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The Swan Lake Theater

The Swan Lake is a play inspired in the duality of forces; the borders between
Good and Evil are blurred. Reality is complex and truth is only relative.
The theater is inspired in the swan feathers symbolizing the grace and the
delicacy of these animals, it has two primary axis to symbolize the duality
between the ever good white swan and the mischievous black swan, given the
fact that both characters are the same person the cover resembles two
identical facades.
The Swan Lake Ballet is one of the most classical ballet pieces in the media this
project tries to stay true to the traditional stage and orchestra spaces, the
variation comes in the seating which invites the user to enjoy the performance
in a more relaxed way, enjoying the beautiful choreography in a more dynamic
way, that encourages a more direct interaction with the performers.
A deck to give full panoramic view of the river surrounds the complex; it is also a
way to see the dancers rehearsing thanks to the windows in the rehearsal
area, which brings a spectacle without having to actually enter the complex.
The theater is a one level plan to allow accessibility for all.
The Swan Lake will continue to bring joy to the people who experience it; this is
just an approximation to give a home to a major classical piece.

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