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Summer Shows and Activities, 2015

The BIG Little Science Centre Exploration Room is open year round:
Tuesday to Saturday, 10am to 4pm.
655 Holt Street, in Happyvale School
Standard entry fees apply for the following, unless otherwise stated.

June 25, 26, 27, 30 and July 2 to 4

Construction Days: LEGO! Megablox, MagNext & more! All day long.
Building materials will be out for creative constructions. Included with standard entry fee.
The super Exploration Room is open 10am to 4pm with over 140 different exhibits to enjoy.

Wednesday, July 1: Canada Day in Riverside Park, 9am to 6pm

Visit the BIG Little Science Centre Booth in Riverside Park, for loads of science fun!
Main science centre at 655 Holt Street will be closed.


Week of July 7 to 11:

Static Electricity Show at 11am and at 1:30pm

Time for a Science Centre Hair Do. Discover fun static activities that you can try at home, plus have the
powerful van de Graaf Generator make your hair fly.
The Static Electricity Show is our most requested show!
The super Exploration Room is open 10am to 4pm with over 140 different exhibits to enjoy.
Week of July 14 to 18:

Exploring Circuits at 11am and at 1:30pm

Discover what an electrical circuit is and how they affect your world. Build your own circuits to operate
lights and motors.
The super Exploration Room is open 10am to 4pm with over 140 different exhibits to enjoy.
Week of July 21 to 25:

Magnetism Show at 11am and at 1:30pm

Electricity Month: This week, discover the connection between electricity and magnets!
Move objects without touching them: just like magic! Enjoy the science tricks while learning about
magnets. The super Exploration Room is open 10am to 4pm with over 140 different exhibits to enjoy.
Week of July 28 to August 1:

Electromagnetism Lab at 11:00am and at 1:30pm

Electricity Month: This week, discover the connection between electricity and magnets!
Explore how the two mysterious forces of electricity and magnetism are related. Use electricity to make a
magnet and race to pick up all the nails.
The super Exploration Room is open 10am to 4pm with over 140 different exhibits to enjoy.
Location: 655 Holt Street, Kamloops, BC, V2B 5G2
Mailing Address: Box 882 Station Main, Kamloops, BC, V2C 5M8
(250) 554-2572




Saturday July 25:

BIG Little Science Centre Speaker Series:

Landing on Mars; A talk with NASA Engineer Luke Dubord

6:00 to 6:45pm: talk for youngsters and families
7:30 to 8:30pm: Full Lecture
In the Barber Centre (HOL190), in the House of Learning, Thompson Rivers University

Luke Dubord is a Canadian Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineer at NASAs Jet Propulsion
Laboratory. He is currently on the development team for NASAs InSight Mars Land project,
scheduled to launch in March 2016. He was active on the development team of the MSL mission
Curiosity. Luke will share about the development efforts of Curiosity and the currently indevelopment Mars Lander InSight, as well as the future of NASA Mars exploration.
Tickets are available at the BIG Little Science Centre, 655 Holt Street, or online at blscs.org,
follow the Landing on Mars link. Cost is $5 per person and $10 per family.

August: Discover our World!

Week of August 4 to 8:

Microscopic Explorations at 11am and at 1:30pm

Use hand lenses and microscopes to discover the micro world around us. Discover how amazing items
from nature and our world look when magnified many times. We will provide crystals, sand and more to
explore. Everyone is encouraged to bring other items to explore as well.
The super Exploration Room is open 10am to 4pm with over 140 different exhibits to enjoy.
Week of August 11 to 15:

Forces and Motion Show at 11am and at 1:30pm

A force is a push or a pull! But what makes those forces and how? Join us to discover many of the key
forces that influence our lives. Be prepared for some explosive movement and fun!
The super Exploration Room is open 10am to 4pm with over 140 different exhibits to enjoy.
Week of August 18 to 22:

Explosive Geology Lab at 11am and at 1:30pm

The land and water of the world sit on different plates that slowly move over the earths core. Explore
how this system works, do a Plate Puzzle to recreate the current set up of the continents, and make your
own volcanic eruptions!
The super Exploration Room is open 10am to 4pm with over 140 different exhibits to enjoy.
Week of August 25 to 29:

Astronomy Show and Craft at 11am and at 1:30pm

Explore the solar system, then look to the stars and make a Constellation in a Cup!
The super Exploration Room is open 10am to 4pm with over 140 different exhibits to enjoy.
Contact Susan Hammond, Assistant Operator, for more information: susan@blscs.org
Location: 655 Holt Street, Kamloops, BC, V2B 5G2
Mailing Address: Box 882 Station Main, Kamloops, BC, V2C 5M8
(250) 554-2572



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