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1505 Release Notes

Date Prepared:
Prepared by:




Ashley Smith



Front of House .......................................................................................................................................................................... 4


Ref TFS #20863 / 21586 Sports Courses: Request new course through Front of House .......................................... 4


Ref TFS #21271 Invoice number will be included on receipt .................................................................................... 5


Ref TFS #21331 Printing additional receipts by tender ............................................................................................ 5


Ref TFS #21420 Inventory barcodes recognised by location .................................................................................... 5


Ref TFS #21461 Stop Add-On/Linked members entering if Head member is in debt .............................................. 5


Ref TFS #21703 Only show Staffs First Name and first initial of Surname on receipt ............................................. 5


Ref TFS #21743 Hide Staff barcode .......................................................................................................................... 6

Membership Management ....................................................................................................................................................... 6


Ref TFS #21733 Show manual Credit Note reason in Statement ............................................................................. 6

Bookings ................................................................................................................................................................................... 6

Ref TFS #20981 Course Import: Indicate the booking name when clashing with a system booking ....................... 6


Ref TFS #21266 Course register can show Session dates ......................................................................................... 6


Ref TM #179608 // TFS #21734 Classes can be set to open 24 hours ahead of start time ...................................... 6

Reports ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 6

Ref TFS #21275 Course Attendees Merge Report: Additional Column .................................................................... 6


Ref TFS #21286 DD Collection Report: Additional Columns ..................................................................................... 6


Ref TFS #21288 Historical Transaction Detail Report: Additional Columns .............................................................. 6


Ref TFS #21325 New Report: Class Uptake Rate report ........................................................................................... 6


Ref TFS #21327 New Reports: POS Analysis ............................................................................................................. 7


Ref TFS #21360 Historical Transaction Detail: Additional Filters .............................................................................. 7

Control Panel ............................................................................................................................................................................ 7


Ref TM #175245 // TFS #19928 User Configurable Fields can be region/club specific ............................................ 7

Release 1505

Version: 1.1


#21028 User will be prompted when adding an inactive date to an inventory item if it is in use ........................... 7


Ref TM #183488 // TFS #21074 Configure GL code for bolt-ons .............................................................................. 8

Fee Collection ........................................................................................................................................................................... 8


Ref TFS #20610 Edit Returns configuration .............................................................................................................. 8

Bulk Log .................................................................................................................................................................................... 8


Ref TM #179629 // TFS #20781 Upload User Configurable Fields Multi-Select data ............................................... 8


Ref TFS #21004 Membership Price Cycle Fee change will show the old and new price in events ........................... 8

CRM .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 9

Ref TFS #21573 Restrict which agreements are shown in the Current Activity list .............................................. 9

Online Services ......................................................................................................................................................................... 9


Ref TM #145704 // TFS #13340 Restoring a voucher when cancelling an activity .................................................. 9


Ref TM #161028 // TFS #20628 Mobile Bookings: Show activity descriptions ........................................................ 9

Kiosk ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 9

Ref TM #132700 // TFS #20081 Homepage changes................................................................................................ 9

Online Ticketing ........................................................................................................................................................................ 9


Ref TFS #18072 Shared Capacity option ................................................................................................................... 9


Ref TFS #20140 Prompt when no extras are purchased........................................................................................... 9


Ref TFS #21018 Access to Configuration controlled by security token .................................................................... 9

Sports Courses .......................................................................................................................................................................... 9


Ref TFS #19558 Force Payment for course when requesting a change.................................................................... 9


Ref TFS #19637 Move Assessments in Back Office ................................................................................................. 10


Ref TFS #20250 Re-enrolment management email functionality........................................................................... 10


Ref TFS #20280 Re-enrolment management move functionality .......................................................................... 12


Ref TFS #20605 Security token to control creation of Levels ................................................................................. 12


Ref TFS #21097 Re-enrolment screen changes ...................................................................................................... 12


Ref TFS #21142 Copy courses to new term ............................................................................................................ 12


