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Genesis Cooperative

of the United Church of Canada

Consisting of the congregations from:
Cassburn, Kirk Hill, Riceville-Pendleton,
Trinity (Vankleek Hill)

Sunday August 30, 2015

14th Sunday after Pentecost

Worship Leaders Today

Trinity (Vankleek Hill)
Kirk Hill (Memorial Service)

Rev. Phyllis Dietrich

Rev. Phyllis Dietrich
No Service
Sandra Osadchuk

We Gather to Praise God

Welcome to our worship service today.
We pray you will feel God's presence as we worship together.
If you are able, please stand where indicated with an asterisk(*).
You are invited to join in reading the responses and prayers, printed in bold.

Greeting and Welcome
Life and Work of the Church
Lighting the Christ Candle

*Sung Introit:

When We Are Living

VU 581

When we are living, it is in Christ Jesus,

and when were dying, it is in the Lord.
Both in our living and in our dying,
We belong to God, we belong to God.

*Passing of the Peace

*The Call to Worship:
People of God, what do we see? We see God moving amongst
us. What do we hear? We hear the good news of redemption
for all. So what do we perceive? We perceive Gods will to
honour the weak and stand with the poor. People of God, what
do we know? We know God is with us always So what shall we
do? We will do justice. And what shall we accomplish? The
restoration of the excluded into community. People of God,
what do we contribute to the world? We are bringers of peace.
And reconciliation? Yes, its at the heart of who we are. So what
shall we honour? We will honour and praise our generous God.
People of God, what do we experience? We experience the
salvation of everyone and everything on earth. Its a bold
claim. We claim it in the name of the Christ who has gathered
us into the family of God. How will others be able to discern this
claim? They will see it in how we live. And how will you live? We
will be love!

*The Opening Prayer:

Generous God, you give us life, and hold out the hand of
righteousness to us. You stand with us in our distress, and
rejoice with us in our joy. We humbly accept that your will is
that we be blessed with justice and peace in our lives, and
take seriously our call to extend this blessing to all of the
earth. With grateful hearts we pray, offering now our prayer:
Our Father, who art in heaven...


Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise VU 264

The Good News Time


For the Beauty of the Earth

VU 226

The Prayer of Confession

Words of Assurance

We Listen For Gods Word

Scripture Lessons:
Song of Solomon 2: 8-13 Arise my love, and come away.
Psalm 45 1-2, 6-9 VU 769 Praise for the anointed hero.
James 1: 17-27 Be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to
Mark 7: 1-8, 14-15, 21-23 Not from the outside, but from
within, a person is defiled.
Hear what the Spirit is saying to the church.
Thanks be to God!


Deep in our Hearts

"Jesu, Jesu, Fill Us With Your Love"

MV 154
VU 593

We Respond to Gods Word

Offering Invitation


Your Work O God Needs Many Hands

VU 537

Your work, O God, needs many hands to help you

everywhere, and some there are who cannot serve unless our
gifts we share.
Because we love you and your work, our offering now we
make; be pleased to use it as your own, we ask for Jesus

*The Prayer of Dedication:

These gifts are another way in which we can be your love in
the world. We give them unreservedly. AMEN!
Prayers of the People


Great is Thy Faithfulness

VU 288

*Commissioning & Blessing

*Sung Blessing: Go Now in Peace
Go now in peace, never be afraid,
God will go with you each hour of everyday.
Go now in faith, steadfast, strong and true.
Know he will guide you in all you do.
Go now in love and show you believe,
Reach out to others so all the world can see.
God will be there watching from above,
Go now in peace, in faith and in love.

Our Worship Ends Our Service Begins

August 30, 2015

Prayer Corner
John Allen, Ryan Beaudette,
The Family of Meryle Duncan, Hailey, Sheila,
Rev. Gwen Hermann, Arden Johnston Tony Martin,
Mary Matte, Shirley MacIwain, Russ Milan,
Roger Moran, Willard Orr, James Oswald,
Joye Oswald, Evan Rodger, Wilma Scott,
Harold Sproule, Barbara Vanden Bosch, Boris Woloschuk

Question for the day: When have you given peace a

chance in a challenging situation?
August 31: Board Meeting at Trinity (VKH), 8:00 pm.
Sept. 3: The Trinity UCW September Gathering will be held
on Thursday, Sept. 3 in the Church Hall at 1:30 pm.
Speaker: Come take a Quebec garden tour with Sharon
Sept. 6: NEXT WEEK! Corn,
wienies, and s'mores, oh my!
Don't miss the annual Cassburn
Corn Boil and Wiener Roast on
Sun., Sept. 6 at 6 pm, followed
by a Campfire Worship Service
at 7 pm. Bring a friend, some
chairs (and a salad or dessert, if
you are able) and enjoy the evening of songs and fellowship
by the fire. . NOTE: No worship service in the morning.

