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Curriculum Project

Planning Sheet
Please submit final plan in typed format
Title of Curriculum Project: Living and Loving in Community

Project Teachers and/or Leaders

Sarah Baker
Age of Children/Youth
7-10 year-olds in Sunday School

Project/Course Description Overview

Living and Loving in Community is an arts-integrated series of three lessons over three
weeks that will utilize creative self-expression in a variety of forms in order to create
space for students to think about the important role that Christian community plays in
their lives and encourage involvement in these communities.
Lesson One: Bibliodrama of story of Cornelius in the Bible
Lesson Two: Music Circle
Lesson Three: Slab Box with clay
The overall goal of this course is to increase students understanding of authentic
Christian community in order to inspire involvement and self-reflection.
Teacher Objectives.
1. Social - provide opportunities for students to work collaboratively in order to
model how community works
2. Academic - increase students understanding of community by providing biblical
examples through Bibliodrama
3. Inner Character provide opportunities for students to identify the communities
they are part of and learn more about their unique roles in these communities

4. Artistic engage students in a music circle to express themselves through music

and learn more about cooperation in community
5. Artistic engage students in a clay hand-building project to learn more about
support structures in community
Metaphors. I have intentionally chosen the following 2 elements of my art form slipping
and scoring and rhythm in order to teach life lessons/wisdom on community support and

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the unit, 100% of students will be able to articulate what community is as
demonstrated by a pre and post verbal survey.
By the end of the unit, 90% of students will know how to play a unique rhythm on a drum
or other musical instrument as demonstrated by a pre and post music assessment.
By the end of the unit, 90% of students will know how to slip and score clay as
demonstrated by a pre and post arts-based assessment.
By the end of the unit, 70% of students will be able to articulate 3 elements necessary to
forming genuine community as demonstrated by pre and post verbal survey.
By the end of the unit, 70% of students will be able to identify one community they are a
part of and articulate their own role in this community as demonstrated by the slab
building metaphor.

Assessment methods(s) selected for the project: (At least one arts-based authentic
1. pre and post verbal survey
2. pre and post music assessment
3. pre and post arts-based assessment
Maryland Art Standards addressed:

1. Apply principals of design to develop personally meaningful art compositions
a. Textures applied to clay slabs represent personality, will talk about
repetition and composition when applying texture
2. Compare processes used to interpret and express ideas in the visual arts and other
a. By exploring a variety of art forms like sculpture, movement, and music,
students will learn different process of expression.
3. Demonstrate the ability to improvise music through experimentation with sound
a. In music circle, students will improvise and add unique rhythm to the

Number of Lessons:
2 lessons over 3 weeks will incorporate 4 of the nine learning intelligences:
- Interpersonal
- Bodily-kinesthetic
- Visual-spatial
- Musical intelligence
And utilize 3 art forms:
Music Helps child to think by activating neurons and encouraging creativity. Also, by
age 8, rhythmic performance tasks have improved and sense of harmony and listening
begins to develop as child learns to focus outside of himself.
Ceramics Child is developing delayed gratification and clay takes some time to
manipulate. Also, clay will allow him or her to develop sense of proportion and allow
objects to exist in a three-dimensional space. At this age, any media is appropriate.
Movement (as seen in opening ritual) Children learn through body movement, which
allows them to organize their thoughts and feelings. At age 5 11, children can isolate
body movements and begin to develop a social sense.
List References, Resources, Books, CDs Websites to be used in the curriculum

Materials needed for the Project:

Cardboard forms for house square
Texture materials
Slip (mixture of clay and water)
Scoring tool (can be a pencil or pen)
Drums and other musical instruments
Sticky pads

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