Ref TFS #21234 Re-enrol on to a different discipline ............................................................................................. 12


Ref TFS #21272 Re-enrolment additional details ................................................................................................... 12

Other ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 12

Ref TFS #21273 Access Gate Swipes available from Extended Usage service ........................................................ 12


Ref TFS #21302 Capita: Junior Membership ........................................................................................................... 12


Ref TFS #21303 Capita: Do not create a membership if the library record is missing a Post Code ........................ 13


Ref TFS #21304 Capita: Deleting the Capita barcode unlinks the library member ................................................ 13

Release 1505

Version: 1.1


Ref TFS #21362 Capita Agreement Configuration moved ...................................................................................... 13

Performance and Interface Improvements ............................................................................................................................ 13


Ref TFS #20308 Customer Communications: Performance improvement for large datasets ................................ 13


Ref TM #176407 // TFS #20643 FOH: Up & Down buttons added to Member Info >> Sports Courses page ........ 13


Ref TFS #20693 Sports Courses: Remove Coming Soon squares from Back Office ............................................. 13


Ref TFS #21068 Sports Courses: Minor performance improvements .................................................................... 13

Bug Fixes ................................................................................................................................................................................. 13


Ref TM #174323 // TFS #20054 FOH: Prevent float from being assigned to a member by mistake ...................... 13


Ref TFS #20075 Interest Groups: Updates to capacity will update the resource schedule table appropriately .... 13

Ref TM #175996 // TFS #20077 Sports Courses: Fix to show enrolees when printing attendance if course is out
of date ................................................................................................................................................................................ 13

Ref TM #174628 // TFS 20107 Sports Courses: Course Copy to copy inventory items reliably ............................. 14

Ref TM #174944 // TFS #20114 Sports Courses: Remove Move Course button when course is in Scheduled
state 14

Ref TM #155300 // TFS #20133 Online: Fix for enquiry form................................................................................. 14


Ref TM #178835 // TFS #20451 Mobile: Suggested bookings to show available capacity correctly ...................... 14


Ref TFS #20512 Support Portal: Fix for email validation with new global top level domains ................................ 14


Ref TFS #20604 Sports Courses: SC_CREATETEMPLATES to work appropriately ................................................... 14

Ref TM #174241 // TFS #20645 Price Management: Individual items to show appropriate status after whole
scheme has been deployed ................................................................................................................................................ 14

Ref TM #179847 // TFS #20694 Sports Courses: Order of competencies in At Location to match Back Office 14


Ref TM #179419 // TFS #20728 Back Office: Save option shows correctly when assigning schemes ............... 14


Ref TM #170620 // TFS #20884 Control Panel: Inactive Agreements will show in General Ledger set up ........ 14

Ref TM #182176 // TFS #20926 MM: Written off future Direct Debit debts will not cause balance to display
incorrectly ........................................................................................................................................................................... 14

Ref TM #182276 // TFS #20940 FOH: All configured P & A eligibilities are required to book ........................... 14


Ref TM #182697 // TFS #20979 Reports: Sales Activity Report to return columns in correct order ................. 14


Ref TFS #20999 Sports Course: Fix to step previous enrolees showing in the re-enrolment list ....................... 14


Ref TFS #21005 Risk calculation will not include inactive risk score sets in total .............................................. 14


Ref TM #181963 // TFS #21036 Sports Courses: Fix for scroll in AtLocation ..................................................... 14


Ref TFS #21045 CRM: Risk Score Bands to load configured values correctly ..................................................... 14


Ref TFS #21060 MM: Manual Discounts of Membership Charges will show correctly in Statement ................ 14


Ref TFS # Online Ticketing: Fix to display price correctly in Front of House ...................................................... 14


Ref TM #183464 // TFS #21095 FOH: Fix up/down buttons on messages screen ............................................. 14


Ref TM #182901 // TFS #21237 Mobile: BasketIntro web copy will be displayed on Mobile ........................... 14

