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MAT 590:

Differentiating for the

Learning Community
July 20

Class 2

Todays Objective (#1)


Film series
Reading Check-In
Exploring who we are through storytelling: writing prompts
D.A.P.: http://dialogueartsproject.com
Social Identity Grid
Sharing out (A-B sharing)
Partner Discussion/Large Group Dialogue
Drafting a narrative

Make a tri-fold name badge.
Decorate it with your name, big and bold.
Pick colors/fonts/symbols/style that shows your personal
(Feel free to ask me questions as you work.)

As we go around, please share out these items:
Where you would be right now if you werent here


Concordia Film series

Preview of Thursdays movie

If you think you will go, let
me know today or
Wednesday, so I can give
a tentative number to the

Reading Check-In

Small groups
Share reactions and questions and discuss
Summarize your discussion
Person who was born the closest to Concordia will
share out to the class
Does anyone want to add anything?

I Am From piece

General Guidelines
Take a prompt and go where you want with
Feel free to just sit and think.
Move at your own pace--and bounce around.
You dont have to write on everything.
Get comfortable before we start.

Describe where you were born

Write down the exact locale as clearly as you know it.
Jot down some notes you were told about your birth - labor,
your name, people present, impact on family.
What do you know about your first five years. Any stories
that are shared about you. Any specific memories you
recall or seem significant.

Describe the first home

you ever remember living in
What did it look like?
What did it smell like?
What did it sound like?
What did it taste like?
What did it feel like?

Describe your first neighborhood

-What did the block/area look like? Nature, concrete,
-Who lived around you? People, animals, spaces.
-What types of activities do you remember seeing?
Parades, conversations, interactions
-What was the climate like? temperature, mood,

Describe your first space

Was it a bedroom, a place to hide, a spot that holds
significant memory? Write down five details about it that
stand out to you.
Why is this place special?
What is the most precious moment you spent there?

Describe a pivotal moment

Describe a vivid moment from your childhood.
(Change, challenge, comforting)
Why does this memory stand out more so than other memories?
How does remembering this make you feel?
How does this memory connect with who you are right now?

Writing for Presence

We will take 4 minutes on our own to just
write/think/write/think and be in the moment.
You can elaborate on something you already
wrote or start something new.

Large Group Discussion

1. How did it feel to write about these things?

It was enjoyable when

I was nervous about

2. What surprised you about this process?


I didnt realize that

It shocked me when...

3. What interested you about this process?


When ________ happened, I thought_________.

I noticed that ______________ when ___________.

Digging in:
Identity and Culture
Dialogue Arts Project

Norms for our dialogue

D. A. P.

Filling out the grid

This will act as a way for us to articulate ideas about ourselves and identity
overall. We will look at some classic ways that people are defined in our
society. You will read through them, and then (on your own) you will go through
them one by one and make some notes about your group membership. If you
do not see a word that describes yourself, please feel free to write in a word
that feels fitting for you. Once you are done filling out the first column, please
wait for further instructions. Do your best to not disturb the people around you
because this can take a different amount of time for each person.
Social Identity Grid

The Impact
Now go through your grid and for each column description
pick one row that seems to be truest for that statement,
mark it with an X. (i.e. you think about age least...or you are
most aware of social class).
Please continue to respect the fact that people need a quiet
safe space to do this.

Four Agreements
1. Stay engaged (and open)
2. Speak your truth (recognize others)
3. Experience discomfort (and comfort)
4. Expect and accept non-closure (yet seek relations)

Partnering up
Find someone wearing a similar color as you,
grab two chairs and find a spot in the
classroom that is yours.
Now position your chair so that you are facing
them directly.

A-B sharing
Thank you for taking time to work on this. The concept is that we take time to pay attention to how we see
ourselves and therefore how we see others. With a partner arrange yourself that you are fully listening:
facing them, making eye contact, fully engaged. Each partner is going to have 30 seconds to respond to the
following questions. The listening partner will do just that. They can give non-verbal feedback, but that is it,
no questions or comments at this time. Then I will say switch. Use that as a transition to wrap up and then
let the other partner talk. I know that I will probably end up cutting someone off, but know that if you need a
little bit more time, ask for it. I will try and move us along, but I do not want to devalue the conversations you
are having.


How did filling out this grid make you feel?

Which were you most aware of, and why?
Which is the most difficult to talk about, and why?
Which impacts your decision making the most?

Discussion of experience
What did that feel like?
Was it easy or difficult to discuss?
What did you put down on your chart that spurred some thoughts?
What did your partner say that impacted you?
What other questions does it bring up?

Creating a narrative
I Am From piece
You are going to have some time now to develop a piece a little further. It can
be from either session of writing. It can take whatever form you would like...
letter, essay, poem, song, drawing or short story. The guidelines are simply that
it must express where you are from...that is wide-open to interpretation. Just
make sure that it shares with the greater audience aspects of your identity
and/or culture as a way for to develop a rich understanding of who you are. We
will be sharing these next class.

Paul: audio

Time to work...
Be back by...

Homework due at beginning of class

Finish I Am From piece
Read Moule Ch 2, Jensen Ch 1
From each chapter, pull out a quote and
write a reaction (half page each). Write 1
question to ask the class.

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