Sept. 12: Don't miss the Fall Turkey Supper (turkey with
all the trimmings, salads, homemade desserts, coffee, tea and
juice) hosted by Riceville-Pendleton United Churches,
South Plantagenet Hall from 4-7 pm. Adults: $15.00;
Children under 12: $5.00; Under 5: Free
September 13: Back to School! Sunday School classes resume
at Cassburn.

Nursing Homes / Seniors Homes Services:

Heritage Lodge, No Service in August
Champlain, Wed. Aug 26, at 2:00 pm

Sept. 17: Cornwall England's Trelawny Male Choir Concert. The

Centennial Choir of Cornwall is pleased to be hosting the
Trelawny Male Choir from Cornwall, England. Eighty-five
choristers from 18 Cornish male choirs will perform sacred,
secular, classical and popular pieces. The concert will be held
on Thursday, September 17th at St. Johns Presbyterian
Church, 28 Second Street E. Cornwall. Tickets are available at
the Lottery Kiosk, Cornwall Square (2nd floor); Home Hardware,
10 Thirteenth St. E. Cornwall; St. Johns Church, and from Choir
members. Adults: $15.00, Children 12 and under: $7.00.

Sept. 18: Save some room for this one! The Annual
Turkey Supper of Trinity (VKH) will be held on Friday,
Sept. 18 at the Vankleek Hill Fairgrounds.
Sept. 20: Joint Worship Service at
Cassburn on Sunday, Sept. 20 at 10:30
am. Communion. Cassburn United's
175th Anniversary celebration. Lunch
and entertainment following the service.

Check your bulletin boards / Genesis website for events

this Summer and the July - September worship schedule.

Want more? Why not visit these websites . . .

United Church of Canada www.united-church.ca
United Church Resources www.ucrdstore.ca
Riceville-Pendleton www.riceville-pendletonunitedchurch.ca

The Genesis Cooperative

of the United Church of Canada
42 Mill St., Box 689, Vankleek Hill, ON K0B 1R0
Phone: 613-678-5499
Genesis Cooperative Community

Minister: Rev. Phyllis Dietrich

Administrative Assistant: Gabrielle Becker
Administrative Office Hours:
Monday, Wednesday & Thursday 10:00 am 1:00 pm
Announcement Deadline: Wednesday @ noon

Minutes for Mission

August 30

Tackling the Food Crisis

Global Mission and Service

The Organization of African Instituted Churches works with

Africas most marginalized peoples. A union of African
Independent churches, the organization helps to provide people
with the skills and knowledge they need to make changes for the
better in their communities. Its strength is that its member
churches are indigenous to Africa, rooted in local communities.
The world knows well that food crises are prevalent throughout
Africa. According to the organization, the major contributing factor
to chronic food shortages in Africa is a crisis in smallhold farms.
Responsible for feeding 80 percent of Africa, these farms have
suffered from neglect by political leaders, extreme weather,
changing weather patterns, lack of training, and poor
infrastructure. The organization is resolved to meet these
It believes change comes community by community, building on
the creativity and resourcefulness of local leaders. In 2013 the
Organization of African Instituted Churches resolved to work with
small-hold farmers to tackle the ongoing food crisis and make a
difference in communities by:
helping to secure for farmers access to critical resources
like knowledge, seed, financial support, and appropriate
making sure new farmers, largely women and youth, are
included in programs provided by the state and others;
improving harvest and storage facilities to reduce losses;
offering farmers business and management training so
they can better understand the markets they are a part of.
Our contributions for Mission and Service enable the Organization
of African Instituted Churches to make a difference in the lives of
farmers and communities in Africa as they live with respect in
Mighty and tender God, our gifts to M&S help your church
to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with you.

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