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Lesson Plan: Group Exploration of Bonding and Balancing Equations

Rachel Ann MacAdam: Cross MS

8th Grade General Science
SWBAT summarize in poem, song, or play form the differences between ionic and covalent bonds
using key vocabulary words. S4C2PO4, 7
SWBAT create a model of a balanced chemical equation. S4C2PO4, 7
SWBAT justify a claim using the law of conservation of mass as to whether or not HCl when
combined with Zn can form CO2 gas. S4C2PO4, 7
Arizona State Standards
Prerequisites/Readings: students have learned basic information about atomic structure and
function, ions, charged particles, covalent bonds, and chemical equations.
Materials/Equipment: group copy of directions, assorted colored gummy bears, toothpicks, butcher
paper, colored pencils, paper, and power point with bell work slide.
Relevancy: The purpose of this lesson is to get students interested and comfortable working in a
group, and to review key chemistry concepts that will be on their final using multiple sensory
Bell Work/Anticipatory Set (15 min):
Students will complete a consensus board listing the following: the best movie of all time, the worst
movie of all time, favorite place, least favorite place, best and worst music group.
Group Work (20 min): Working in groups of 3-4, students will complete 3 group activities. Activity 1:
students will write a poem, song, or play about ionic and covalent bonds. Activity 2: students will
construct a model of a balanced chemical equation using gummy bears and toothpicks. Activity 3:
students will construct another consensus board where they will write about the law of conservation
of mass.
Closure (5 min): Students will individually write a summary of what they learned today using key
vocabulary words. This will be turned in at the end of class.
Check for Understanding/Assessment:
Informal: During group discussion and while individuals are presenting their findings the teacher will
assess understanding.
Formal: Students will be graded on their notes and consensus board as well as their summary

Group Exploration:

Bonding & Balancing Equations

DO FIRST!!! Assign each member of your group a role (if you have fewer members than roles you
will need to share one of the roles as a group):
1.) Facilitator: will keep the group on task, manage conflict, and keep time for each task.
2.) Scribe: will record and draw information to be turned in to the teacher. Make sure to
write all group members names and roles on the paper.
3.) Equipment Manager: will gather materials needed for each activity and manage cleanup.
4.) Presenter: will share group work with the entire class when called for.

Ice Breaker Activity: Consensus Board

This activity is to help you break the ice as a group. The equipment manager should
grab one piece of butcher paper and colored pencils for the group members. The
facilitator will keep the group on task, facilitate kind and respectful conversation,
and manage time (you will have 7 minutes for this activity). The scribe will create
the squares for the consensus board and record the information in the center
square of the board. The presenter will share out to the class.
1.) Create a consensus board using the diagram below as a guide:
2.) Make sure to put your individual name on your section of the board so you can
be given credit when you turn this in.
3.) Each member will write the answers to the following questions on their
individual square:
individual name and answers

The best movie of all time

The worst movie of all time
Your favorite place
Your least favorite place
The best music group or singer
The worst music group or singer

individual name and answers


what the
group agrees
individual name and answers

individual name and answers

4.) In the center square the scribe will write what the group can all agree on for
the above questions. If none of your answers match you will need to come up
with new answers that you all can agree on.
5.) The presenter will have one minute to share what the group came up with.

Group Exploration Activities:

READ FIRST!!!! You may decide as a group how you want to complete each of the following tasks.

scribe will need to make a detailed record on a separate piece of paper of all that you complete as a group
including the name and duty of each of the group members at the top of your paper. Please read and
follow directions carefully. The facilitator will need to keep the group on task and on time. You will have
approximately 8 minutes for each activity. The equipment manager will need to gather and manage the
cleanup of all materials. The presenter will be asked to share what you have completed as a group with
the class, using other members to help if needed. You will turn in your 1.) Consensus board 2.) One sheet
of paper for your group and 3.) An individual closure paper for each member at the end of class today.

Activity #1: Bonding Poem/Song/Play

o Write a short poem, song, or play about ionic vs. covalent bonds including the
following vocabulary words:
Electron, Share, Gain, Lose, Charged particles, Molecules, Bonding, Atom
o Use pages 176-184 in Science Interactions text as well as your Chemical
Changes in Matter worksheet as a reference.
Activity #2: Gummy Model
o Using a selection of gummies and toothpicks create a model of a balanced
chemical equation. You may use your text, notes, and worksheets as guides.
o Record a description and picture of your model on your sheet indicating which
color gummy represents which atom (for example: all red gummies represent
oxygen atoms). Indicate the reactants and products in the equation.
Activity #3: Law of Conservation of Mass Consensus Board
o On the back of your Ice Breaker board create another consensus board.
o Each group member will individually write their answer to the following prompt.
Your answer must be in your own words and should not be identical to other
members. The scribe will then write what you all agreed in the center square:
Can HCl (Hydrochloric Acid) when combined with Zn (Zinc) produce CO2

(Carbon dioxide)? Why or why not? Include information about the Law of
Conservation of Mass to justify your answer. You may include pictures.

Activity #4: Closure

o Individually, on a separate piece of paper, record a 3 to 4 sentence paragraph
summarizing what you learned today. Include the following vocabulary:
Ionic bonds, covalent bonds, balancing chemical equations, the law of

conservation of mass.

Include pictures and diagrams to illustrate your learning. This could be pictures of what
you did as a group, bonding diagrams, chemical equations,

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