Release 1505

Version: 1.1


Ref TM #183816 // TFS #21238 CMS: Delete/Update CSS or Javascript without error ..................................... 14


Ref TM #183974 // TFS #21239 Online Services: Fix to stop Firefox refreshing when an anchor is loaded ...... 14

Ref TM #184162 // TFS #21249 FOH: Fix null reference error when moving a member from waiting list to
course 14

Ref TM #184209 // TFS #21256 Reports: Enterprise Inventory List report to return correct tax amounts ....... 14


Ref TM #178613 // TFS #21257 FOH: Fix to completely move member from waiting list to course ................. 14


Ref TM #171340 // TFS #21336 Bulk Log: Fix to allow using a previous spreadsheet in UCF bulk upload ........ 14


Ref TM #185160 // TFS #21352 FOH: Fix to set refund of billing items vat correctly ........................................ 14


Ref TM #184474 // TFS #21473 CMS: Fix to save setting changes correctly ..................................................... 14

Ref TFS #21625 Bookings: Fix to raise events for each session when changing booking time/changing booking
status 15

Ref TFS #21719 Online Bookings: Resend instructor details in overnight job ................................................... 15


Ref TFS #21743 Online: Upgrades/Renewals capture bank details correctly (BACS & SEPA) ............................ 15


Ref TFS #21894 Reports: UCF report will not show members who have had all UCF data removed ................ 15


Ref TFS #21977 Fee Collection: Fix for CSV files to generate correctly .............................................................. 15




1. Ref TFS #20863 / 21586 Sports Courses: Request new course through Front of House
If a member has been provisionally enrolled on a Sports Course Front of House operators can now move the member to a
new course, through Member Info >> Sports Courses >> Provisional Courses >> Move Course. Note that you need to
configure Sports Courses to take payment when requesting a new course for this option to be available (see Ref TFS
#19558 Force Payment for course when requesting a change in the Sports Courses section below). If you choose not to
enable this functionality Front of House operators will only be able to add notes requesting a change, which can be
completed later in Back Office, rather than changing the course themselves.
To change course the user will first need to click Move Request. The member will need to pay at this point, to reserve
their place. Once this has been completed the Move Course option will become available. When clicked the user will be
able to choose any scheduled or published course and move the member:

Release 1505

Version: 1.1

The course will then be added to the basket. Any credit or extra charges will be allocated at this point.
1. Ref TFS #21271 Invoice number will be included on receipt
When an invoice is paid off through Front of House the invoice number will now be included on the receipt, e.g.
Badminton 12345.
2. Ref TFS #21331 Printing additional receipts by tender
It is now possible to print additional receipts based on the payment tender. Additional receipts are configured in Control
Panel >> Data >> Inventory/POS >> Configure Tenders >> select the appropriate tender >> Properties tab >> Print
Additional Receipts. If multiple tenders are used in one transaction the greatest value configured will be used. Please note
this functionality does not support Exact Cash transactions.
3. Ref TFS #21420 Inventory barcodes recognised by location
If a barcode is attached to a club/region specific inventory item and the barcode is scanned outside of the configured
club/region Front of House will show the barcode not recognised message in the bottom right of the screen. If the
barcode is configured against multiple items at multiple levels then the item loaded will be the one closest to the club e.g.
club will override region and region will override enterprise. If two barcodes are configured at the same level the
inventory item added last will be returned.
4. Ref TFS #21461 Stop Add-On/Linked members entering if Head member is in debt
There is now a setting Head Member Debt Stops Addon Entry in Control Panel >> Global Settings >> FOH tab that
controls whether add-on/linked members can enter the centre if their head member is in debt. When this setting is
enabled and their head is in debt, the add-on or linked member will be denied entry and the amount of money owed by
the Head, the Heads membership number and name will be shown on the Member Control screen. Note that this check
is only applied in Front of House.
5. Ref TFS #21703 Only show Staffs First Name and first initial of Surname on receipt
In Control Panel >> Global settings >> POS tab and Control Panel >> Group/ Club settings >> FOH tab there is now a
setting Print Staff Name as First Name and First Letter of Last Name which allows the staff name printed on the receipt
to only show staff members first name and first initial of last name (e.g for Ashley Smith it would show Ashley S).

