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Manual update Snort rules in Kerio Control Software Appliance Linux:

1. Download the archive with fresh Snort rules and unpack it.
2. Turn on the ssh protocol Kerio and allow recording section ext3 (see how to p
erform. Below):
Next Putty to connect through the Kerio Control:
login: root
password: the one who was appointed at the first entrance to the Kerio Control
Next, perform the command:
mount -o remount rw /
= Connect to Kerio through WinSCP =
3. In Control Panel, Kerio Control cnimite checkbox "Enable intrusion prevention
" - click "Apply"
4. Open the directory /var/winroute/snort and copy with replacement of all the f
olders (etc; rules; templates) from the downloaded archive snort
5. Reinstall the checkbox "Enable intrusion prevention" - click "Apply"
= Run update Snort rules and version =

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