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Summer Assignment AP US History 2015

AP US History is designed to provide students with the analytical skills and factual knowledge
that are the equivalent of a two semester college course in US History. The material is presented
chronologically and combines extensive coverage of American history from settlement through
the last decades of the twentieth century with in-depth analysis of significant topics and themes.
The most significant themes that will be examined throughout the year include: the development
of the national character, the development of political institutions and ideas, the impact of
economic and demographic changes on American culture and the environment, religious and
cultural changes, the issues of slavery and race, the roles of class, ethnicity, and gender in
America, the impact of reform movements and ideas, and the conflicting ideas regarding
Americas role in the world.
Because of the nature of the course, there is a great amount of reading required throughout the
year and especially during the first few weeks of the course. It is suggested that students
complete much of their text reading for the first unit during the summer. Students will be
required to complete the assignments once class starts if they did not complete them over the
summer. The reading of Chapter 1 and the questions for that reading will be due on the second
day of class. The reading of Chapter 2 and the questions will be due on the 3 rd day of class. The
reading of Chapter 3 and the questions will be due on the 4 th Day of class. The reading of chapter
4 and the questions will be due on the 5 th day of class. The reading of chapter 5 and the
questions will be due on the 6th day of class. Students may be quizzed in class to check the
reading assignments.
Directions: Read and answer the questions. Detailed responses required for creditAnswers
should be handwritten in Blue or Black ink! TYPED assignments will NOT be accepted! (SD
stands for Specific Detail) Underline Specific Detail in Every Question! Underline specific details
you create when you answer questions where SD is not provide for you. Your assignments
should not be more than 3 handwritten pages. Go to http://blackboard.wcpss.net/or
http://bb9.wcpss.net and search for the course title: AP US History Summer Assignment PCHS.
You might find it useful to purchase a copy of the book so that you may annotate I or so that you
may read ahead.
If you have any questions, you may contact Mr. Merrill at bmerrill1@wcpss.net.
Chapter 1 Questions---DUE on the 2nd Day of class
1. What is the Columbian Exchange? Using specific detail explain the impact of the
Columbian Exchange on the Native Americans AND Europeans.
2. Provide an example of how a specific Native American people adapted to their
3. What were common characteristics of all Indian cultures in the New World?
4. What were encomiendas?
5. Identify the causes and results of Popes Rebellion in New Mexico.
6. In what ways did the Spanish include the Indians within their empire?
Chapter 2 Questions ---- Due on the 3rd Day of Class
1. What were the DIVERSE REASONS for the English settlement of America during the first half
of the seventeenth century?
2. Explain what a joint stock company is. Why were they needed to develop colonies in the
New World?

3. What are the factors that contributed to the development of Jamestown during the first
twenty years of its existence? SD: Captain Smith, tobacco, House of Burgesses, 1619,
indentured servants
4. In what ways did the English disrupt or alter the world of the Native Americans in Virginia?
5. For what reasons was Maryland founded? For what reason was the Maryland Act of
Toleration needed? To what extent was their religious liberty in Maryland?
6. How did North and South Carolina differ in character, leading to their separation in 1712?
7. For what reasons was Georgia settled? Be sure to identify the motivations of the English
government and of James Oglethorpe and the founding philanthropists.
Chapter 3 QuestionsDUE on the 4rd Day of Class
1. What were the important ideas of the Puritans? How were Separatists different from other
Puritans? For what reasons did Puritans migrate to the New World? SD: the elect,
predestination, visible saints
2. Explain the role of religion in the life of the MA Bay Colony? SD: John Winthrop, city upon a
hill, voting rights, freemen, blue laws?
3. For what specific reasons were Anne Hutchinson and Roger Williams seen as threats to the
Massachusetts Bay Commonwealth?
4. Analyze the relationship of the English government with the New England and Middle
Colonies during the course of the seventeenth century. Is the term salutary neglect an
accurate description of Englands policies? SD: Andros, William and Mary,
5. Explain the role of the Dutch in the colonies. SD. New Netherlands, fur, patroonship, How
did England gain control of the Dutch colony?
6. Why did William Penn establish a colony in Pennsylvania? How was the colony among the
most liberal of them all?
7. Compare the pattern of relations between colonists and Indians in New England and
Pennsylvania. Why did attempts at establishing friendly relations fail in each region?
8. Compare the ethnic composition of the Middle colonies with New England and the
Southern colonies.
Chapter 4 QuestionsDUE on the 5th Day of Class
1. How did tobacco farming lead to the indentured servitude system? SD headright
system, freedom dues
2. What was Bacons Rebellion? How did it help cause the rise of African-American slavery in
the Middle Colonies after 1680?
3. Explain how it can be said that slavery in America formed a new culture which was neither
African nor American. Discuss religion, women, and language in your answer.
4. What were slave codes, and in what ways was the treatment of slaves more cruel by
5. How did the numbers and condition of women affect family life and society in New
England, among southern whites and among African American slaves?
6. Explain how the Puritan ideals and religion shaped New England towns, educational
practices and the development of democracy in the region. SD: meeting house, Harvard,
Massachusetts school law
7. What factors demonstrated and led to the decline of Puritanism? SD: jeremiads, Half-Way
Covenant, Salem witch trials
Chapter 5 QuestionsDUE on the 6th Day of Class
1. Describe the following ethnic groups presence in America in 1775, at the eve of the
revolution against England. Describe where they lived and why they settled there, the
influence of religion in their daily lives, their relationship to England and Native Americans,
and other relevant points: Germans, Scots-Irish, African- Americans,

2. What new ideas and practices did the Great Awakening (1730s-1740s) bring? Who were
Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield, and what did they do? How did the Great
Awakening change life in colonies?
3. What did each of the following contribute to culture and politics in the colonies: Phyllis
Wheatly, Benjamin Franklin, John Peter Zenger?
4. What were the common features and beliefs of colonial government? To what extent were
these governments democratic?

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