Release 1505

Version: 1.1

6. Ref TFS #21743 Hide Staff barcode

Staff barcodes can now be hidden from the passport, the Contact Search screen and the Options >> Change Barcode
prompt. To hide the staff barcodes enable the Control Panel setting Obscure Staff Barcode in FOH in Global/Group/Club
Settings >> FOH tab.

1. Ref TFS #21733 Show manual Credit Note reason in Statement
In Statement >> Credit Notes tab there is now a column showing the credit note reason (if provided) for manually raised
credit notes.

1. Ref TFS #20981 Course Import: Indicate the booking name when clashing with a system booking
When the user attempts to import a course which will clash with an existing system booking the name of the system
booking will be shown on the import data screen. E.g Error Message : - Conflict with an already scheduled system
booking. Booking Name: QA System Booking Example DateTime: Jul 1 2015 8:00AM.
2. Ref TFS #21266 Course register can show Session dates
Session dates can now be shown on the printed course register, by enabling Show Session Dates on Course Register
(Control Panel >> Global Settings >> Bookings tab). Registers are printed through Courses >> Tick the box next to the
course name >> Print Register.
3. Ref TM #179608 // TFS #21734 Classes can be set to open 24 hours ahead of start time
When the Advance Limit Apply Time (in Resource Details) is not checked the advance limit will now be set to exactly x
days before the start of the class. For example, if an activity is scheduled for 2pm on Wednesday and the Advance Limit
(days) is set to 2, the activity can be booked from 2pm on Monday. This will apply in Bookings, Front of House and Online.
If the advance limit should be set to midnight check the Advance Limit Apply Time option and set the time to 00:00. Note
that this will be the next midnight, rather than the previous one.

1. Ref TFS #21275 Course Attendees Merge Report: Additional Column
The Course Attendees Merge report (Bookings folder) now includes a column for Instructor.
2. Ref TFS #21286 DD Collection Report: Additional Columns
The DD Collection report (Member Billing/Payment >> Member Accounts >> Current DD Payers folder) now includes
columns for Secondary Spend, Bolt On Services Amount and Bolt On services name.
3. Ref TFS #21288 Historical Transaction Detail Report: Additional Columns
The Historical Transaction Detail Report (POS Reports folder) now includes optional columns for At Sale Risk Score,
Current Risk Score and Joined Date. Note that the At Sale Risk Score will only be populated for transactions after this
4. Ref TFS #21325 New Report: Class Uptake Rate report
The Class Uptake Rate report have been added to the Standard >> Bookings >> Uptake Activity folder.
The Class Uptake Rate report shows the rate at which a class is being booked out after becoming available. The report can
be filtered by Class Date. The default columns for this report are Club Name, Class Description, Class Date, Earliest
Booking Date, First Booking, Capacity, Number Booking Within 1 Minute, % Utilization Within 1 Minute, Number Booking
Within 5 Minutes, % Utilization Within 5 Minutes, Number Booking Within 10 Minutes, % Utilization Within 10 Minutes,
Number Booking Within 30 Minutes, % Utilization Within 30 Minutes, Class First Reached Capacity, Total Bookings,
Number Created Online and First Booking By.
Release 1505

