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World Cultures

Unit III: Southeast Asia, Oceania and Austrialia

Name: __________________________

SOUTHEAST ASIA [Page 705 709]

A Long History of Diversity:
1. In a paragraph, explain how the early history [prior to 1000 AD] was highly diversified.
Southeast Asia was highly diverse. The history and culture of many different areas in Asia
helped benefit the new way. Chinese art, political beliefs and ethnicity helped shape the ideas
of people in Vietnam. Hinduism and Buddhisms art and religion spread toward Southeast Asia
and it enhanced the culture, as well as keeping some old traditions also.
2. How was the area of Southeast Asia organized and governed during their early history?
Southeast Asia was organized into mandala states and each region held a different size power.
The most powerful mandala was the Khmer Empire, which today is known as Cambodia.
3. How did this change from 1300-1800?
In this time many things sprouted. There were five powerful states and more complex and
they began to grow into their own identity. Urbanization was a big part because cities were
being created.
Colonialism and its aftermath
1. What is colonialism?
Colonialism is basically a country or empire taking complete control over another colony.

What was the only country in the region that wasnt a colony?
Europe was the only country that wasnt a colony because they had little interest.

3. Identify and explain the three ways colonialism changed Southeast Asia.
1. It set up government routines.
2. Colonialism forced people to make commodities and apply help to Europes ecomony.
3. This new way had sparked nationalism in the colonies.
4. Skillbuilder: Interpreting Maps [p. 706] -- Answer #1 and #2
1. Burma
2. The Dutch or Burma
5. What changes came to Southeast Asia during WWII?
Changes in Southeast Asia during WWI were realizing that Japan was exploiting the region
for its own benefit.
6. How was control of the area in Southeast Asia by Japan different than European

The Europeans had different leaders. The Japanese put the Southeast Asians in control,
by doing this they experienced what it was like.
7. After WWII, Southeast Asia gained their independence differently. Briefly explain
this statement with examples.
Southeast Asia gained independence by battling to gain freedom from the Dutch. They
fought their fights peacefully.
An Uneven Economy
1. Southeast Asia has a traditional economy. Explain that statement with specific
examples to back it up.
The economy that they use is very traditional. They use the idea of growing crops and
agriculture for money. Their idea of this economy has been struggling because the
Vietnam has destroyed all factories and ways they used to increase their income.
2. What is ASEAN? How has it helped to create a region within a region?
The Association of Southeast Asion Nations has helped create a region within a region because
its main idea is to promote peace and economic growth with regions.
A Rich Mosaic of Culture
1. How is this area a mosaic of religions? Identify the different religions and where they
are practiced.
Southeast Asia contains of Buddhism in a lot of the area. The Philippines contain Catholic
and Brunei and Indonesia is an area of Muslim. There is practices of Hinduism as well.
2. Are there more rural or urban communities in this area?
People live mostly in rural villages.
3. Interpret the picture of page 709. What does this scene show about diversity in
This picture shows diversity because it displays people wearing head dresses with dresses, while
there are also women wearing jeans with a short sleeve shirt. There is people who are
wearing different types of clothing living in the same area.
OCEANIA [P. 711-715]
1. Identify these terms and explain their importance in the region:
a. Micronesia- tiny regions The states are made up on Micronesia
b. Melanesia- black regions There are four countries
c. Polynesia- many islands Oceania is made up of many islands
d. Subsistence activities- activities that only the family does to produce what they
need. Oceania income runs off these activities.
e. Copra- dried meat of coconuts.
f. Taro- plant with a starchy root

2. What type of migration is happening within Oceania today?

Migration from Southeast Asia is occurring in Oceania today and foreigners.
3. How did contact with Europeans and Americans affect the societies of the Pacific Islands?
The contact effected the societies by bringing in a new diverse culture. Also it created a little
discomfort because there were new things being brought up.
4. What is distinctive about Oceania in terms of its languages?
Oceania people speak many, many languages and people in New Guiana speak almost 823 languages
5. How has modern technology both helped and harmed Oceania?
It has helped Oceania by increasing the communication between the others. It has hurt it because
there are towns that have been decreasing and becoming shantytowns.
1. What prevents Australia from benefiting completely from its mining industry?
The treaty of Waitangi.
2. What historic actions demonstrated New Zealanders concern for equal rights and social
They were concerned for these rights because there was always tensions in the idea of
3. What is the major activity conducted in Antarctica?
The major activity is taking steps toward saving the land and area in Antartica.

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