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The relationship between human age and its coordination system (memory)
Ester Tara Fenina M.
9 Andes

This article is going to be, the relationship between human age and its coordination

system. Me and my partner choose the coordination system is the memory part. We are
observing the connection of a peoples age and their memory part. We ask many people
in different ages. Its all about the the relationship between human age and its
coordination system. We observe what are the common thing that affecting a person to
remember something. Is not only about their habit. but something age also gives effect
to people for remembering something. Just to remember something, is not easy for a
person. If that person is really hard for remembering something, so they should have
something that bother them. Either they are already old or because of their habit.
Memory part are divided into 3 part. There are sensory, short term and long term
memory. Sensory memory is when a person are really instant to recall what they have
do, seen, heard, etc. If the short term, that is when a person found really hard to
remember something, even the easiest thing. The long term memory is a person that
have a really big capacity of remembering something. In this article we are trying to
observe, which type of this memory that are really common in people.

Materials and Methods

First, me and my partner search about what test should we give to people that we want
to observe. Then we found this website that test about peoples memory. In this test, we
are given many images and when we see the exact image we should click the spacebar
as quick as they can. We just get more than 15 people to observe. We interview most of
them are 9 grader and some teacher, and the people that are under 14 years old. All we
need in this test just a laptop and many people that want to be tested for their memory.


We got many result actually. Is not only age that affect the way we remember things.
From the result that we got, Olive is 14 years old and Ms Judith is 42 years old. The
result from this 2 person is not really different. Olive can neither just do some activity
that make her tired and it can affect the way she remember things. Making our brain
tired are also the same as making most of our body part are really slow to react on
something or remember on something.
Olive ( 14 years old)

Ms Judith ( 42 Years old )

The other result that we got, in this picture we can see that both of them are 14 years old. It
means, that they should have the same result. Well, is not really the same but theyre memory
are really good. This can be called as the sensory memory, just looking at their result that is a
very good memory.
Morris ( 14
years old )

( 14 years
old )

So, from the result that we got not only age that affect the memory but also things we do.
Because if we get tired that will affect the way we remember stuff. Usually, people just think that
because they already become old they become hard to remember things. Thats true but when
people that are under 30 years old also do things make them tired and eat food that are not
good for their body it can affect their memory also.
Making this observation we know that people are sometimes easy to forget things. We have to
consider the things that we do in our daily life. Because sometimes, many people just do their
job and they didn't remember that their body also need some rest.
This are the people that we interview.
Hafiz, Rafael, Morris, Olive, Pak Donny, Ms. Bella, Atala, Jose, Ms. Judith, Ms. Clegg, Mr.
Cordis, Karla, Adel, Dika, Mira ( Thoriq cousin ), Thoriq, and me.

- Does Age Affect Memory? (n.d.). Retrieved November 13, 2014, from
(n.d.). Retrieved November 13, 2014, from http://memtrax.com/ http://memtrax.com/memorytest/

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