Version: 1.1

5. Ref TFS #21327 New Reports: POS Analysis

The Inventory Hourly Usage, Inventory Item Hourly Sales, Inventory Sub Category Hourly Sales and Inventory Main
Category Hourly Sales reports have been added to the Standard >> POS Reports >> Analysis folder. Note that a new
security token, RP_CANVIEWPOSANALYSISFOLDER, has been added to control access to the Analysis folder. This token will
be disabled by default for all users upon release. Please note that none of these reports report on online sales
The Inventory Hourly Usage report shows sales of all selected inventory items with the number sold per hour as a total.
This can be used to, for example, see how many gym sessions of all types were sold in an hour. This report can be
filtered by Sale Date and Inventory. The default columns for this report are Club Name, Day of Week, Sale Date, Start
Time, End Time and Total Sales.
The Inventory Item Hourly Sales report shows sales of all selected individual inventory items by hour of the day. This
report can be filtered by Sale Date, Main Category, Sub Category and Inventory. The default columns for this report are
Club Name, Sale Category, Main Category, Sub Category, Inventory Item, Inventory Description and hours of the day (0001 23-24).
The Inventory Sub Category Hourly Sales report shows sales of selected inventory items by hour of the day, grouped by
sub category. This report can be filtered by Sale Date and Main Category. The default columns for this report are Club
Name, Sale Date, Main Category and hours of the day (00-01 23-24).
The Inventory Main Category Hourly Sales report shows sales of selected inventory items by hour of the day, grouped by
main category. This report can be filtered by Sale Date, Main Category and Sub Category. The default columns for this
report are Club Name, Sale Date, Main Category, Sub Category and hours of the day (00-01 23-24).
6. Ref TFS #21360 Historical Transaction Detail: Additional Filters
The Historical Transaction Detail report (POS Reports folder) now has options for Payer Membership Type, Payer Price
Type, Buyer Membership Type and Buyer Price Type in the Selection tab.

1. Ref TM #175245 // TFS #19928 User Configurable Fields can be region/club specific
User configurable fields can now be marked as region or club specific by selecting the appropriate region/club(s) from the
Location Scope hierarchy:

2. #21028 User will be prompted when adding an inactive date to an inventory item if it is in use
When a user adds an inactive date to an inventory item that is currently in use, they will see a message similar to that
shown below, showing how many resources the item is linked with:
Release 1505

Version: 1.1

3. Ref TM #183488 // TFS #21074 Configure GL code for bolt-ons

GL codes can now be assigned to bolt-ons in Data >> Member >> Member Recurring Fees >> Bolt-on name >> Price tab.

1. Ref TFS #20610 Edit Returns configuration
It is now possible to edit Returns configuration, under Configuration >> Returns. To edit a return code click the Edit
button to the right of the code. This will open the pop up shown below.

From here you can add new actions, reorder existing actions and change parameter values for the actions. Note that you
will require the new security token FC_CANADD_RETURNCODE to make the Add return code button visible and
FC_CANEDIT_RETURNCODE to make the Edit buttons visible. Both these tokens will be disabled by default upon release.

1. Ref TM #179629 // TFS #20781 Upload User Configurable Fields Multi-Select data
Data for multi-select fields can now be uploaded via the Bulk Admin tool. To include multiple values separate each value
with a comma in your spreadsheet. You can remove items by prefixing them with ~ (e.g. to add green and remove blue
enter green, ~blue in your spreadsheet. You can remove all multi-select values in that field by entering ~~. Note that
the values in your spreadsheet must exactly match those configured in Control Panel >> User Configurable Fields.
2. Ref TFS #21004 Membership Price Cycle Fee change will show the old and new price in events
When a members cycle fee has been changed via the Bulk Admin tool the text on the event in Membership Management
>> Events will read Cycle Fee Change From xx.xx to yy.yy.

Release 1505

Version: 1.1

1. Ref TFS #21573 Restrict which agreements are shown in the Current Activity list
Within Control Panel >> Agreement Management >> Agreement Name >> General tab there is now a checkbox for
Display at Risk Members on this Agreement in CRM. When this is ticked members on this agreement will be shown in
the Current Activity list in CRM. Note that this setting will be enabled for all agreements by default upon release.

1. Ref TM #145704 // TFS #13340 Restoring a voucher when cancelling an activity
When a member cancels an activity that they purchased with a voucher the voucher will be credited back to them,
provided they cancel before the cut off. If they cancel after the cut off the voucher will not be credited back.
2. Ref TM #161028 // TFS #20628 Mobile Bookings: Show activity descriptions
Activity descriptions can now be shown in Mobile Bookings. To enable activity descriptions set the CMS setting Show
activity description in timetable to On.

