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Details of Proposed Semi-Structured Interview

Timeline of interviews: October 2015 December 2015.

Number of interviews: approximately 15
At the conclusion of IS service, the researcher will send out an email to each staff member who
received direct IS service. This information is readily available as it is tracked by the IS
consultants and coordinator. The email will have information about the purpose of the study and
the participants requested role. There will be a request by the researcher to complete an
attached questionnaire with phase one sampling questions. If you are selected for the study, a
consent form will be emailed to you. Upon receiving the consent form, the researcher will
arrange a suitable interview date and time at the conclusion of IS service.
Should participants have any questions prior to or during the interview, or wish to remove their
consent at any time, the researcher will provide her work email and telephone number on the
initial email and on the attachment itself.
Phase One Sampling: Questionnaire attachment in initial email:
1. What is your full name?
2. What is your school name?
3. What is your job title?
4. Has the student serviced by the IS program been referred to outside mental health
community agencies at any time during IS service?
5. Is it anticipated that the student serviced by the IS program will leave the school to attend
an interval behaviour class, kindergarten intensive support class, section 23 class, or day
treatment / residential / hospital facility at any time during IS service?
6. Is it anticipated that the student will remain in the same mainstream classroom with the
same Teacher who was serviced by IS?
7. Would you be willing to participate in a semi-structured telephone or Skype interview to
discuss your experiences with the IS program?
Phase Two Sampling: Purposive Criteria
The purposive sampling criteria are: (1) at least three staff members from the same school
consent to the interview; and (2) the student attended the same school and remained in his/her
mainstream class after IS service was complete.

Semi-Structure Interview Questions via Telephone or Skype:

1. Experiences:
a. I want to learn more about your experiences with the IS program. Reconstruct a
time when you felt most involved or excited about your involvement with the IS
b. Tell me more about that. Who was involved? Describe how you felt?
c. Could you give me a specific example of how your professional practice and
capacity has changed and improved as a result of this IS experience?
2. Values:
a. What did you most value about being involved with the IS program?
i. Why is this your most valued experience?
ii. How did it affect you and your learning?
iii. How did it affect your role supporting a student with mental health and /
or behaviour issues?
iv. How did it affect your role as part of the larger school community.
3. Wishes:
a. If you had three wishes for the IS program, what would they be?
4. Enhancements:
a. Thinking back to your experiences, tell me about your role as a
teacher/principal/etc. in relation to the interprofessional team?
b. In what ways does your involvement with the IS program influence that role?
c. Can you think of a time when that relation was really valuable?
d. How could the collaborative, interprofessional team be enhanced?
5. Sustained Capacity Building:
a. Tell me how you feel about your new experiences, thoughts and conversations
about mental health awareness.
b. What is your most new or changed understanding about students suffering with
mental health issues?
c. How will you share your learning with other staff members who may be faced with
a student suffering from mental health issues?
d. What else do you still want to learn?
6. Other Comments:

Once the interview is complete, a written transcript will be documented and shared with the
participant. Should participants have any questions after they have read the transcript, I will
provide my work email and telephone number.

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