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In Denmark
we toured
the beer factory
Dalya and I
and there were Aussies with us
and it was their paradise
and they were swapping
bottles of mineral drinks
for cans and bottles of beer
with those who
were not beer drinkers
and Dalya swapped
her beer with them
and said
can't drink beer
gives me the shits
but I kept mine
and sipped and drank
until the freebies were gone
and we left
and toured Copenhagen together
taking in the shops
and cafes and bars
and later back at base camp
we had hot-dogs
and drinks
at the camp bar
and she said
that Yank girl
is away until tomorrow
gone off with some guy
she met in Hamburg
(poor guy)
so if you want to
you can come
share my tent tonight

I ate my hot-dog
and sipped my beer
and had a smoke
and said
sure be nice
and so we walked
from the bar to her tent
up on a hill
a short distance away
and so we did
sex and sleep
and ended our day.

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