1. Ref TM #132700 // TFS #20081 Homepage changes
The kiosk homepage options can now be customised in CMS >> Member Configuration >> Services Copy >> Kiosk Fast
Access (Landing) / Kiosk Bookings (Landing) / Kiosk Class Timetables (Landing) / Kiosk Memberships (Landing). Note that
in order for the copy must be a bullet pointed list in order to display correctly.

1. Ref TFS #18072 Shared Capacity option
When creating a new session there is now a Shared Capacity option this is a capacity which is shared between Front of
House and Online Ticketing. For example, if you have 5 tickets for sale online, 5 tickets for sale through Front of House
and 10 shared tickets the total capacity for the session would be 30. When the 5 online tickets are sold, the next tickets
sold online will be taken from the shared capacity. Note that you cannot change from single to split capacity after the
session is scheduled.
2. Ref TFS #20140 Prompt when no extras are purchased
Members can now be prompted with an Are you sure? message when they attempt to proceed past the extras screen
without adding any extras to the basket. This is controlled by the new CMS setting Enable no extras prompt. You can
configure the message text in CMS >> Services Copy >> Online Ticketing No Extras Prompt Message. The default text
reads Are you sure you dont want to purchase any of these extra items?
3. Ref TFS #21018 Access to Configuration controlled by security token
Access to the Ticketing Configuration section of Online Ticketing is now controlled by the security token
OT_CAN_EDIT_CONFIG. If this token is disabled the user will not see the Ticketing Configuration option when logged in to
Back Office >> Online Ticketing. Note that this token will be disabled upon release.

1. Ref TFS #19558 Force Payment for course when requesting a change
It is now possible to force enrolees to pay when requesting a change of course (amber option). When the enrolee is
moved to an alternate course they will be credited/debited for any extra fees.

Release 1505

Version: 1.1

You can configure the highlighted text shown above in CMS >> Services Copy >> Re-enrolment move request payment
text (under the Re-enrolment filter).
If you would like this functionality enabled please log a ticket with Legend Support and they will pass it to the relevant
2. Ref TFS #19637 Move Assessments in Back Office
Move assessments can now be done in Back Office by browsing to the course and selecting the Move Assessments tile at
the top of the screen.

3. Ref TFS #20250 Re-enrolment management email functionality

There is now an Email Selected button in Re-enrolment Management. When this is selected you will be able to select
one of three default emails to send to the member. Note that you can only email 50 members at a time. An event will be
raised against the members account when an email is sent. Examples of the default emails are shown below.
Initial email text:
Dear <<Member Name>> ,
Release 1505

Version: 1.1


You have been provisionally re-enrolled on the <<Course Name>> course at <<Club Name>> from your original course
<<Course Name>> (<<Day>> at <<Time>>).
Your course begins on <<Date>> at <<Time>> and the duration of each session is <<x>>minutes.
Your individual session details are as follows:

<<Date>> at <<Time>> (<<Location>>)

<<Date>> at <<Time>> (<<Location>>)
<<Date>> at <<Time>> (<<Location>>)

The cost of this course is <<Price>>.

To accept, reject, or request a change to this re-enrolment please click here.
Kind regards,
<<Club Name>>
Reminder email text:
Dear <<Member Name>>,
You have been provisionally re-enrolled on the <<Course Name>> course at <<Club Name from your original course
<<Course Name>> (<<Day>> at <<Time>>).
Your course begins on <<Date>> at <<Time>> and the duration of each session is 60 minutes.
Your individual session details are as follows:

<<Date>> at <<Time>> (<<Location>>)

<<Date>> at <<Time>> (<<Location>>)

There is no charge for this course.

