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APUSH Gilded Age Project

Joe Springer Hr. 2 Coffey

1st Document. Political Cartoon

Relates to Subject because it shows
How democrats had been out of office
For nearly 30 years and were now eager
To reinstate their policies after many years
Of being defeated

2nd Document. Excerpt from “Public Opinion”

“A thousand thanks to President Cleveland for the bold, manly, and unequivocal
avowal of his extreme free-trade purposes!”
Relates to subject as it shows how his presidency took it a big boost when he killed
the tariff that had caused the large surplus in the treasury, leading to great
happiness in the people.

3rd. Document Political Cartoon

Relates to Document as it shows the scandals

Cleveland went through as he had an illegitimate son
Prior to entering office that the Republican party
Hounded him on

4th Document Artists Rendering

Relates to subject as it shows the assignation of James Garfield and how officials
handled Charles Guiteau afterwards.

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