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Writing Your First Resume: 10 Things You Must Includre

1. Contact details
Your name, address, email and telephone number, clearly displayed

Is your email address appropriate?

Is the message on your mobile phone appropriate?

2. Career Objective
Only include this if the job you are applying for

is part of your career plans

eg To gain experience in office administration prior to studying for a Bachelor of Business in 2012

Is related to something you are passionate interested in

eg To use my many years of horse management and riding experience to assist in the care of performance
Dont include a career objective if you just want to get a job which has no relation to your interests, career plans
or prior experience.
3. Education
Your school and current year level.

If your grades are good include them. If they arent it is better to leave them out.

4. Achievements
These important aspects of your life tell a prospective employer a lot about you. This is not the time to be modest
or to underestimate what you have achieved.
Try to write your achievement statements starting with a strong verb eg Achieved, Created, Lead, Managed,
Won, Assisted or a passive verb eg Awarded, Given.


Leadership positions in school and sport


Special responsibilities

Membership of Associations, Choirs, Service Groups eg lifesavers

Membership of sporting teams and years of involvement

Achievements in the Arts Music, Art, Drama

5. Skills


High level of mathematical ability

Musical ability

Writing Your First Resume: 10 Things You Must Includre

Technology Skills

Basic computer use Indicate the level

o Word
o Excel
o PowerPoint
o Internet

Advanced computer skills

o Graphics
o Photoshop
o Video editing
o Excel
o Solving hardware problems
o Solving software problems
o Programming

Other technology skills

o Electronics
o Film making

6. Work Experience
Paid, informal and volunteer work all tell the prospective employer a lot about you.
a) Paid work:
Any work that you have done for an employer where you had to give them your tax file number

Job title

Name and address of employer

Dates that you worked for them eg Jan 2009 April 2010

b) Informal work:
Baby sitting, helping in a family business, pet care or gardening, school work experience.

Job title

Name and address of employer

Dates that you worked for them eg Jan 2009 April 2010

c) Volunteer work:
Fundraising, door-knocking for recognised charities such as Red Shield Appeal, caring for elderly relative or
neighbour, assisting at a school or church function.

7. Interests

Writing Your First Resume: 10 Things You Must Includre

Let them know something about you as an individual eg singing with a band, running in fun runs, surfing.
- Modelling, fashion or shopping arent interests to list.unless you are looking for work in a fashion retail store
and then it would be important to mention these interests!

8. Referees
Referees are people who know you as an individual and are willing to speak in support of you. You must ask
someone first before putting them as a referee on your resume. Consider asking a teacher, family friend,
sporting coach or a parent of one of your friends if they are happy to be a referee. It must be someone who
actually knows you as a person, not just someone who can say they have known you since you were born but
doesnt really know much about you as an individual.
Put their name, relationship to you, phone number and email address at the bottom of your resume. Referees are
likely to contacted if a prospective employer is thinking of giving you a job, so it is great if you hear that they have
rung your referee.

9. Personal Characteristics
Try to demonstrate these in your achievement statements and/or your cover letter. You can have a section that
outlines the sort of person you are, but it is more powerful if you can show them what you are like through the
way you write your resume.

10. Layout

Simple clean layout

One font throughout

Consistent formatting

No spelling mistakes (Dont trust spellcheck on the computer!)

No grammar mistakes

No typos

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