If you wish to re-enrol on this course, please can you confirm as soon as possible as we will shortly have to release this
course place to the general public.
Please contact <<Club Name>> on <<Phone number>> to confirm, adjust or cancel this course.
Kind regards,
<<Club Name>>
Cancellation email text (please note this does not un-enrol members went sent):
Dear <<Member Name>>,
Re-enrolment cancellation
We previously notified you of a provisional re-enrolment on the <<Course Name>> course at <<Club Name>> from your
original course <<Course Name>> (<<Day>> at <<Time>>).
Unfortunately, the re-enrolment period is now over and as you have not confirmed this place, we have released it for
general booking.
Release 1505

Version: 1.1


If you still wish to take up a place on the new course, please contact <<Club Name>> on <<Phone number>> to make a
new booking.
Kind regards,
<<Club Name>>
4. Ref TFS #20280 Re-enrolment management move functionality
There is now a Move option in Re-enrolment management, shown next to each enrolees name. You can move an
enrolee to any course (scheduled or published) provided that the start date is after today. When the enrolee has been
moved they will receive the Course Move email. Please note that enrolees who have rejected the original re-enrolment
cannot be moved.
5. Ref TFS #20605 Security token to control creation of Levels
The new security token SC_UPDATE_LEVELS now controls the users ability to see the Add New option in Configuration >>
Levels, and to edit existing levels. Note that this token will be disabled upon release.
6. Ref TFS #21097 Re-enrolment screen changes
The N icon can now be clicked to show any notes.
7. Ref TFS #21142 Copy courses to new term
When a new term is in scheduled state there is now an option to copy a course, to allow you to accommodate for
increased interest in the course. To copy a course click Actions >> Make a Copy, next to the name of the course you want
to copy. Once the course has been copied you can change the courses dates/time/instructor etc. as appropriate. Once all
changes have been made click Schedule to put the term back in to a scheduled state.
8. Ref TFS #21234 Re-enrol on to a different discipline
There is now a Discipline drop down on the re-enrolment screen, allowing you to re-enrol the enrolee on a different
discipline. By default the discipline will be set to the courses current discipline.

9. Ref TFS #21272 Re-enrolment additional details

The phone number of attendees will now be shown and you can filter attendees by the emails theyve already been sent
(initial, reminder and cancellation). =

1. Ref TFS #21273 Access Gate Swipes available from Extended Usage service
If TRP use the GetUnprocessedMemberUsageExtended method from Legends retention service then this will now show
swipes from specific gates (assuming these gates are configured within the Access Control Module). In the data that TRP
receive they will get an EntryType of 'Gate Swipe' and within the EntryDetail they will have the name of the gate as it is
configured within ACM. This will allow them to filter the data only for specific gates.
2. Ref TFS #21302 Capita: Junior Membership
Release 1505

Version: 1.1


It is now possible to configure a default Junior Membership type. This will be used when linking a Capita member under
the age of 16. The default agreement is specified in Control Panel >> Global Settings >> Capita tab:

Note that the maximum age is not currently configurable, if you require a different age please contact Legend Support.
3. Ref TFS #21303 Capita: Do not create a membership if the library record is missing a Post Code
If, when a Capita Card is swiped at Front of House, the record returned has no associated post code the user will see a
Resident Check failure message. The user will not be able to link this Capita member to a new or existing membership.
4. Ref TFS #21304 Capita: Deleting the Capita barcode unlinks the library member
When the Capita barcode is deleted (through Options >> Change Barcode) the record will be fully removed. The user can
then swipe the card again and link to a different member.
5. Ref TFS #21362 Capita Agreement Configuration moved
The Capita agreement configuration has been moved from Control Panel >> Data >> Agreement >> Default Agreements to
Control Panel >> Global Settings >> Capita tab. Please note that you will need to re-do any configuration you previously
had in Default Agreements.



