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July 2015

Troy, Ohio

July Program
The July program will be by Ralph Moeller. He will be
discussing composition, balance and proportions.
Cookie volunteers(s) for June is Barb Frazier.
Club Competition
This is a competition month, so bring in all those
projects that you have been working on.
As always, we will have a Show-an-Tell. Remember,
your show and tell can be anything that you think the
other club members would be interested in.

Vol. XL Issue 7

carved from nuts--rather, they were carved from wood,

but tiny enough to look like walnuts.
Prayer nuts were mainly produced in northern Europe
during the 16th century. Due to the incredible skill
required to make these items, only the wealthy could
afford them. In addition to being a symbol of a person's
faith, they were also a status symbol.
The outsides alone were marvelously carved with
intricate designs, including text. Everything was held in
place with wooden hinges carved right into the piece.
These prayer nuts would usually be attached to a belt or
a rosary.

Mulies Challenge
We havent had one for a while Mulie brought in
blanks (1 x 1 x 4 in) with the challenge to carve
something no theme or subject. Since attendance was
down at the June meeting, it was decided to extend the
challenge - finished pieces will be judged at the Sept
Coming attractions
18-19 July: Eastern Woodlands Carvers Club Annual
Show, Converse IN. www.ewcc.wordpress.com
22-25 July: Buckeye Woodcarvers Roundup, Fletcher
OH. http://buckeyewoodcarversroundup.webs.com
24-25 Oct: 29th Annual Woodcarvers Show & Sale,
Sauder Village, Archibald OH.

A Reminder Dues were due in June! If you havent
paid yet, see John G at the meeting.
16th Century Prayer Nuts?
Anyone want to try one of these? In addition to tiny,
beautiful prayer books and rosary beads, people liked to
express their love of religion and beauty with objects
known as prayer nuts. These artifacts were not actually

Thats all for this month, see you, Tuesday, July 14

at 7:00 PM
The Officers
President: Carolyn Armstrong, (937) 526-4192,
Vice-President: Don Worley, (937) 845-0741,
Treasurer: John Guillozet, jagtlc@yahoo.com,
(937) 214-8853
Secretary: Rich Richmond, 937-322-7650

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