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ingresses into the various Signs, which result in certain alterations of their influence.

Initiating Signs. The first Sign of each season of the year; the Cardinal Signs - Aries, Cancer,
Libra, and Capricorn, characterized by a constant state of mobilization for action.

Initiative Type. Referring to a quality liberally possessed by those born when the Sun was in
a leading Sign: Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn. v. Sign.

Injunct. An abbreviated form of inconjunct (q.v.).

Inspirational Natures. Referring to the quality of sensory receptivity and reaction that
characterizes those born with the Sun in Aries, Leo and Sagittarius - respectively, the
initiative, executive and deductive types of the Inspirational group. It would appear that their
chief motivation derives from a super-consciousness of the Ego.

Intellectual Natures. Referring to a quality of sensory receptivity through the mind that
characterizes those born with the Sun in Libra, Aquarius and Gemini - respectively, the
initiative, executive and deductive types of the Intellectual group. To classify this group as
Intellectuals, does not imply that other groups are possessed of inferior intellects.

Interlunar. Of or pertaining to the brief period of time that separates the old and the new
Moon. The period of the Moon's invisibility during a lunation, the solar period less 26 d., 18
h., or approximately two days.

Intercepted. Said of a Sign wholly contained within a House; or more precisely, of a House
which is intercepted by a Sign which does not appear upon either of its cusps. v. House.

Interpolation. The process of computing intermediate values in a series of numbers. In

astrology it is applied (1) to computing a planet's position for a given moment between two
known posi- tions, such as the noon or midnight position prior to and subsequent to the
desired moment, as taken from an Ephemeris for that year; and (2) to compute the house
cusps for an intermediate latitude between two sets of tables computed for latitudes on either
side of that for which the interpolation is required. In making the calculations necessary for
an interpolation, use is frequently made of Tables of Diurnal Proportional Logarithms. v.

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