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The Great Gatsby Vocabulary Quiz

Directions: Using a dictionary to check your responses, compare your responses to the accurate
definition and model sentence that uses the word correctly. (A few have been provided for you
below to help get you started.) Rate the accuracy and effectiveness of your response, and write
the number that represents the accuracy and effectiveness next to each word on your quiz.
Use a different color pen than the one you originally wrote with.
5 points each. 1 point for part of speech, 2 points for definition, 2 points for sentence that uses
the word correctly.
*For any words that you inaccurately defined and/or used in a sentence, write a sentence that
articulates your understanding of the thinking error. Write the word, its definition, and accurate
use in a sentence in your Writers Notebook Vocabulary Journal.

identifies part of
speech, provides
definition, uses in a
sentence correctly and
implies connotation of

identifies part of
speech, definition and
sentence indicate
minimal understanding
of the word

part of speech

I wrote
abortive (adjective)
Forcibly ended before fully
His walking past her without a glance
became her abortive joy.

Accurate definition & sentence use

failing to produce the intended result.
It was not a coup detat but an
abortive attempt to overthrow the

Thinking error: My definition implies that an abortion has been

performed by the use of forcibly ended, which emphasizes the action that
caused something to fail. The accurate definition emphasizes the result, not
the action.

unaffected scorn* see footnote (Adjective)

genuine openness of ones dislike, scorn without pretense

Annotation for this excerpt:All of Gatsbys actions are manifestations of his desire to be wealthyWhile Nick is
critiquing Gatsbys faade, scorning his inability to be authentic because he has designed his own personality, he is
irreverent as if she might have sounded irreverent
also paying homage to the fact that Gatsby is determined enough to be in character at all times. Although his actions
a lack
of respect
for people
or things
be superficially
theres something
and raw
sheer willpower
with which he
his persona. Gatsby has embodied his desires to the point where his gestures are believable to himself and
draw in those around him (http://lit.genius.com/F-scott-fitzgerald-the-great-gatsby-chapter-i-annotated#note-1041125

strident entangled in some wild, strident argument

loud and harsh; grating; presenting a point of view, especially a controversial
one, in an excessively and unpleasantly forceful way

Annotation for this excerpt:All of Gatsbys actions are manifestations of his desire to be wealthyWhile Nick is
critiquing Gatsbys faade, scorning his inability to be authentic because he has designed his own personality, he is
also paying homage to the fact that Gatsby is determined enough to be in character at all times. Although his actions
may be superficially motivated, theres something unbroken and raw about the sheer willpower with which he
performs his persona. Gatsby has embodied his desires to the point where his gestures are believable to himself and
draw in those around him (http://lit.genius.com/F-scott-fitzgerald-the-great-gatsby-chapter-i-annotated#note-1041125

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