1. Ref TFS #20308 Customer Communications: Performance improvement for large datasets
2. Ref TM #176407 // TFS #20643 FOH: Up & Down buttons added to Member Info >> Sports Courses page
3. Ref TFS #20693 Sports Courses: Remove Coming Soon squares from Back Office
4. Ref TFS #21068 Sports Courses: Minor performance improvements

1. Ref TM #174323 // TFS #20054 FOH: Prevent float from being assigned to a member by mistake
2. Ref TFS #20075 Interest Groups: Updates to capacity will update the resource schedule table appropriately
3. Ref TM #175996 // TFS #20077 Sports Courses: Fix to show enrolees when printing attendance if course is out of
Release 1505

Version: 1.1


4. Ref TM #174628 // TFS 20107 Sports Courses: Course Copy to copy inventory items reliably
5. Ref TM #174944 // TFS #20114 Sports Courses: Remove Move Course button when course is in Scheduled
6. Ref TM #155300 // TFS #20133 Online: Fix for enquiry form
7. Ref TM #178835 // TFS #20451 Mobile: Suggested bookings to show available capacity correctly
8. Ref TFS #20512 Support Portal: Fix for email validation with new global top level domains
9. Ref TFS #20604 Sports Courses: SC_CREATETEMPLATES to work appropriately
10. Ref TM #174241 // TFS #20645 Price Management: Individual items to show appropriate status after whole
scheme has been deployed
11. Ref TM #179847 // TFS #20694 Sports Courses: Order of competencies in At Location to match Back Office
12. Ref TM #179419 // TFS #20728 Back Office: Save option shows correctly when assigning schemes
13. Ref TM #170620 // TFS #20884 Control Panel: Inactive Agreements will show in General Ledger set up
14. Ref TM #182176 // TFS #20926 MM: Written off future Direct Debit debts will not cause balance to display
15. Ref TM #182276 // TFS #20940 FOH: All configured P & A eligibilities are required to book
16. Ref TM #182697 // TFS #20979 Reports: Sales Activity Report to return columns in correct order
17. Ref TFS #20999 Sports Course: Fix to step previous enrolees showing in the re-enrolment list
18. Ref TFS #21005 Risk calculation will not include inactive risk score sets in total
19. Ref TM #181963 // TFS #21036 Sports Courses: Fix for scroll in AtLocation
20. Ref TFS #21045 CRM: Risk Score Bands to load configured values correctly
21. Ref TFS #21060 MM: Manual Discounts of Membership Charges will show correctly in Statement
22. Ref TFS # Online Ticketing: Fix to display price correctly in Front of House
23. Ref TM #183464 // TFS #21095 FOH: Fix up/down buttons on messages screen
24. Ref TM #182901 // TFS #21237 Mobile: BasketIntro web copy will be displayed on Mobile
25. Ref TM #183816 // TFS #21238 CMS: Delete/Update CSS or Javascript without error
26. Ref TM #183974 // TFS #21239 Online Services: Fix to stop Firefox refreshing when an anchor is loaded
27. Ref TM #184162 // TFS #21249 FOH: Fix null reference error when moving a member from waiting list to course
28. Ref TM #184209 // TFS #21256 Reports: Enterprise Inventory List report to return correct tax amounts
29. Ref TM #178613 // TFS #21257 FOH: Fix to completely move member from waiting list to course
30. Ref TM #171340 // TFS #21336 Bulk Log: Fix to allow using a previous spreadsheet in UCF bulk upload
31. Ref TM #185160 // TFS #21352 FOH: Fix to set refund of billing items vat correctly
32. Ref TM #184474 // TFS #21473 CMS: Fix to save setting changes correctly

Release 1505

Version: 1.1


33. Ref TFS #21625 Bookings: Fix to raise events for each session when changing booking time/changing booking
34. Ref TFS #21719 Online Bookings: Resend instructor details in overnight job
35. Ref TFS #21743 Online: Upgrades/Renewals capture bank details correctly (BACS & SEPA)
36. Ref TFS #21894 Reports: UCF report will not show members who have had all UCF data removed
37. Ref TFS #21977 Fee Collection: Fix for CSV files to generate correctly

Release 1505

Version: 1.1


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