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Inglés Instrumental V. Este examen escrito supone el 80% de la calificacién total de la asignatura para los estudiantes que hayan optado por la evaluacién continua, y el 100% para los que no. Consta de 4 partes (vocabulario, pronunciacién, traduccion y lectura/resumen). Es necesario alcanzar al menos el 50% de cada una de las partes para superarlo. Por tanto, no se deben dejar preguntas sin contester. No es necesario copiar las preguntas en la hoja de examen. Indique sdlo el numero de la pregunta y su respuesta. 1A. Give a Spanish word or, if necessary, a very short phrase which means the same or nearly the same as each of the English words below (15 points): Example: asleep - dormido a) quit b) cluster c) mess about 4) hug e) groan f) dye g) brisk h) scatter i) fall back on i) glitter 1B. Give an English word or, if necessary, an English phrase which means the same or nearly the same as each of the Spanish words below (15 points): Example: gotear - drip a) preestreno b) sindicato ©) asegurardor 4) columna vertebral e) talon f) cabina de mando g) atatid h) anticuado i) candidato j) remolque 2. Use the International Phonetic Alphabet to indicate how you would pronounce the three words below (10 points): a) steward b) exquisite ) tongue 3. Translate these sentences into English (40 points): a) Peter dijo que habia estado intentando contactar conmigo durante dos horas. No encontrébamos al perro por ninguna parte. b) El ex coronel americano Richard Houston dio un discurso ayer. El no era tan inteligente como parecia ©) Era un libro tan bueno que lo vendieron rapidamente. El libro habria sido vendido en Canada si lo hubieran traducido al inglés. 4) Site compras un reloj suizo tienes que asegurarte de que es original. Hoy en dia se venden muchas réplicas de relojes suizos por todas partes. e) Wimbledon es reconocido como el primer torneo de tenis del mundo. Lo he visto dos veces. 1) Hablaron durante un desayuno relajado. A menudo disfrutan de la compafita del otro. ) Ted era un corredor tan bueno que fue a las Olimpiadas. Lo vi hace dos horas. h) Donald dijo que se quedaria donde estaba pero probablemente esté de camino a casa. i) Quiz yo haya sido un poco injusto contigo. Ven a verme siempre que quieras. }) Efectivamente estoy muy impresionado por su inteligencia y belleza. ;No se lo digas! 4, Read the passage below and write a summary in a maximum of 17 words (20 points): Responding to the latest revelations about the way the elderly are cared for in British hospitals, the Department of Health had this to say: “The Patients Association is right to raise these examples and issues, and we will work with them and with the NHS to sort these problems out.” Yet this scandal has been apparent for several years, and little has been done about it. In August 2009, when the association first exposed the neglect of the elderly, Labour ministers dismissed the stories as “unrepresentative” — a complacent attitude that appears to be ingrained in the health service. The latest report highlighted 16 cases of patients denied pain relief, left for days without food and drink or forced to use filthy lavatories. This would be hard to countenance under any circumstances — but it is nothing short of outrageous for it to be happening in a health service that has had such a massive increase in funding. As Sir Keith Pearson, the chairman of the NHS Confederation, points out on the opposite page, it is clear that the cases identified in yesterday's report are not isolated instances of bad practice. Last month, the Care Quality Commission criticised an “alarming” decline in standards; in February, the Health Service Ombudsman reported that nearly a fifth of all the complaints it received related to the care of the elderly — and they are on the increase. Inevitably, as more of us live longer and are subject to the diseases of old age, hospitals will have a greater number of older people to care for, and will need to adapt accordingly. But these deficiencies do not require strategic plans, months of meetings or ministerial inquiries: ensuring that patients are fed, watered and able to use clean lavatories should be a basic component of care. Any manager or nurse unable to provide it does not deserve to keep their job,

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