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<p style="Normal" xid="7"><c></c></p>

<p style="Normal" xid="1"><c props="font-weight:bold">What is Wei Qi?</c><c prop

<p style="Normal" xid="2">The Chinese concept of Wei Qi is similar to the Wester
n concept of the immune system. Wei Qi functions to protect and defend the body
against foreign substances, that if not caught can lead to allergies. When Wei Q
i is strong and abundant, we remain healthy. When the supply of Wei Qi becomes d
eficient, health is compromised and we become vulnerable to foreign invaders suc
h as dust, mold, animal dander, bacteria, viruses and pollen. People who have a
Wei Qi deficiency are prone to allergies and frequent colds.<c></c></p>
<p style="Normal" xid="3">Acupuncture and Chinese medicine support and strengthe
n the systems of the body that are involved in the production of Wei Qi. By buil
ding up the supply of Wei Qi, and facilitating the smooth and free flow of it th
rough the body, symptoms and signs related to allergies could be greatly reduced
or eliminated.<c></c></p>
<p style="Normal" xid="4"><c></c><c></c></p>
<p style="Normal" xid="8"><c></c></p>
<p style="Normal" xid="9"><c props="font-weight:bold">What will an acupuncturist
do?</c><c props="font-weight:bold"></c></p>
<p style="Normal" xid="10">An acupuncturist will conduct a thorough exam, taking
a complete health history. They will then develop a unique treatment plan that
will address your specific concerns. The goals of the treatment plan will be to
eliminate visible symptoms and signs, while addressing the root cause(s) and und
erlying imbalances affecting the quality and quantity of Wei Qi.<c></c></p>
<p style="Normal" xid="11">Acupuncture treatments may be combined with herbs, di
etary changes, massage (tuina), or exercise. These therapies accelerate the heal
ing process in order to balance, build, and support the body s Wei Qi.<c></c></p>
<p style="Normal" xid="14"><c></c></p>
<p style="Normal" xid="16"><c></c><c></c></p>
<p style="Normal" xid="17"><c props="font-weight:bold">Seasonal allergy tips:</c
><c props="font-weight:bold"></c></p>
<p level="1" listid="1" parentid="0" style="Normal" xid="18" props="start-value:
1; text-indent:-0.3in; list-style:Numbered List; field-font:NULL; margin-left:0.
50in"><c props="font-weight:bold"></c><field type="list_label" xid="19"></field>
<c type="list_label"> Flush your nose with a Neti pot.</c></p>
<p level="1" listid="1" parentid="0" style="Normal" xid="20" props="start-value:
1; text-indent:-0.3in; list-style:Numbered List; field-font:NULL; margin-left:0.
50in"><c type="list_label"></c><field type="list_label" xid="21"></field>
Add spicy foods and omega-3 s to your diet.</p>
<p level="1" listid="1" parentid="0" style="Normal" xid="22" props="start-value:
1; text-indent:-0.3in; list-style:Numbered List; field-font:NULL; margin-left:0.
50in"><c></c><field type="list_label" xid="23"></field> Keep your windows closed
during allergy season to prevent dust and pollen from entering.</p>
<p level="1" listid="1" parentid="0" style="Normal" xid="24" props="start-value:
1; text-indent:-0.3in; list-style:Numbered List; field-font:NULL; margin-left:0.
50in"><c></c><field type="list_label" xid="25"></field> Put on a dust mask when
you are doing yard or house work.</p>
<p level="1" listid="1" parentid="0" style="Normal" xid="26" props="start-value:
1; text-indent:-0.3in; list-style:Numbered List; field-font:NULL; margin-left:0.
50in"><c></c><field type="list_label" xid="27"></field> Do not hang your clothes
out to dry in the sun, as they<br/> will gather dust, mold and pollen.</p>
<p level="1" listid="1" parentid="0" style="Normal" xid="28" props="start-value:
1; text-indent:-0.3in; list-style:Numbered List; field-font:NULL; margin-left:0.
50in"><c></c><field type="list_label" xid="29"></field> Come in for an acupunctu
re tune-up.</p>
<p level="1" listid="1" parentid="0" style="Normal" xid="30" props="start-value:
1; text-indent:-0.3in; list-style:Numbered List; field-font:NULL; margin-left:0.
50in"><c type="list_label" props="list-tag:1000"></c><field type="list_label" xi
d="49" props="width:0in; font-family:Times New Roman; display:inline; font-style
:normal; font-weight:normal; lang:en-US; font-variant:normal; text-transform:non
e; color:000000; list-style:Bullet List; bgcolor:transparent; font-size:12pt; ho

mogeneous:1; text-decoration:none; height:0in; text-position:normal; font-stretc

h:normal"></field><c props="width:0in; font-family:Times New Roman; display:inli
ne; color:000000; font-weight:normal; text-position:normal; lang:en-US; font-sty
le:normal; text-transform:none; font-variant:normal; text-decoration:none; bgcol
or:transparent; list-style:Bullet List; homogeneous:1; height:0in; font-size:12p
t; font-stretch:normal">
</c><c type="list_label">Acupuncture and Chinese m
edicine are a drug-free, safe, natural and effective way to eliminate hay fever,
allergies or the common cold. </c><c props="width:0in; font-family:Times New Ro
man; display:inline; font-style:normal; font-weight:normal; lang:en-US; font-var
iant:normal; text-transform:none; color:000000; bgcolor:transparent; font-size:1
2pt; homogeneous:1; text-decoration:none; height:0in; text-position:normal; font
<p style="Normal" xid="31" props="text-indent:0in; margin-left:0pt"><c props="fo
nt-family:Times New Roman; font-size:12pt; color:000000; text-decoration:none; t
ext-position:normal; font-weight:normal; font-style:normal; lang:en-US">
<p style="Normal" xid="80" props="text-indent:0in; margin-left:0pt"><c xlink:hre
</c><a xlink:href="/" xid="76"><c props="font-family:Times New
Roman; font-size:12pt; color:000000; text-decoration:none; text-position:normal
; font-weight:normal; font-style:normal; lang:en-US"> http://www.leeacupunctureh
<p style="Normal" xid="12"><c></c>
<p style="Normal" xid="78">
Contact us:</p>
<p style="Normal" xid="55">
<c props="font-family:Times New Roman; f
ont-size:12pt; color:000000; text-decoration:none; text-position:normal; font-we
ight:normal; font-style:normal; lang:en-US">847-830-8817</c></p>
<p style="Normal" xid="60"><c props="font-family:Times New Roman; font-size:12pt
; color:000000; text-decoration:none; text-position:normal; font-weight:normal;
font-style:normal; lang:en-US">
1550 N. Northwest Highway, Suite 103
<p style="Normal" xid="61">
<p style="Normal" xid="56" props="text-align:center"></p>
<p style="Normal" xid="57" props="text-align:center"><c props="font-weight:norma
<p style="Normal" xid="58" props="text-align:center"><c></c></p>
<p style="Normal" xid="59" props="text-align:center"><c></c></p>
<p style="Normal" xid="13"><c></c><c></c></p>
<p style="Normal" xid="5"><c></c></p>

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