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The Peripatetic Diabetic

Have Diabetes, Will Travel
Mary Alice Volkert
Registered & Licensed Dietitian
Certified Diabetes Educator

Mary Alice Volkert, RD, LD, CDE

Nutrition and Diabetes Education
6565 West Loop South, Suite 510
Bellaire, Texas 77401
(713) 668668-2759, Fax (713) 668668-2762

Plan and Prepare for Any Predicament

 Meet with your MD:
Get paper prescriptions (including generic names) for meds and pump supplies. Bring on
your trip.
Get sample pens, vials or prescriptions for (long term) Lantus (Glargine) and your rapid
acting insulin.
Have MD and CDE contact information on your cell phone.

Prepare for Pump Failure

Meet with your CDE:

Download and Print all your Pump Settings.
Know how to translate pump settings to injection settings.

e.g. Total Daily Basal Rate +20% = Lantus dose 1x/day.

Know how to figure your Correction Factor (Insulin Sensitivity) for High and Low BG levels.

e.g. 1 unit Rapid Acting to reduce an elevated BG by 50 mg/dl.

Know how to adjust your Insulin/Med doses for Time Zone changes.

Also be Sure to Bring:

Going East, shorter day, going west, longer day

A back-up Pump (if you have one)

Extra Batteries and Connecting Cables
Outlet Adapters for foreign countries
CGMS, BG Strips and Supplies
A Gel Cooler for your Insulin and Diabetes Supplies, like the Frio Cooler
www.FrioCase .com
Medic Alert Emergency ID
Hypoglycemia Supplies: Glucose Gel, Tablets or Shots, or a Glucagon Injector kit
A well-trained Companion, if possible!

One If by Land (Driving)

Keep a Cooler in the car for your snacks and small meals:
Unfrosted Snack Bars (KIND, Extend, Kashi), Greek Yogurt, String or Babybel Cheese, Fresh Fruits and
Vegetables, Nuts.

Carry plenty of Water.

Stop every couple of hours to Stretch your legs, have a Snack or Meal.
Check your BG frequently.
Check your GPS to find healthier restaurants on the road and at your destination.

Two If by Sea (Cruise)

Decide how you will handle Food before you go (desserts, alcohol, etc.).
Introduce yourself to the ships Physician once onboard.

Bring 1-2 Snacks with you for each day you are gone.
Use the Dining Room rather than the Buffet; choose foods as if you were paying for each
Allow for one or two Blow-Out meals, but keep up with the Carbs consumed.
Stay Active onboard.

Three Or if on the Opposite Shore you will be (International)

Expiration Date
Requirements of Destination

Trusted Traveler programs for expedited security screening:

Global Entry (www.globalentry.gov)

Transportation Security Administrations TSA PreCheck (www.gov/tsa-precheck)


the official that you have a pump to get hand screened before going through
 Take twice the Insulin and Pump Supplies you might need and carry them in two
different bags (e.g., purse and carry on).
 Prepare for Delays by bringing allowed Foods for Snacks.

Dont let Diabetes detour your travel plans.

Enjoy your destination!

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