knowledge of the facility, any employee will be able to
repair damage, regulate intake and output, and make water sales.

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