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Dear Sir/Madam

I am writing this letter to inform you that there are a respectable number of
factors hampering the normal functioning of the library, impeding other
students concentration and working.
Firstly, there is, in my opinion, a legal gap in which phones are not
considered or even mentioned in the university legal regulations, allowing
students to use them in a noisy way, such as using programs like
"Whatsapp", playing games, etc. without anyone being able to reprehend
In addition, some library users tend not to realize that playing their personal
stereos or using the on-site computers to play games disturbs others.
Moreover, they dont seem to realize that there are regulations that they
need to obey or dont even bother to read them.
Besides that, the location of the eating areas, right next to the study areas,
seems impractical as they dont achieve their own solely purpose: insulate
the latter ones from the former ones. The amount of available computers
often seems low too.
Finally, I would like to inform that, despite several reports to the staff
members, there has been little improvement in all these matters.
I am looking forward to hearing from you and I very much appreciate any
effort done in this regard.

Yours faithfully,
Marcus Miller.

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