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How to Tie Your Shoe

- IX.B.2.Child shows increasing control of tasks that
require eye hand coordination.
-Accomplishes selfhelp tasks (buttoning, zipping,
The students will be able to practice tying his/her shoe
by the end of the school year. This is not a skill for
mastery in pre-kindergarten . It is meant to expose the
students to a self-help skill that they will need to develop
and master over the years.
Shoe tying practice for pre-kindergarteners. Honestly,
what would we do without Velcro? Moms, teachers, and
daycare providers would be tying shoes all day long.
That's because most children lack the coordination to
effectively tie their own shoes until they're at least
around 4 or 5. By then, her fine motor skills will be
developed enough and she can remember the multistep
process required to tie laces. But plan on her still needing
plenty of practice and a little help every now and then

(which is why so many schools prefer Velcro sneaks). In

fact, most girls don't master the task of tying their own
shoes until age 6, and boys may need help until age 7.
--Deborah Skolnik
Copyright 2005. Reprinted with permission from the
April 2005 issue of Parents magazine. Updated 2009

MarzanoCooperative learning, homework practice( flipped

classroom Blendspace lesson), non-linguistic
representations, reinforcing effort and providing
recognition( encouragement).

Blooms Taxonomy Correlated ObjectivesRemember- Sing the song, Criss-Cross to the tune
of Splish- Splash
Remember- steps to accomplish tying a shoe.
Understand- to be able to restate the process and
predict next steps and answers to problems.
Apply- practice the first part of tying a shoe,( the
criss-cross portion) , then attempt to complete tying
Analyze- Explain his or her thinking through the
process of tying his / her shoe.

Evaluate- Tie a bow!

Create- Create a How to Book explaining the 5
step process.
1. criss-cross portion
2. make a loop
3. with other lace, go around the loop
4. push shoe lace through the hole
5. pull both loops gently but firmly
Create-Tie a bow with Wikki Sticks and display in
the library along with their How to Tie a Bow
books in the library.

In Class- ( Taught before the At Home portion of the

lesson, or the Flipped Classroom Portion.)
Read the book, I Love My White Shoes . Pete the
Cat . Make personal connections to the book including
type of shoes that he wears, resilience, and having a
positive attitude in life. Students watch the teacher
model how to tie a bow on her tennis shoe. Watch three
different You Tube Videos that teach how to tie shoes,
including very young children. This is a hook, in the
students wanting to learn how to tie their own shoes.

At HomeGo to the Blendspace lesson that is located on our

Green Door Website.

In ClassAsk students to show the shoes that they brought in
for the lesson from home after watching , reading and
listening to the Flipped Classroom Lesson How to Tie
Your Shoe. Begin practicing with the shoes that they
brought from home in small groups of four. ( divide
children into color groups).
As children begin to show that they can indeed tie their
own shoes, they will complete their book, Wikki Stick
bow, and post a quick How to Lesson on Blogger Jr. in
efforts to solidify their steps in shoe tying.

Extension or Connection:
In Guided ReadingIntroduce the repetitive Pattern Text.

What Will I Wear Today?


Kathy GriffinCopyright 201

Parents Magazine 2005


You Tube Videos

Can Teach Educational Magazine for their adaptation of
the song, Splish Splash, now Criss-Cross.

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