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MSOD MId-Program Assessment

Welcome to the MSOD Pi Prime mid-program self-assessment. We hope that you emerge from
this process with more clarity about your capabilities and areas for growth as an organization
development practitioner.
If you have any questions about this please contact Julie Chesley at
Julie.Chesley@pepperdine.edu or by phone at (703) 389-3287.

Linda Gardner

Conceptual Understanding

I am able to articulate key concepts, theories and models, covered during the first year of MSOD.
Examples: use of self as instrument of change, SPINE, group dynamics, consulting skills, organization culture,
cross-cultural entry model, norms, etc....
Strongly Disagree


Neither Agree nor



Strongly Agree

I can integrate (relate, connect, combine, bridge) OD concepts, theories, models and experiences to make sense
of situations and effectively intervene.
Strongly Disagree


Neither Agree nor



Strongly Agree

Describe two specific examples of when you have applied OD concepts. What was your rationale for
using the particular models, concepts or theories that you selected?
With the work I am currently doing for the San Diego Humane Society, I have used appreciative inquiry to help build upon the
CEO's request for potentially changing their org structure. I have tried to help the employee engagement team focus on what is
already working well. This model worked well to remember the pros of how the structure is already working in order to better
decide if a change in the reporting structure is really what the organization needs at this time.
We used the action research model during the application process of "best companies to work for" at Lasco Enterprises. We
even did a pilot survey monkey assessment of current state of employees thoughts about the organization before having the
real assessment sent to them. This model helped us do the right amount of research to ensure we were doing everything we
should and could be doing to ensure that our employees were happy and also that we would have positive scores to get on the
official list of "best companies".

Use of Self as an Instrument of Change.

I am committed to developing self-awareness. E.g. gaining clarity about my personal values; setting clear
personal boundaries; managing my biases and defenses; recognizing when personal feelings have been
Strongly Disagree


Neither Agree nor



Strongly Agree

Describe a specific situation where using your self-as-instrument has impacted your professional effectiveness.
Several times in the past few months, i have realized certain things about myself when it comes to work and life balance that have
helped me remember the importance of being a "clean instrument" myself and bringing my best self to the table in all situations.
Taking time to prioritize and learn how to say "no" to certain requests and reminding myself that it is ok to do so sometimes is hard
for me but something I continue to work on.

Consulting Skills

I have a working knowledge of consulting skills and the consulting process.

Strongly Disagree


Neither Agree nor



Strongly Agree

Describe a consulting engagement. (This can be something that you are currently involved with.) Identify how you
addressed each stage of the consulting process. Where were you most challenged? Where did you feel the
strongest? What was your key learning as a result of your engagement?
Recently with a recruiting engagement to work on Communications Director role for a new client, I did a really good job during
the contracting phase winning the client over and earning a new academia client to recruit for but probably didn't spend
enough time in the discovery phase to know exactly what information they wanted from me weekly. I have realized that now
based on feedback I have received later in the process. During our weekly status update calls, I provide updates on candidates
I am sourcing and speaking with and they provide me feedback on the ones I have already sent them or that they have
interviewed. I found out they didn't think the calls were valuable because I wasn't bringing raw #s of data on how many
candidates we had sourced and the different places we were sourcing from. In hindsight, I should have done a better job
during the discovery and even contracting phase to know that was an expectation of theirs on our weekly calls.

I can conduct literature searches and apply what I learn to practice.

Strongly Disagree


Neither Agree nor



Strongly Agree

Where are you in your literature review? Articulate other situations where you have gone to the literature and
applied what you learned to practice.
I think I will continue to use Peter Block's "Flawless Consulting" process throughout my career in so many different capacities
because you can apply these steps to any type of client engagement. I use this on the regular now when I am referred a new
potential recruiting client throughout the life cycle of the recruiting process from the initial phone call to the point when the position
has been filled. Schein and Cummings and Worley's books have also been a continuos resource that I have gone back to and
know that I will continue to do so throughout my career.

I am developing a working theory of OD practice.

Strongly Disagree


Neither Agree nor



Strongly Agree

Describe your working theory of OD practice. Include the beliefs, values, assumptions and models that inform
your emergent theory.
I am at a point where I have learned that due to my "Helping Inspirer" nature according to my insights profile that I will always
strive to help, please, and create harmony in all situations. Therefore that will probably always be a component of how I act as
an OD consultant and what attracted me to this program and OD in the first place. Focusing on how I can make a positive
impact for change in an organization and making them more effective through identifying ways to bring top talent to the table is
how I am applying my OD practice currently. I think that the appreciative inquiry model is something I use frequently to focus on
the positive and what is already being done correctly since I am a "glass that is half full" type of person. I also think the analysis
and continuing to develop my understanding of group dynamics will be something I will continue to have an interest in as I
have found it fascinating thus far throughout our journey. Also, as a recruiter it is in my nature to focus on the person and what
makes them tick and I know that this will transfer over to my OD consulting which I think will help me when I focus on the human
side of the processes involved with OD.

Program Assignment Progress

I am current on my thesis project



I have successfully completed all session papers



I am making progress on my strategic learning contract



Narrative self-assessment. Briefly describe your strengths and areas for development as an OD
I think that these strengths and weaknesses are things I have been aware of for a while but have become more aware of the
past year through reflections I have made in this program. These themes also all rang true in my insights assessment. I am
trying to work on my weaknesses by being keenly aware when some of them are affecting me and actively working on
correcting those behaviors. I am also signed up for a time management course coming up on 10/13.
My strengths are: positivity, social and relationship builder, accommodating, flexible, always open to try new things.
My weaknesses are: overcommitment, time management, overly influenced by others, has difficulty speaking up in groups
sometimes, inability to say "no"

Anything else that you would like us to know about you and your development as an OD practitioner?
I am so pleased with this program so far and continue to be amazed by how much we have learned the past year. I can't wait for
what is in store for us to learn in the coming months as we round out our OD learning and who we are as practitioners.

Thank you for completing your self-assessment.

Pi Prime Mid-Program Assessment

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