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Molly Caldwell

374 Hilltop Drive | Conestoga, PA 17516

PHONE: 717.544.0574 | FAX: 717.544.0570
Mcaldwell2@lancastergeneral.org | www.lancastergeneral.org

February 2, 2010

Ms. Terri Bowling

Coordinator, Leadership Associate Program
Walker Center for Civic Responsibility and Leadership
Huntingdon House
8 S. George St.
Millersville, PA 17551

Dear Ms Bowling:

Would you like to share your upcoming experience at your leadership retreat, as
well as gain some publicity for the Leadership Associate Program?

My name is Molly Caldwell, and I am a student in the public relations program here
at Millersville University. Since the Walker Center is a client, I would like to write a
newsletter article about your upcoming retreat in Washington, D.C. I would like to
find out what is included in your itinerary; which students will be attending the
retreat; and what you hope to gain from the experience. Could we set up a time
for an interview?

I have heard many great things about your program, and I look forward to hearing
from you soon.


Molly Caldwell
Account Executive

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