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Simon opened the door and knew immediately he had made a big mistake. It all
began the previous day when he saw him walking through the aisle school,
Suddlely he hide from his view and he wandered:it was he?; indeed, it was the
teacher that he had been avoid the most.
Not long afterwards he remembered when that teacher use to feel him ashamed in
front the others classmates, always pushing him to say the right answers, it was
not the kind relationship that used to be between a professor and a student, this
one it was more special, and it was bassed particularly in order to pressure him to
out his best and tried to searching the excellence
Eventually he thought that he cant be able to suffer this kind of pressure because
it was a hard weight to bear, but finally he felt a certain relief , he was thinking that
it could not possible of having him like a teacher again.
But the next day, just at the moment to open the classroom, he heard a familiar
voice from behind thats it said We will see each other again, and out of the blue
appeared his father.

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