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Issues of interest from each visit

1- Group work.
We find particularly interesting the work with groups to build trust and
self- esteem. This work also helps to know the true motivation of students.
We believe this approach is interesting because it is closely related to our
project in CEPA Oviedo on attention to diversity.
2- Commitment.
We would also like to highlight the idea of commitment to the course. We
believe that the idea of considering attending courses as a job provides higher
performance and better behaviour, taking into account the importance of the
course for the future of the students.


In our centre we are also interested in e-learning and we are

implementing an online platform. It is a tool that facilitates learning because of
its many features:

Easy access as to time and place

Lots of resources available to the student

Fits the pace and needs of the student

It complements classroom teaching

It is possible to organize content in multiple levels of difficulty


1-Teachers coordination and collaboration with the Public Employment
Service is essential for a proper development of the program.
2-The activity of our project on the CEPA focuses primarily on the
development of basic competence and key competence, which are very

important in the context of citizenship to promote inclusion in education and

training, work and social life.
3-We try to provide a model of good practice concerning diversity as a
way to address the difficulties of the learning process. We have seen how
adaptive learning affects the role of the teacher, the course structure and
methodology as well as the benefits for the learners.
4-Through the work session with the learners, we have seen how they
work on the e-learning platform and have known their impressions and
evaluations about the program. We value their analytical skills, maturity and
MODM. Bialystok . Poland

1-They are centred in developing active teaching methods, group work

and designing materials for adults.
2-Cooperation with other institutions is other of their working field, which
makes it possible to exchange experience.
3-One of the issues with the most interest is the research they did on the
Region of Podlaskie Labour market. In this study they had some interest
findings that can lead us towards further projects in the future. These findings

Employers look for specific skills and work experience

Soft skills are also very valuable by the employers

People with least education are also most passive , inflexible and
unwilling to rise their qualifications

Young people lack of sufficient knowledge about the labour market and
factors that facilitate professional success.


1.-. Previous activities that are carried out to prepare the mobility, such
as the information and the personal interviews which help the youngster build
up their project and achieve personal enrichment.
2.-The tracking tool Route book is a very useful tool which helps both
the trainer and the trainees to keep in touch. It helps youngsters maintain a
continuous reflection and therefore it can be used as a way of assessment.
3.-The outcomes after the mobility projects are of great interest, because
we can see how all previous work, plus the mobility itself, result in improved
personal and social skills, together with an enrichment of technical skills.
4.- Adapting to learners needs is of great importance if we want that
young vulnerable adults succeed in the program.
5.- Personal guidance and support is very relevant and it is one of the
key elements of the success.

1. The business incubator provides placement, support and guidance to

young entrepreneurs to start a business in an environment of
cooperation and exchanges
2. Pairing temporary job seekers to employers by means of an app that
eases the paperwork making a more fluid hiring.

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