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June 3th June 16th

Welcome back! I hope you
all had a wonderful track
out. My husband and I were
able to go to Charleston
and Isle of Palms for a
week to soak up some sun
and sand!
I cant believe we are in
the home stretch now of
2nd grade, only 4 more
We have mClass reading
assessments starting this
week and they will go until
June 15th. Your student will
be assessed on their reading fluency and reading level.
As we prepare for the
mClass assessments please
be sure to complete the
online reading log homework each night and go over
your childs response with
them. This is help them prepare for their reading assessment.
Also, CASE 21 reading and
math assessments are coming up the week of June 22.
Please continue to practice
the math with your child as
their HW practice comes
home. We are covering the
reading here in class.

Mrs. Engelhaupts Explorers

4th Qt: Weeks 7 & 8

Week 7 (Wed-Tues):
Reading: This week we will be reading various stories and plays.
We will focus on reading with correct fluency and expression. We
will also work on our written response questions as we prepare
for our mClass tests.
Phonics/Spelling: This weeks spelling pattern will focus on words
with the oor, our and ore sounds.
Writing: This week we will work on finishing our life cycle research projects. Students chose an animal, researched their life
cycles and are now creating a nonfiction book to publish their research.
Math: This week we will continue to work on measurement. We
will work on comparing measurements, naming which unit would be
best to measure certain objects and estimating different measurements.

Week 8 (wed-Tues):
Reading: This week we will start a new unit fables and fairy tales.
This time we will focus on naming the central message or lesson
of the stories.
Phonics/Spelling: This weeks spelling pattern will focus on words
with the air and are sounds.
Writing: This week we will start a new writing unit on fractured
fairy tales. Students will read and review fairy tales then write
their own version with the same central message or lesson.
Math: This week we will continue with our measurement unit. We
will begin to look at word problems involving measurement, addition and subtraction.
Social Studies: This week we will revisit our geography unit. We
will review land forms. We will then talk more in depth about maps
and map skills.


Tuesday June 10th: Yearbook Money due $16 (if you arent purchasing
a yearbook, please send back to school with your child)
Tuesday June 23rd: Classroom End of Year Celebration 1:15-1:45
(more info to come)

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