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http:/ / th07.deviantart.net/ fs71/ PRE/ f/ 2014/ 018/ 1/ c/ beautiful_saturn_by_qauz-d72nadr.


What is the ring of the Saturn

formed by?


Saturn's rings was formed by objects like

Asteroids or comets and others. They break
up into pieces and orbit around Saturn,
because of the large gravity of Saturn, they
orbit around it. The pieces of these kind of
objects keep crashing into each other to
make even smaller pieces of them selves.

A gas giant planet and the sixth planet from the Star that we call
the Sun. It is the second biggest planet in the Solar System after
Jupiter. If you compare Saturn to Jupiter, it is easily known as the
brothers or relatives. These two planets are almost have the same
speed of orbiting around the sun. Romans have been named
Saturn the father of the god of Jupiter, it is the god of Agriculture
called Cronus.

What is the temperature of Saturn?

As a Gas Giant, Saturn does not have a solid
ground so you can?t really stand on it.
Scientists put the surface of the planet at an
area were the pressure is equal to the sea
level on Earth. Saturn has three layers of
clouds. The upper layers of ammonia ice
have temperatures up too minus 280 F to
minus 170 F.

What is Saturn made of?

The Gas Giant Saturn has many mineral
inside it like the sun. Although it is the
second biggest it lacks of fusion power.
Still it is the gaseous composition of a
planet, the ring makes it one of the
interesting planets in the Solar System.


/ f1.pepst.com/ c/ 28AE8B/ 210801/ ssc3/ home/ 088/ estilo/ albums/ 121_saturn.jpg_480_480_0_64000_0_1_0.jpg

The Moons

http:/ / setterfield.org/ Astronomy/ pictures/ Saturn_moons.jpg

Can Saturn Sustain Life?

Saturn cannot sustain life because you
cannot stand on the planet (there are no
solid ground) and the gas is very poisonous.
Saturn is also pretty far from the sun so it
must be pretty cold there to sustain any life,
so there won't be any signs of life on it.

Saturn has 150 moons, but I am only going to tell you 18 famous ones
and they are, Pan, atlas, Prometheus, Janus, Pandom ,Emplemtheus,
Mantas, Enceladus, Telesto, Helene, Calypso, tellies, Dione, Rhea, Titan,
Hyperion,Iapetus, Phoebe. They are all Saturn's moons, Titan is the
most famous and biggest moon of Saturn, it has water ( Maybe Iced
cold) on it. There totally 7 main moons of Saturn and the others are all
asteroids moons

Fun Facts

Cites that I used

http:/ / www.answers.com/ Q/ Are_there_any_signs_of_life_on_Saturn

1. Saturn is the fifth brightest planet in the Solar

System and is easily studied with binoculars or small

www.crystalinks.com/ saturnrome.html
https:/ / www.google.com.hk/ web
http:/ / theplanets.org/ saturn/

2. All moons are frozen that are saturn, biggest moons

are Titan and Rhea.
3. Saturn's rings are made out of frozen ice and dust.


http:/ / www.coolcosmos.ipac.caltech.edu/ ask/ 107-How-did-Saturn-get-its-rings

http:/ / csep10.phys.utk.edu/ astr161/ lect/ saturn/ moons.html
http:/ / www.ask.com/ science/ saturn-hot-cold-6f47bb4a1ea3bd65 /

4. Saturn is 95.16 times heavier than Earth.

5. Saturn's atmosphere is set up into layers of clouds,

the top layer is ammonia ice, the lower layers are ice
water and mixture of ice.


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