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Jonathan Larbi

Period 4
Alexander the Great
Macedonian King, Alexander the Great was the son of King Philip II. He was a military
commander and at age 20 became the king of Macedonia due to his fathers murder. Alexander was
able to spread his empire from the Mediterranean to the Indian Border. He was known for
conquering Persia and Egypt and making them loyal to him. His military genius and leadership
skills helped him to become one of the greatest kings of all time. Sadly, before his 33 Birthday he
possibly died from malaria. Alexander the Great was successful in his lifetime because he had big
ambitions, he was able to conquer Persia, and Egypt with his military skills, and above all, because
he used his leadership and social skills to unite his conquered empire.
The first reason why Alexander the Great was successful was because he had big ambitions.
When Alexanders dad was still reigning, Aristotle was tutoring Alexander. At that time Aristotle
was a famous Greek Philosopher. Alexander learned from Aristotle public speaking, science, and
philosophy. Alexander also learned to accept Greek culture. This shows us that Alexander had some
knowledge that gave him a chance to do more than his father. Another example is that after
Alexander turned 18, he became prince over the Companion Cavalry. He was by his fathers side
when they defeated Athens and Thebes. After that, at age 20, His father died and Alexander took the
throne. Alexander wanted to show his people that he was going to do more than his dad. He planned
to spread his empire by conquering Persia. This shows us that Alexander had already had a plan to
make his empire. Alexanders big ambitions later were accomplished because of he took and
leadership and believed in himself.
As a result of big ambitions what did Alexander have to do? He had to go and carry out his
plan. That is why another reason that Alexander was successful was because he was able to conquer

Persia and Egypt with his military skills. Alexander had to defeat Persia in order to get control of the
East. Alexander used his military skills to secure the coastal areas of the Asia Minor, so the Persian
Naval forces could not penetrate into his defenses. Then he slowly started defeating western
sections of Persia and eventually defeated them when he was 26 and continued onto Mesopotamia
and the Iranian plateau. This shows us that Alexander was patient before attacking the Persians, so
he could find the available time to defeat them. The after that Alexander went on to conquer Egypt
and became the first king to conquer from the Mediterranean to the Indian Border. In addition,
Alexander left a legacy for other great rulers to follow. Some of them were Antiochus the Great,
Pompey the Great, Nero, Caracalla, Severus Alexander, and Charlemagne. Alexander was the only
leader who was close to ruling the world at that time. That is shows us that he was devoted into what
he was doing and never back down until he could gain control of all his enemies. Alexander
demonstrated true determination. That is why he is successful.
Finally, Alexander the Great was successful because most of all, he was able to unite his
conquered empire with his leadership and social skills. Alexander made a plan to unite his empire
by using three steps: first, he would spread Greek culture, then he would use religion to inspire
loyalty and finally he would show respect for the cultures he had conquered. Alexander spread Greek
culture by founding new cities in conquered countries that had Greek influence. For example,
Alexandria, which was a city located in Egypt was founded by Alexander. It had a marketplace, a
university, a library, and many other Greek ideas. It was also the center of trade and learning too.
This shows us that Alexander had a respect for Greece even though he conquered it. Then he used
religion to unite his empire too. The most surprising thing he did was promoting himself to be a god.
He wore a crown likewise to Ammon-Re that made the Egyptians accept that he was a god. This
shows that Alexander wanted to get on the good side of the Egyptians so he could promote peace
with them. Finally, he adopted other cultures. One way is that he married a Persian woman and

encouraged his men to do it too. This shows us that he respects all people and even wants to take
some in marriage to show his loyalty. This is also why he is successful.
As you can see, Alexander the Great was a very successful person. He was able to spread
able to make the greatest empire that has ever been. At age 20 he became king and at age 26 he
conquered Persia and did many other things too. It is very sad that he died at 32 because he had
ambitions to conquer the whole world. Now many people pay tribute to him because of his great
accomplishments. Alexander the Great was successful in his lifetime because he had big ambitions,
he was able to conquer Persia, and Egypt with his military skills, and above all, because he used his
leadership and social skills to unite his conquered empire.

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